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The Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core Wizard supports configuration of its layout.
By default the Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core Wizard is rendered with a Stepper in a horizontal orientation above the content of the Wizard. The layout could be configured via the ContentPosition
configuration option. The available options allow you to display a vertical Stepper on the left or right side of the Wizard step content.
The following example demonstrates how to initialize a Wizard with a vertical Stepper and content rendered on the right side of the Stepper.
.Steps(s=> {
.Title("User Details")
.Form(form =>
form.Items(itm =>
itm.Add().Field(f => f.UserName);
itm.Add().Field(f => f.Email);
itm.Add().Field(f => f.Password);
.Title("Personal Details")
.Form(form =>
form.Items(itm =>
itm.Add().Field(f => f.FirstName);
itm.Add().Field(f => f.LastName);
itm.Add().Field(f => f.DateOfBirth);