



nameStringSpecifies the name of the button.
clickStringSpecifies the click handler of the button.
commandStringSpecifies the command of the button.
enableBooleanSpecifies whether the control is initially enabled or disabled. Default value is "true".
hiddenBooleanDetermines if a button is visible or hidden. By default buttons are visible.
html-attributesIDictionary<String,Object>Specifies the HTML attributes of a ToolBar button.
iconStringSets icon for the item. The icon should be one of the existing in the Kendo UI theme sprite.
idStringSpecifies the ID of the button.
image-urlStringIf set, the ToolBar will render an image with the specified URL in the button.
optionsStringSpecifies the command options of the button.
overflowStringSpecifies the overflow of the button.
primaryBooleanSpecifies whether the button is primary. Primary buttons receive different styling.
show-iconStringSpecifies where the button icon will be displayed. Possible values are: "toolbar", "overflow" or "both" (default).
show-textStringSpecifies where the text will be displayed. Possible values are: "toolbar", "overflow" or "both" (default).
sprite-css-classStringDefines a CSS class (or multiple classes separated by spaces) which will be used for button icon.
templateStringSpecifies what element will be added in the ToolBar wrapper. Items with template does not have a type.
template-handlerStringSpecifies what element will be added in the ToolBar wrapper. Items with template does not have a type.
template-idStringSpecifies what element will be added in the ToolBar wrapper. Items with template does not have a type.
template-viewIHtmlContentSpecifies what element will be added in the ToolBar wrapper. Items with template does not have a type.
textStringSets the text of the button.
togglableBooleanSpecifies if the button is togglable, e.g. has a selected and unselected state.
typeStringSpecifies the type of the button.
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