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ASP.NET Core Rating Overview

The Telerik UI Rating TagHelper and HtmlHelper for ASP.NET Core are server-side wrappers for the Kendo UI Rating widget.

The Rating allows to intuitively rate by selecting number of items stars from a predefined maximum number of items.

Initializing the Rating

The following example demonstrates how to define the Rating.


Basic Configuration

The following example demonstrates the basic configuration for the Rating.


    $(function() {
        // The Name() of the Rating is used to get its client-side instance.
        var rating = $("#rating").data("kendoRating");

Functionality and Features

SelectionThe Rating allows you to control the selection of its items.
PrecisionYou are able to control the precision with which a rating is selected.
LabelThe component allows you to customize its label.
TooltipThe rating items display tooltips by default. They contain the value of each item.
TemplatesBy default, each Rating item is rendered with a star icon. You are able to customize the icon.
AccessibilityThe Rating is accessible by screen readers and provides WAI-ARIA, Section 508, WCAG 2.2, and keyboard support.

Next Steps

See Also