Telerik blogs
  • Productivity

    Getting Started with ADO.NET Data Services and Telerik Open Access – Step IV

    Just a quick follow-up: we uploaded the application sample as a code library item named "Using OpenAccess with SilverLight and Ado.Net Data Services" and it is available at:...
    December 16, 2008
  • Productivity

    Getting Started with ADO.NET Data Services and Telerik Open Access – Step III

    After we prepared our data service it is time to put some client UI into it. I must apologize in advance as the only UI that I’ve used is a ListBox control, and it looks… well pretty much ugly. The goal was to proof that the whole setup works as expected, not to design a profound UI solution. I am pretty sure that as a follow up, our SilverLight team will enhance the sample to a full-scale integration example very soon.
    December 16, 2008
  • Productivity

    Getting Started with ADO.NET Data Services and Telerik Open Access – Step II

    In my previous post we looked into providing data to the client using ADO.NET Data Services and Telerik OpenAccess. However it is very rare just to present data, as usually some processing is done by the application on the client side, data gets modified and it is pushed back to the server for persistence. With ADO.NET Data Services this is done by implementing the IUpdateable interface by the data context class used on the server. NOTE: We do not implement IExpandProvider at the moment. They say that a picture is worth a thousand words, so same is true for the code – I...
    December 15, 2008
  • Productivity

    Getting Started with ADO.NET Data Services and Telerik Open Access - The First step

    To my opinion the day the Astoria incubation project was unveiled,  all about querying and pushing data through a webservice changed for good. I was pretty amazed to see that the REST paradigm was so easily embraced in the .NET world. Now some time later, this is an official release and it is called ADO.NET Data Services. For all of you that are not familiar with ADO.NET Data Services you can find more information here. To put it shortly: <quote>“The goal of the ADO.Net Data Services framework is to facilitate the creation of flexible data services that are naturally integrated with...
    December 12, 2008

    Enabling development on Vista 64

    Well as I figured it out it was not a complicated thing, but there are some specifics of course: Installing IIS By default IIS7 is included in the distribution (I use the Enterprise edition of Windows Vista), but is not installed by default. To do so open ControlPanel > Programs and Features. On the right side of the window click the "Turn Windows features on or off" link and a dialog will open: Installing required features You can select and check the Internet Information Services feature. By default not everything required gets selected. You have to check also the Internet Information Services>World Wide Web Services>Security>...
    December 12, 2008