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The Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core Chart supports customization of its legend, which displays the name of the configured data series.

  • Series without a specified name will not display legend items.
  • To render a legend item for the Pie, Donut, and Funnel series, set the categoryField of the items.

Configuring the Legend Items

The legend item types and settings are derived from the series configuration.

To customize the legend, use the Legend configuration option.

The following example shows how to customize the Legend Item of a given series:

        .Series(series =>
            series.Line(new double[] { 4.54, 3.32, 2.71 }).Name("World")
            .LegendItem(li => li
                .Markers(m => m.Type(ChartMarkerShape.Triangle))
                .Area(a => a.Opacity(0.5))
                .Highlight(h => h.Visible(true).Markers(hm => hm.Type(ChartMarkerShape.Rect))));

You can also configure the legend items for all series. The following example shows how to do that:

        .SeriesDefaults(sd => sd.Line()
                .LegendItem(li => li
                .Markers(m => m.Type(ChartMarkerShape.Triangle))
                .Area(a => a.Opacity(0.5)))

Positioning and Orientation

To control the position of the legend, use any of the following supported Position values:

  • "Top"
  • "Bottom"
  • "Left"
  • "Right"
  • "Custom"

The following example demonstrates how to configure the position and orientation of the Chart legend.

        .Legend(legend => legend
        // Other options.

To customize the position of the legend, use the offsetX and offsetY options.

UI for ASP.NET Core Chart custom legend position

        .Legend(legend => legend.Position(ChartLegendPosition.Custom).OffsetX(500).OffsetY(200))
        // Other options.

Showing and Hiding

If you set the series names, the Chart displays a default legend.

The following example demonstrates how to hide the legend by setting its Visisble option to false.

        .Legend(legend => legend
        // Other options.

Hiding a Series from the Legend

To exclude series from the legend, set their VisibleInLegend option to false.

        .Legend(legend => legend.Position(ChartLegendPosition.Top))
        .Series(series =>
            series.Bar(new double[] { 56000, 63000, 74000, 91000, 117000, 138000 }).Name("Total Visits").VisibleInLegend(false);
            series.Bar(new double[] { 52000, 34000, 23000, 48000, 67000, 83000 }).Name("Unique visitors");
        // Other options.

Setting a Title

You can configure the legend section of the Chart to render a title with customizable layout and content.

To define a title, configure the Title property of the Legend configuration.

       .Legend(legend => legend
        // Other options.

See Also