

Columns - List

Editor - ClientHandlerDescriptor

A Razor template delegate.

HeaderTemplate - String

HeaderTemplateHandler - String

HeaderTemplateId - String

Sortable - GanttColumnSortableSettings

If set to true and if sorting is enabled for the entire Gantt, the user will be allowed to sort by the current column value.

Template - String

TemplateHandler - String

TemplateId - String

Draggable - Nullable

HtmlAttributes - IDictionary

Editable - Nullable

Expandable - Nullable

Field - String

Filterable - GanttColumnFilterableSettings

The role data attribute of the widget that is used in the filter menu, or a JavaScript function which initializes that widget.

Format - String

HeaderAttributes - IDictionary

Hidden - Nullable

MinScreenWidth - Nullable

Title - String

Width - String

Gantt - Gantt

If set to false the widget will not bind to the data source during initialization. In this case data binding will occur when the change event of the data source is fired. By default the widget will bind to the data source specified in the configuration.

