

    <border />
    <padding />



nameStringSets the name of the component.
backgroundStringThe background of the barcode area. Any valid CSS color string will work here, including hex and rgb.
checksumBooleanIf set to true, the Barcode will display the checksum digit next to the value in the text area.
colorStringThe color of the bar elements. Any valid CSS color string will work here, including hex and rgb.
heightDoubleThe height of the barcode in pixels. By default the height is 100.
render-asRenderingModeSets the preferred rendering engine. If it is not supported by the browser, the Barcode will switch to the first available mode.The supported values are: "canvas" - renders the widget as a Canvas element, if available. or "svg" - renders the widget as inline SVG document, if available.
typeBarcodeSymbologyThe symbology (encoding) the barcode will use.The supported values are: EAN8; EAN13; UPCE; UPCA; Code11; Code39; Code39Extended; Code93; Code93Extended; Code128; Code128A; Code128B; Code128C; GS1-128; MSImod10; MSImod11; MSImod1010; MSImod1110 or POSTNET.
valueStringThe initial value of the Barcode
widthDoubleThe width of the barcode in pixels. By default the width is 300.
is-in-client-templateBooleanWhen placing a Tag Helper within a Kendo Template, set the type to text/html and add the is-in-client-template="true" attribute.
deferredBooleanSuppress initialization script rendering. Note that this options should be used in conjunction with DeferredScripts method.
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