name | String | Sets the name of the component. |
for | ModelExpression | An expression to be evaluated against the current model. |
deferred | Boolean | Suppress initialization script rendering. Note that this options should be used in conjunction with DeferredScripts method. |
is-in-client-template | Boolean | When placing a Tag Helper within a Kendo Template, set the type to text/html and add the is-in-client-template="true" attribute. |
as-module | Boolean | |
auto-adjust | Boolean | If this property is enabled and you have configured min and/or max values, and the user enters a value that falls out of that range, the value will automatically be set to either the minimum or maximum allowed value. |
culture | String | Specifies the culture info used by the widget. |
decimals | Int32 | Specifies the number precision applied to the widget value and when the NumericTextBox is focused. If not set, the precision defined by the current culture is used. If the user enters a number with a greater precision than is currently configured, the widget value will be rounded. For example, if decimals is 2 and the user inputs 12.346, the value will become 12.35. If decimals is 1 the user inputs 12.99, the value will become 13.00.Compare with the format property. |
down-arrow-text | String | Specifies the text of the tooltip on the down arrow. |
enable | Boolean | Enables or disables the textbox. |
factor | Double | Specifies the factor by which the value is multiplied. The obtained result is used as edit value. So, if 15 as string is entered in the NumericTextBox and the factor value is set to 100 the visual value will be 1500. On blur the visual value will be divided by 100 thus scaling the widget value to the original proportion. |
fill-mode | FillMode | Sets a value controlling how the color is applied. |
format | String | Specifies the number format used when the widget is not focused. Check this page for all valid number formats.Compare with the decimals property. |
has-client-component | Boolean | |
input-mode | String | Specifies the inputmode attribute of the inner <input /> element. It is used to specify the type of on-screen keyboard that should be displayed when the user focuses the input. |
max | Double | Specifies the largest value the user can enter. |
min | Double | Specifies the smallest value the user can enter. |
on-change | String | Fires when the value is changed |
on-spin | String | Fires when the value is changed from the spin buttons |
placeholder | String | The hint displayed by the widget when it is empty. Not set by default. |
restrict-decimals | Boolean | Specifies whether the decimals length should be restricted during typing. The length of the fraction is defined by the decimals value. |
round | Boolean | Specifies whether the value should be rounded or truncated. The length of the fraction is defined by the decimals value. |
rounded | Rounded | Sets a value controlling the border radius. |
sanitize-id | Boolean | |
script-attributes | IDictionary<String,Object> | |
select-on-focus | Boolean | When set to true, the text of the input will be selected after the widget is focused. |
size | ComponentSize | Sets the size of the component. |
spinners | Boolean | Specifies whether the up and down spin buttons should be rendered |
step | Double | Specifies the value used to increment or decrement widget value. |
up-arrow-text | String | Specifies the text of the tooltip on the up arrow. |
value | Double | Specifies the value of the NumericTextBox widget. |