name | String | Sets the name of the component. |
custom-type | String | If set, the data source will use a predefined transport and/or schema.The supported values are: "odata" which supports the OData v.2 protocol, "odata-v4" which partially supports odata version 4 |
deferred | Boolean | Suppress initialization script rendering. Note that this options should be used in conjunction with DeferredScripts method. |
is-in-client-template | Boolean | When placing a Tag Helper within a Kendo Template, set the type to text/html and add the is-in-client-template="true" attribute. |
accent-folding-filtering | String | Allows the filtering operation to be performed considering the diacritic characters for specific language. Since these characters are strictly specific for a specific language, setting the appropriate culture has to be set as a value. For example, tr-TR for Turkish, es-ES for Spanish, or fr-FR for French. Due to the specifics of the case-insensitive search, only one language can be used to filter your data. For example, if you mix English and Turkish in the data, you may observe unexpected behavior. |
as-module | Boolean | |
auto-sync | Boolean | If set to true the data source would automatically save any changed data items by calling the sync method. By default, changes are not automatically saved. |
batch | Boolean | If set to true, the data source will batch CRUD operation requests. For example, updating two data items would cause one HTTP request instead of two. By default, the data source makes a HTTP request for every CRUD operation. |
data | IEnumerable | The collection of data items which the data source contains. |
group-paging | Boolean | If set to true, the data source will treat groups as items. |
has-client-component | Boolean | |
in-place-sort | Boolean | If set to true the original Array used as data will be sorted when sorting operation is performed. This setting supported only with local data, bound to a JavaScript array via the data option. |
offline-storage | String | The offline storage key or custom offline storage implementation. |
on-change | String | Fired when the data source is populated from a JavaScript array or a remote service, a data item is inserted, updated or removed, the data items are paged, sorted, filtered, or grouped.The event handler function context (available via the this keyword) will be set to the data source instance. |
on-error | String | Fired when a request to the remote service fails.The event handler function context (available via the this keyword) will be set to the data source instance. |
on-push | String | Fired when the data source receives a push notification or the pushCreate, pushUpdate, or pushDestroy methods are called. |
on-request-end | String | Fired when a remote service request is finished.The event handler function context (available via the this keyword) will be set to the data source instance. |
on-request-start | String | Fired when the data source makes a remote service request.The event handler function context (available via the this keyword) will be set to the data source instance.It is possible to prevent the remote request. To achieve this, execute e.preventDefault() in the handler function. |
on-sync | String | Fired after the data source saves data item changes. The data source saves the data item changes when the sync method is called.The event handler function context (available via the this keyword) will be set to the data source instance. |
page | Double | The page of data which the data source will return when the view method is invoked or request from the remote service. |
page-size | Double | The number of data items per page. The property has no default value. That is why to use paging, make sure some pageSize value is set. |
sanitize-id | Boolean | |
script-attributes | IDictionary<String,Object> | |
server-aggregates | Boolean | If set to true, the data source will leave the aggregate calculation to the remote service. By default, the data source calculates aggregates client-side.For more information and tips about client and server data operations, refer to the introductory article on the DataSource. |
server-filtering | Boolean | If set to true, the data source will leave the filtering implementation to the remote service. By default, the data source performs filtering client-side.By default, the filter is sent to the server following jQuery's conventions.For example, the filter { logic: "and", filters: [ { field: "name", operator: "startswith", value: "Jane" } ] } is sent as: filter[logic]: and; filter[filters][0][field]: name; filter[filters][0][operator]: startswith or filter[filters][0][value]: Jane. Use the parameterMap option to send the filter option in a different format.For more information and tips about client and server data operations, refer to the introductory article on the DataSource. |
server-grouping | Boolean | If set to true, the data source will leave the grouping implementation to the remote service. By default, the data source performs grouping client-side.By default, the group is sent to the server following jQuery's conventions.For example, the group { field: "category", dir: "desc" } is sent as: group[0][field]: category or group[0][dir]: desc. Use the parameterMap option to send the group option in a different format.For more information and tips about client and server data operations, refer to the introductory article on the DataSource. |
server-operation | Boolean | Sets the operation mode of the DataSource. By default the DataSource will make a request to the server for data when paging, sorting, filtering or grouping is needed. If set to false all data will be requested through single request. Any other paging, sorting, filtering or grouping will be performed client-side. |
server-paging | Boolean | If set to true, the data source will leave the data item paging implementation to the remote service. By default, the data source performs paging client-side.The following options are sent to the server when server paging is enabled: page - the page of data item to return (1 means the first page).; pageSize - the number of items to return.; skip - how many data items to skip. or take - the number of data items to return (the same as pageSize).. Use the parameterMap option to send the paging options in a different format.For more information and tips about client and server data operations, refer to the introductory article on the DataSource. |
server-sorting | Boolean | If set to true, the data source will leave the data item sorting implementation to the remote service. By default, the data source performs sorting client-side.By default, the sort is sent to the server following jQuery's conventions.For example, the sort { field: "age", dir: "desc" } is sent as: sort[0][field]: age or sort[0][dir]: desc. Use the parameterMap option to send the paging options in a different format.For more information and tips about client and server data operations, refer to the introductory article on the DataSource. |
type | DataSourceTagHelperType | Sets the DataSource type. The available DataSource types of data binding are: Ajax, WebAPI, Custom |