As we are constantly trying to make the Telerik OpenAccess ORM learning resources and documentation better and easier to use, we have made some changes that you might find very useful.
Recently we released two sets of entry level videos on working with Telerik OpenAccess ORM. You can choose your scenario between Database First or Model First approach the short series of 2-3 videos will guide you from creating your model to updating your changes to/from the database. Check them out and don't forget to LIKE them. Feel free to post some feedback about your learning experience either here or in YouTube!
We have restructured the online documentation's Table of Contents in order to better match your requirements and simplify the process of finding what you need just by opening the relevant nodes of the tree. Plenty of articles were split into smaller How-To tutorials for better traceability - you will be able to locate exactly the answer of your question, without having to read lots of content.
Furthermore, we have made some improvements in our documentation Search functionality, so that the results of the search engine will be more relevant and useful for your needs.
We are looking forward to hearing from you about the documentation changes - is the Table of Contents better now? Do you have any difficulties finding what you need? Do not hesitate to point us the discrepancies you might encounter - you will be rewarded with Telerik Points as we value your input highly!