Pocket EM 2012, built with Telerik RadControls, is the top Euro 2012 app in Germany and one of the top Sports apps on the Marketplace.
And there is more…
Parents, make your life easier with apps like Munchkin Games and Parenthood.
For the first time on our Windows Phone Showcase Gallery, apps especially targeted at the Portuguese market: MADE in PORTUGAL, GOLDEN ACCOUNT, Farmácias em Portugal.
For more info, check the Windows Phone Showcase Gallery.
Don’t forget to download one of Telerik latest releases- Metro Design Templates which feature more than 20 page and content templates to make your app nicer and your job easier. You can download them here.
Ina Toncheva (@pakostina) is a Product Marketing Manager at Telerik. She is a digital and mobile marketing explorer and works at Telerik with a focus on the native mobile UI family.