

    <create />
    <destroy />
    <read />



image-urlStringThe URL responsible for serving the original image. A file name placeholder should be specified. By default the placeholder value is URL encoded. If this is not desired, use a function.
image-url-handlerStringThe URL responsible for serving the original image. A file name placeholder should be specified. By default the placeholder value is URL encoded. If this is not desired, use a function.
thumbnail-urlStringThe URL for retrieving the thumbnail version of the image. If not specified a default image icon will be shown. If function is assigned, the current path and image name will be provided.
thumbnail-url-handlerStringThe URL for retrieving the thumbnail version of the image. If not specified a default image icon will be shown. If function is assigned, the current path and image name will be provided.
upload-urlStringThe URL which will handle the upload of the new images. If not specified the Upload button will not be displayed.The requirements for this handler are the same as for the save handler in the Upload widget.
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