name | String | Sets the name of the component. |
allow-reverse | Boolean | Enables the user to select an end date that is before the start date. This option is available only when the selectable configuration is set to range. |
century-cells-format | CenturyCellsFormats | Defines the century cell format. |
component-type | String | Specifies the component type of the widget. "classic" - Uses the standard rendering of the widget. or "modern" - Uses new rendering with a fresh and modern look and feel.. |
culture | String | Specifies the culture info used by the widget. |
dates | DateTime[] | Specifies a list of dates, which will be passed to the month template. |
depth | CalendarView | Specifies the navigation depth. The following settings are available for the depth value: "month" - Shows the days of the month.; "year" - Shows the months of the year.; "decade" - Shows the years of the decade. or "century" - Shows the decades from the century.. |
disable-dates | DateTime[] | An array or function that will be used to determine which dates to be disabled in the calendar. |
disable-dates-handler | String | Thue function that will be used to determine which dates to be disabled in the calendar. |
is-in-client-template | Boolean | When placing a Tag Helper within a Kendo Template, set the type to text/html and add the is-in-client-template="true" attribute. |
as-module | Boolean | |
footer | String | The template which renders the footer. If false, the footer will not be rendered. |
footer-handler | String | The template which renders the footer. If false, the footer will not be rendered. |
format | String | Specifies the format, which is used to parse value set with value() method. |
min | DateTime | Specifies the minimum date, which the calendar can show. |
deferred | Boolean | Suppress initialization script rendering. Note that this options should be used in conjunction with DeferredScripts method. |
has-client-component | Boolean | |
max | DateTime | Specifies the maximum date, which the calendar can show. |
on-change | String | Fires when the selected date is changed. |
on-navigate | String | Fires when calendar navigates. |
sanitize-id | Boolean | |
script-attributes | IDictionary<String,Object> | |
selectable | String | By default user is able to select a single date. The property can also be set to multiple or range. More information about the different selection modes can be found in the Selection article. |
select-dates | DateTime[] | Specifies which dates to be selected when the calendar is initialized. |
show-other-month-days | Boolean | When this configuration is enabled, the calendar will render days from the previous and next months in the current view. |
start | CalendarView | Specifies the start view. The following settings are available for the start value: "month" - Shows the days of the month.; "year" - Shows the months of the year.; "decade" - Shows the years of the decade. or "century" - Shows the decades from the century.. |
value | DateTime | Specifies the selected date. |
week-number | Boolean | If set to true a week of the year will be shown on the left side of the calendar. |