Telerik blogs
  • Mobile

    Is This Thing On? (A four-part series)

    The growth of technologies like local storage, and the exposure of certain device APIs — like the camera or geolocation — to the browser (or to a hybrid application) has had an interesting side effect on web developers: the growing need to check the connectivity state of the client. Regardless of the reason or device - if you're working on web, mobile web or hybrid mobile applications, odds are very high that you will run into the need to check connectivity state on your current or next project. Lets take a look at some of the APIs available to help you.
    August 06, 2013
  • Mobile

    Push Notifications With Apache Cordova & Icenium

    Push notifications are messages sent from an application server to a specific device using the vendor infrastructure. Typically, push notifications are used to notify an application to update its data. For example, push notifications are sent when a feed has been updated, a message has been received, or a new appointment has been made.
    August 01, 2013
  • Mobile

    Four Tips While Using Icenium Mist

    Icenium Mist is a browser-based IDE which you can use to develop hybrid mobile applications on the Icenium cloud platform. If you've spent any amount of time in IDEs like Visual Studio, WebStorm or Eclipse, then you'll certainly have no issue figuring out how Mist works. I wanted to put together a few tips, though, of things you might not notice immediately.
    July 29, 2013
  • Mobile

    What is Icenium Really?

    There is undoubtedly no profession that changes faster than ours. New tools and frameworks seem to emerge every day, and it can be easy to get lost in the sea of ingenuity. It's wonderful that the boundaries are constantly being moved, but that requires us as developers to be experts at hitting a moving target. Icenium is a new tool in the aforementioned sea, so lets get down to brass tacks. Let's ditch the hype and the marketing speak for a bit and take a look at what Icenium really is.
    March 28, 2013