The Telerik UI ListView TagHelper and HtmlHelper for ASP.NET Core are server-side wrappers for the Kendo UI ListView widget. To add the component to your ASP.NET Core app, you can use either.
The ListView enables you to display a custom layout of data-bound items. The ListView is ideally suited for displaying a list of items in a consistent manner. You can see commonplace examples of its use in the design structures of the Internet, search engine results, tweets from Twitter, Facebook updates, inbox items in Gmail, card lists in Trello, and so on.
The ListView enables you to control the display of data. It does not provide a default rendering of data-bound items. Instead, it relies on templates to define the way a list of items is displayed, including alternating items and items that are in the process of editing.
The following example demonstrates how to define the ListView.
The TagName of the ListView for ASP.NET Core is used to create an element to contain all ListView items once the ListView is bound.
The ClientTemplateId is mandatory for the ListView. It contains the id of the script element which accommodates the item template.
@(Html.Kendo().ListView().Name("productListView")// The name of the ListView is mandatory. It specifies the "id" attribute of the widget..TagName("div")// The tag name of the ListView is mandatory. It specifies the element which wraps all ListView items..ClientTemplateId("template")// This template will be used for rendering the ListView items..DataSource(dataSource =>{
dataSource.Read(read => read.Action("Products_Read","ListView"));})// The DataSource configuration. It will be used on paging..Pageable()// Enable paging.)
The ListView component allows you to adapt your apps for international users by translating the component messages and applying a right-to-left layout.