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Persist Selected Tab in the TabStrip


ProductGrid for Progress® Telerik® UI for ASP.NET Core


How can I persist the selected tab in the TabStrip when the user refreshes the page or navigates to another page?


  1. Handle the Select event of the TabStrip and get the name of the selected tab. Send it through an AJAX request to the server and store it.

    		var selectedTab = ViewData["tabinfo"];
          .Events(ev => ev.Select("onSelect"))
    	  // Other configuration
    		function onSelect(e) {
    			if (e.item) {
    					type: "POST",
    					url: "@Url.Action("SaveTabName","Home")",
    					data: { name: e.item.innerText },
    					success: function(result) {
    						if(result) {
    							console.log("Successfully saved tab!");
    					error: function(err) {
    						console.log("Tab is not saved.");
  2. When the document is ready, get the name of the selected tab through the ViewData["tabinfo"] and activate the respective tab.

    		$(document).ready(function () {
    			var savedTab = '@Html.Raw(selectedTab)';
    			if(savedTab != "") {
    				var tabStrip = $("#tabstrip").data("kendoTabStrip");
    				var tabEelement = $("li:contains('" + savedTab + "')");
    				tabStrip.activateTab(tabEelement); // Activate the latest selected tab.

More ASP.NET Core TabStrip Resources

See Also