Announcing JustDecompile Q3 2013 All the Telerik Just* tools are getting great new features in the Q3 2013 release, and JustDecompile is no exception! Announcing JustCode Q3 2013 Detailed insight into JustCode latest features.Cyclomatic Complexity A short introduction to the Cyclomatic complexity index and its adjustments.Add Default Modifier New refactoring that allows you to add a default access modifier for any type or class member.Move Type To Another Project Useful new command that helps rearranging your types.Create / Arrange Mock New code generation command that uses JustMock for generating mocks.Fix Format String New Quick Fix command that improves the experience of using format strings. The Difference Between kendo.bind And kendo.initHow to: Handle the naming of navigation properties in 1:m self referencing association See how to modify the naming rules for Navigation Properties in one to many self referencing association.How to: Combine Property and Navigation Property Naming Rules This article will show you how to combine the naming rules for Properties and Navigation Properties. How to use ReportItem.DataObject property in expressions Help article elaborating on how to use ReportItem.DataObject property in expressions How to make Sitefinity forums responsiveThe blog post provides CSS styling guidelines for adding responsive design for Sitefinity forums widget.
MVC updates in Sitefinity 6.2The blog post provides an over of the new MVC features that are available in Sitefinity 6.2 release.CommonRender Modes A new article about the different rendering modes of RadControls.
Troubleshooting Updated help article describing how to resolve the most common failures during configuration and file uploading.Configuring multiple containers for one Cloud Storage Provider Added new help article describing how to configure RadCloudUpload to upload files in multiple containers for the same cloud storage provider.
RadGridBatch Editing Updated topic about the recently introduced feature of RadGrid.
Batch Events The first topic from a collection of articles demonstrating the client-side event handlers provided for batch editing.
Modified Tasks This example demonstrates how to implement a solution for setting a tasks as 'dirty'.PixelsToPixelLengthConversion This example demonstrates how the conversion between real Pixels and the PixelLength property of the RadGanttView control is calculated.RadMenuCreate Scrollable Menus We have updated the examples and screenshots.Orientation and DropDownPlacement We have added new section about the DropDownPlacement property.RadPivotGridGroup Filtering for LocalDataSourceProvider We have updated this article in order to show how to use complex LabelFilters.LocalDataSourceCalculatedFields The SDK Example shows how to use Calculated Fields with LocalDataSourceProvider.LocalDataSourceCalculatedItems In this example you will find out how to add Calculated Items to your data from LocalDataSourceProvider.RadGanttView
Modified TasksThis example demonstrates how to implement a solution for setting a tasks as 'dirty'. PixelsToPixelLengthConversion
This example demonstrates how the conversion between real Pixels and the PixelLength property of the RadGanttView control is calculated.
Create Scrollable Menus
We have updated the examples and screenshots.
Orientation and DropDownPlacement
We have added new section about the DropDownPlacement property.
Group Filtering for LocalDataSourceProvider
We have updated this article in order to show how to use complex LabelFilters.
The SDK Example shows how to use Calculated Fields with LocalDataSourceProvider.
In this example you will find out how to add Calculated Items to your data from LocalDataSourceProvider.
Customize printing
RadRichTextBox allows you to print its content by passing a PrintDialog instance to it. This means that you can print silently to a printer other than the default one or modify other settings.
RadSchedulerRecurring EventsA new article that elaborates on working with recurring events in RadScheduler.
Filtering RadScheduler DynamicallyA new SDK example that shows how to apply filtering to RadScheduler. In this specific example, events are filtered by the city they take place in, using checkboxes.
RadGridViewBinding to ObservableCollection This article demonstrates how you can bind RadGridView to an ObservableCollection.RadListViewFormatting Items This article shows how to change the visual appearance of the RadListView items.RadListViewCustom items The article describes how you can create a custom item and add it to the RadListView. Forms and DialogsGettingStarted Check out how you can configure RadStatusStrip.