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Editing by using the Click-Move-Click functionality

As of Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core UI R2 SP1 2023, users can reorder the TreeList's rows by using the click-move-click functionality provided by the Editable.Move.ClickMoveClick configuration option. To allow the user to use the functionality make sure to also add a column with a drag handle via the .Draggable() configuration method. To start moving the row, users can click the drag icon, and then click again to place the row in its new position. Refer to the example below for the configuration details:

        .Columns(columns =>
            columns.Add().Field(f => f.FirstName).Width(250).Title("First Name");
            columns.Add().Field(e => e.LastName).Title("Last Name");
            columns.Add().Field(e => e.Position);
		.Editable(editable => editable.Move(move => move.Reorderable(true).ClickMoveClicl(true)))
		.DataSource(dataSource => dataSource
        	.Read(read => read.Action("Employees_Read", "TreeList"))
        	.Update(update => update.Action("Employees_Update", "TreeList"))
        	.Model(m =>
        	    m.Id(f => f.OrderID);
        	    m.ParentId(f => f.ParentOrderID).Nullable(true);
		/* other TreeList settings */

Editing by Dragging and Dropping

Currently, the dragging and dropping of items (.Editable(editable=>editable.Move(true)) and .Editable(editable=>editable.Move(move => move.Reorderable(true)))) is not supported with the incell edit mode of the TreeList because the draggable functionality prevents the mousedown event. As a result, the change event of the editor input does not fire, which in turn prevents the MVVM binding from saving the updated value. To work around this problem, refer to this GitHub issue.

When the .Editable(editable=>editable.Move(true)) property is set to true, the user can drag and drop the rows and the TreeList internally updates the ParentId field. Setting the .Editable(editable=>editable.Move(move => move.Reorderable(true))) property to true enables users not only to move items to a different level in the hierarchy but also allows users to reorder items within a particular hierarchy level.

To persist the new hierarchy, configure the TreeList data source for CRUD operations and set transport.update as a bare minimum. For a runnable example, refer to the demo on editing by dragging and dropping the rows of the TreeList.

		.Editable(editable => editable.Move(move => move.Reorderable(true))
		.DataSource(dataSource => dataSource
        	.Read(read => read.Action("Employees_Read", "TreeList"))
        	.Update(update => update.Action("Employees_Update", "TreeList"))
        	.Model(m =>
        	    m.Id(f => f.OrderID);
        	    m.ParentId(f => f.ParentOrderID).Nullable(true);
		/* other TreeList settings */

See Also

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