Telerik blogs
  • Release

    Introducing Breadcrumb for Silverlight

    I’m happy to announce that with the Q2 2011 Beta we are releasing a new rad control – RadBreadcrumb. With the Q2 Beta the RadBreadcrumb will be available only for Silverlight and we will include a WPF version for the official Q2 2011 release.  The Breadcrumb control is a lot like the TreeView – you have a hierarchy through which you can freely navigate, but unlike the TreeView the breadcrumb is showing only the currently selected path in the hierarchy and have a couple of additional features like history and text mode. In this blog post I’ll try to explain you the...
  • Release

    New TileView features

    We are happy to announce that with the Q2 2011 Beta we are adding a couple of new features which will help you to customize the layout of the RadTileView even more. There are three new TileViewPanel properties: IsRowsShrinkEnabled and IsColumnsShrinkEnabled Those two properties are effecting the arrange of the items in Restored state. With them you’ll be able to have restored items with different sizes without this causing the appearance of blank spaces between them.
  • Release

    TileView Selection

      I’m happy to announce that with the Q1 2011 SP1 release RadTileView will have yet another new and amazing feature – selection. This will allow you to mark, group or highlight your TileViewItems with a single click. The TileView selection supports three modes: Single – this is the default selection mode and it is the simplest one as well. In this mode you select/deselect an item by a single left mouse button click and you can’t have more that one selected item. Multiple – this is similar to the Single mode, the only difference is that you can select more that one item. Extended – this...
    April 19, 2011
  • Desktop WPF

    TileView with DataPager

      With this post I’ll show you how to create a simple catalog like functionality for your application using RadTileView and RadDataPager.  We will create a catalog with 10 000 RadTileViewItems distributed in 100 pages and each page will have UI Virtualization. At the end this sample application will look like this: Demo We’ll start with a tileview, a datapager <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="White">     <Grid.RowDefinitions>         <RowDefinition />         <RowDefinition Height="Auto" />     </Grid.RowDefinitions>       <telerik:RadTileView x:Name="myTileView" />     <telerik:RadDataPager Grid.Row="1" /> </Grid> … and a simple business item...
    March 08, 2011
  • Web

    TileView new feature: Maximized item docking

      With the Q1 2011 the RadTileView will support a couple of new features. One of them is the Windows 7 like docking for maximizing an item. To use this feature will be easy and intuitive. The first thing you'll have to do is turn it on using the IsDockingEnabled property, then drag an item to the desired maximize position(note that depending on the position a respective MaximizeArea will appear) and drop it there. Example Here I'll show you how to create a simple RadTileView with docking. First let's add a RadTileView, some DataTemplates and styles for the RadTileView and the RadTileViewItems: <Grid.Resources>     <DataTemplate x:Key="itemTemplate">         <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">             <TextBlock Text="Item" />             <TextBlock Text="{Binding...
    February 10, 2011