



nameStringSets the name of the component.
enabledBooleanToggles the enabled state of the Chip.
deferredBooleanSuppress initialization script rendering. Note that this options should be used in conjunction with DeferredScripts method.
is-in-client-templateBooleanWhen placing a Tag Helper within a Kendo Template, set the type to text/html and add the is-in-client-template="true" attribute.
avatar-classStringIf set, value will be appended to the icon's element class attribute. It also appends "k-chip avatar" and "k-avatar" classes to the icon's element.
fill-modeChipFillModeSets a value controlling how the color is applied.
html-attributesIDictionary<String,Object>Defines custom attributes of the Chip's element.
iconStringDefines the name for an existing icon in a Kendo UI theme or SVG content. The icon is rendered inside the chip by a span.k-icon or span.k-svg-icon element.See web font icons help article for more details on Kendo UI icons.
icon-classStringIf set, value will be appended to the icon's element class attribute.
labelStringThe label text of the chip. Default is empty string.
on-clickStringFires when the user clicks the content of the Chip or activates it with the Enter or Space keys.
on-removeStringFires when the user clicks the remove icon of the Chip. After this event, the Chip will not remove itself.
on-selectStringFires when the selection of a selectable the Chip toggles.
removableBooleanSpecifies if the Chip will be removable or not. If the property is set to true, the Chip renders a remove icon.
remove-iconStringDefines the name for an existing icon in a Kendo UI theme or SVG content for the remove button when removable=true. The icon is rendered inside the chip by a span.k-icon or span.k-svg-icon element.See web font icons help article for more details on Kendo UI icons.
remove-icon-classStringIf set, value will be appended to the remove icon's element class attribute.
roundedRoundedSets a value controlling the border radius.
selectableBooleanSets whether the Chip can be selected.
selectedBooleanToggles the selected state of the Chip.
sizeComponentSizeSets the size of the component.
theme-colorChipThemeColorSets the color of the component according to the applied theme.
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