name | String | Sets the name of the component. |
drop-zone | String | Initializes a drop-zone element based on a given selector, which provides the drag-and-drop file upload. |
deferred | Boolean | Suppress initialization script rendering. Note that this options should be used in conjunction with DeferredScripts method. |
is-in-client-template | Boolean | When placing a Tag Helper within a Kendo Template, set the type to text/html and add the is-in-client-template="true" attribute. |
as-module | Boolean | |
directory | Boolean | Enables the selection of folders instead of files. When the user selects a directory, its entire content hierarchy of files is included in the set of selected items. The directory setting is available only in browsers which support webkitdirectory. |
directory-drop | Boolean | Enables the dropping of folders over the Upload and its drop zone. When a directory is dropped, its entire content hierarchy of files is included in the set of selected items. The directoryDrop setting is available only in browsers which support DataTransferItem and webkitGetAsEntry. |
enabled | Boolean | Enables (if set to true) or disables (if set to false) an Upload. To re-enable a disabled Upload, use enable(). |
has-client-component | Boolean | |
multiple | Boolean | Enables (if set to true) or disables (if set to false) the selection of multiple files. If set to false, the user can select only one file at a time. |
on-cancel | String | Fires when the upload was cancelled while in progress. |
on-clear | String | Fires when the files are cleared by clicking on the Clear button. |
on-complete | String | Fires when all active uploads complete—either successfully or with errors. |
on-error | String | Fires when an upload or remove operation fails. |
on-pause | String | Fires when the files are cleared by clicking the Pause button. The button is visible if chunksize is set. |
on-progress | String | Fires when the data about the progress of the upload is available. |
on-remove | String | Fires when an uploaded file is about to be removed. If the event is canceled, the remove operation is prevented. |
on-resume | String | Fires when the files are resumed through clicking the Resume button. The button is visible if chunksize is set and the file upload is paused. |
on-select | String | Fires when a file is selected. |
on-success | String | Fires when an upload or remove operation is completed successfully. |
on-upload | String | Fires when one or more files are about to be uploaded. The canceling of the event prevents the upload. |
sanitize-id | Boolean | |
script-attributes | IDictionary<String,Object> | |
show-file-list | Boolean | Enables (if set to true) or disables (if set to false) the display of a file listing for the file upload. The disabling of a file listing might be useful if you want to customize the UI. To build your own UI, use the client-side events. |
template | String | Sets a template for rendering the files in the file list.The template data Array consists of: name - The name of the file. If in batch upload mode, represents a string combination of all file names separated with comma.; size - The file size in bytes. If in batch upload mode, represents the total file size. If not available, the value is null. or files - An array which contains information about all selected files (name, size, and extension).. |
template-handler | String | Sets a template for rendering the files in the file list.The template data Array consists of: name - The name of the file. If in batch upload mode, represents a string combination of all file names separated with comma.; size - The file size in bytes. If in batch upload mode, represents the total file size. If not available, the value is null. or files - An array which contains information about all selected files (name, size, and extension).. |
template-id | String | Sets a template for rendering the files in the file list.The template data Array consists of: name - The name of the file. If in batch upload mode, represents a string combination of all file names separated with comma.; size - The file size in bytes. If in batch upload mode, represents the total file size. If not available, the value is null. or files - An array which contains information about all selected files (name, size, and extension).. |
template-view | IHtmlContent | Sets a template for rendering the files in the file list.The template data Array consists of: name - The name of the file. If in batch upload mode, represents a string combination of all file names separated with comma.; size - The file size in bytes. If in batch upload mode, represents the total file size. If not available, the value is null. or files - An array which contains information about all selected files (name, size, and extension).. |