If you are creating OData or WCF services in your application and have been using the Telerik Data Services Wizard, things just got a whole lot easier. As I have shown before, you can go from File|New to a new CRUD application in 30 seconds using the wizard. With the Q3 release last month, Telerik gives you more control over the wizard and its output. Some of the new features are: the ability to isolate your service in its own project, the ability to select which CRUD methods gets created for each entity, and Silverlight data validation. Let’s take a look.
When you run the wizard, on its first page you now have the option, as shown here, to separate the service in its own class library. You can check the checkbox and type in a project name and the Data Services Wizard create the implementation files for the service in this new class library for you.
In previous versions of the wizard, the wizard would create all of the CRUD operations for you automatically. We received feedback from customers that said they would like more control over this process, allow some entities to be read only for example. The Q3 version of the wizard now allows you to select which CRUD methods to generate for each entity.
Lastly, if you choose the automatic Silverlight application generation, the wizard will read the database validation rules and replicate them as client side validation rules, saving you a lot of configuration and coding!
Enjoy the new wizard’s improvements!
Stephen Forte sits on the board of several start-ups including Triton Works. Stephen is also the Microsoft Regional Director for the NY Metro region and speaks regularly at industry conferences around the world. He has written several books on application and database development including Programming SQL Server 2008 (MS Press).