There is nothing we like more than writing code...but when we're not writing code we love getting out on the town to meet all of you that are using Icenium. Over the past couple of weeks we've had a ton of fun doing just that. We visited Las Vegas and San Francisco for the
HTML5 Connections conference and
QCon respectively and had a chance to show of Icenium and answer lots of questions. It was a blast, and we'll be doing a lot more of it.
HTML5 Connections, Las Vegas
Woody and I had a great time on Halloween. I dressed as Woody, and he dressed as me and we took the stage to deliver the HTML5 Connections keynote. This was a great event, with around 1,000 people attending the keynote. Woody and I tag-teamed to show of some of the great features of Icenium, including Graphite, Mist, Ion and LiveSync (to half-a-dozen devices at once).
One of the highlights was the hands-on demos that Woody did. One of my favorites is when he shows of how to use the device simulator to test an app using a compass simulation.
Of course, there's nothing like seeing Icenium in action, especially when you see an app compiled in the cloud and deployed via LiveSync to half-a-dozen devices, including an Apple iPhone & iPad, Google Nexus 7, Samsung Galaxy S III & Galaxy Note and more.
We're editing together some footage we captured from the event and we'll post a link when its ready.
After the keynote we spent some time at the Expo Hall booth doing more demos and answering question.
Thanks to everyone who stopped by - I hope you got one of the coveted "Both Ways" t-shirts like
QCon, San Francisco
One quick stop at home to change luggage, and Woody was back out on the road. His next stop was QCon where he and
Nikolay did a ton of demos in the booth, and Woody presented a fantastic session on Hybrid App development with Icenium.
Anytime Nikolay is in the building you can bet something fun will happen, and this was no exception. While talking with an attendee, Nikolay pulled off the unheard of - he ran the Mist device simulator on an Android phone, simulating an iPhone. Next thing you know he'll be travelling back in time to tell a younger Nikolay how to do it.
Come and Say Hi
In the coming months we'll be at a lot of events. Make sure you check out our
Events page to find out where we are heading. Come by and say "Hi" and ask for one of our cool t-shirts. We'd love to meet you in person.
Next Stop:
AWS re: Invent, Las Vegas