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The Drawer for ASP.NET Core exposes the Show, Hide, and ItemClick events that you can handle to customize the functions of the component.

More details about the Drawer events are available in the Drawer API.

The next example shows how to use the ItemClick() event to display the content in the selected Drawer item. To hide the content for the items that aren't currently selected, you will apply the hidden CSS style.

    @using Kendo.Mvc.UI

                <li data-role='drawer-item' class='k-selected'><span class='k-icon k-i-inbox'></span><span class='k-item-text' data-id='Inbox'>Inbox</span></li>
                <li data-role='drawer-separator'></li>
                <li data-role='drawer-item'><span class='k-icon k-i-notification k-i-bell'></span><span class='k-item-text' data-id='Notifications'>Notifications</span></li>
                <li data-role='drawer-item'><span class='k-icon k-i-calendar'></span><span class='k-item-text' data-id='Calendar'>Calendar</span></li>
                <li data-role='drawer-separator'></li>
                <li data-role='drawer-item'><span class='k-icon k-i-star-outline k-i-bookmark-outline'></span><span class='k-item-text' data-id='Favorites'>Favorites</span></li>
                <li data-role='drawer-separator'></li>
            <div id='drawer-content'>
                <div id='Inbox' >
                    <p>You're all caught up.</p>
                <div id='Notifications' class='hidden'>
                    <p>You don't have any notifications.</p>
                <div id='Calendar' class='hidden'>
                    <p>Nothing scheduled for today.</p>

                <div id='Favorites' class='hidden'>
                    <p>Your favorites will appear here.</p>                    
        .Events(x => x.ItemClick("onItemClick")))

        function onItemClick(e) {
                e.sender.drawerContainer.find("#drawer-content > div").addClass("hidden");
                e.sender.drawerContainer.find("#drawer-content").find("#" + e.item.find(".k-item-text").attr("data-id")).removeClass("hidden");

        .hidden {
            display: none;

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