Q3 2013 SP1 of Telerik OpenAccess ORM is now live and it brings a variety of enhancements. However, with the introduction of more and more supported database versions, design-time tools and Visual Studio releases, we have to start considering what are the legacy versions that really need to be supported as we develop the product in the year 2014.
Visual Studio 2008
We have asked and you have confirmed in polls that Visual Studio 2008 is not used that often anymore. With the Service Pack we have introduced support for the final release of Visual Studio 2013 which is already catching up in usage, and Visual Studio 2008 is still supported. However, we will
discontinue the VS 2008 support with the
next official release, either Q3 2013 SP2 or Q1 2014.
Microsoft has done so already - the Mainstream Support for VS 2008 has ended in September, 2013.
OpenAccess Classic wizards
The Classic wizards, a legacy from the old releases of OpenAcess ORM, has been
partially hidden behind a special menu item. As the Visual Designer and its tooling have been around for years already, we believe that supporting a less usable and productive version of our design-time is of little value. Therefore, Q3 2013 SP1 will be the last one to support those wizards. Note that the OpenAccess Classic API based on ObjectScope, together with the configuration-based mapping and the OQL engine will still be there.
Oracle 9i
After we have recently introduced Oracle 12c support, and considering that Oracle stopped the extended support for Oracle 9i in 2010, we don't believe upgrading our Oracle 9i support in the future will make much sense. This way, the supported versions of Oracle are now 10.1, 10.2, 11.1, 11.2, and 12.1.
MySQL 5.0
Just like Oracle 9, the MySQL 5.0 life-cycle shows that the Premier Support End is defined as December, 2011. Oracle generally recommend upgrades to 5.5 or 5.6 versions, which are the ones we will continue testing the next versions of OpenAccess ORM against.
Q: What is the policy for Visual Studio versions support?
A: We are targeting to support the latest version of Visual Studio and the previous two versions. For Q1 2014 that means Visual Studio 2010, 2012 and 2013.
Q: Do I need to migrate from the old mapping to the new one?
A: We would recommend that, but it is not absolutely necessary. The old mapping and the old APIs will still be available, just the design-time tooling for them will be discontinued. For migration you can either use the Convert to Domain Model wizard, or you can reverse-map your database again and make the necessary changes.
If you have any questions, concerns or difficulties migrating, do not hesitate to post them in our Community Forums or contact us through our Support Ticketing system.