Not too long ago I wrote about using jsHybugger to remote debug Android devices (specifically ones not yet running Android 4.4). jsHybugger requires a license (assuming you aren't using a trial) - and you have two ways to include it:
directory in your Android .apk file.At first, I was taking the second approach - but this got old very quickly! I asked our engineering team if it was possible for me to include my license.xml
file as part of my Icenium project, and have it copied to the res/xml
directory as part of the build. Turns out, it is possible. Here are the steps I took to make it happen:
In my case, I was using the in-browser client/IDE for Icenium. To connect to a git repository (if you haven't already), use the "Version Control" menu at the top, and choose "Configure Remote Repository":
I want to connect this app to my "everloader-sample" repository on github:
After clicking "Connect", click "Done".
Next we need to commit and push our code to the newly connected repository. Use the "Version Control" menu again, and choose "Commit":
Then we enter a commit message and click "Commit":
Now that we've made a commit, we can push it to GitHub by using the "Version Control" menu and selecting "Push" (and entering your GitHub credentials if prompted to do so):
Use your favorite Git client. In my case, I'm opening a zsh prompt and cloning from the command line:
FileIn order to target the res
directory on an Android in our application, I need to add the assets to the App_Resources/Android
directory, which can be seen towards the top of the directory structure below:
+-- ImageUploadUtility +-- App_Resources ¦ +-- Android ¦ +-- iOS +-- ImageUploadUtility.proj +-- Plugins ¦ +-- cordova-plugin-jshybugger +-- +-- cordova.ios.js +-- index.html +-- kendo ¦ +-- js ¦ +-- styles +-- scripts ¦ +-- app ¦ +-- lib +-- styles ¦ +-- images ¦ +-- main.css +-- views +-- addImage.html
I want to add an xml
directory, and include my license.xml
file inside it. Once I've done so, my directory structure will look something like this (note license.xml
towards the bottom):
+-- ImageUploadUtility +-- App_Resources ¦ +-- Android ¦ ¦ +-- AndroidManifest.xml ¦ ¦ +-- drawable-hdpi ¦ ¦ ¦ +-- icon.png ¦ ¦ +-- drawable-ldpi ¦ ¦ ¦ +-- icon.png ¦ ¦ +-- drawable-mdpi ¦ ¦ ¦ +-- icon.png ¦ ¦ +-- drawable-nodpi ¦ ¦ ¦ +-- splashscreen.9.png ¦ ¦ +-- xml ¦ ¦ +-- license.xml (more...)
Now that we've added the directory & file, let's commit and push to GitHub:
Now that the GitHub repo has been updated, we can choose the "Pull" option on the "Version Control" menu in the Icenium browser client:
Finally! Using the "Run" menu, we select "Build" and choose to build for Android. While I could install the app and test if I can run a jsHybugger session without being prompted for a license, for the sake of proving that this actually worked, we're going to download the .apk installer and look inside:
Once we've downloaded the .apk we can rename the extension to .zip and then extract it like any archive. Below, I've browsed to the res
directory at the root of the extracted .apk/.zip and am using a tree utility to print the directory structure:
There you have it! To add something to the res
directory, you need to add it to the App_Resources/{Platform}
directory (where {Platform} is either Android or iOS, depending on which one you're targeting).
If you're using the Visual Studio Extension for Icenium, you're in luck! The App_Resources
folder is visible in Solution Explorer:
You can add folders & files to the target platform folder under App_Resources
as you need and they will be included in the res
directory of the installer package.