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ASP.NET Core RadialGauge Overview

The Telerik UI RadialGauge TagHelper and HtmlHelper for ASP.NET Core are server-side wrappers for the Kendo UI RadialGauge widget.

The RadialGauge represents values on a radial arc.

Initializing the RadialGauge

The following example demonstrates how to initialize the RadialGauge.

          .Name("radialGauge") // The name of the RadialGauge is mandatory. It specifies the "id" attribute of the widget.
          .Scale(scale => scale
              .Min(0) // Set the min value of the RadialGauge.
              .Max(200) // Set the min value of the RadialGauge.
          .Pointer(pointer => pointer
              .Value(10) // Set the value of the RadialGauge.

Referencing Existing Instances

To reference an existing Kendo UI RadialGauge instance, use the configuration option. Once a reference is established, use the RadialGauge client-side API to control its behavior.

    // Place the following after the RadialGauge for ASP.NET Core declaration.
        $(function() {
            // The Name() of the RadialGauge is used to get its client-side instance.
            var gauge = $("#radialGauge").data("kendoRadialGauge");

Functionality and Features

  • Scale—You can control how the scale of the Radial Gauge renders the values, pointers and labels.
  • Pointers—The Pointers of the Telerik UI RadialGauge for ASP.NET Core are the values that will be marked on the scale.
  • Export—You can export the Radial Gauge as an image, SVG, or a PDF file.

Next Steps

See Also