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Keyboard Navigation

The Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core FlatColorPicker is a single-tab-stop component. The component implements inner navigation that you can activate by pressing the Enter key. When inner navigation is activated, the focus is trapped within the component. To return to the page navigation, press Esc. The keyboard navigation of the FlatColorPicker is always available.

The UI for ASP.NET Core FlatColorPicker supports the following keyboard shortcuts:

When FlatColorPicker wrapper is focused-
TabNavigates to the next focusable element after the FlatColorPicker.
Shift+TabNavigates to the previous focusable element before the FlatColorPicker.
EnterActivates the inner FlatColorPicker navigation.
When FlatColorPicker inner navigation is activated-
Space/EnterWhen the Toggle format button is focused, changes the format between RGB and HEX. When a View button is focused, switches to Palette or Gradient view.
Tabnavigates to the next FlatColorPicker element.
Shift+Tabnavigates to the previous FlatColorPicker element.
Arrow Up/RightWhen any of the FlatColorPicker's sliders is focused, increases their value. When the drag handle in the FlatColorPicker canvas is focused, moves in the corresponding direction.
Arrow Down/LeftWhen any of the FlatColorPicker's sliders is focused, decreases their value. When the drag handle in the FlatColorPicker canvas is focused, moves in the corresponding direction.

For a complete example, refer to the demo on keyboard navigation of the FlatColorPicker.

See Also

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