
Telerik UI for Xamarin

Release History

UI for Xamarin Q3 2015 (version 2015.3.930.150)

September 29, 2015


  • Xamarin.iOS - New Control. TKAutoCompleteTextView can automatically complete user input string by comparing the text being entered to all strings in the associated data source. The control provides means for easy customization and data management. To make working with data easier for developers, TKAutoCompleteTextView works seamlessly with the Telerik DataSource control which serves as a mediator between the raw suggestions data and the UI component which serves as a suggestion view.


  • Xamarin.iOS - New Control. Gauges are a highly customizable components that allows you to show the current status of a value within a range of upper and lower bounds, illustrate progress towards a goal or a summary of a fluctuating metric. Gauges' main features include:
    • Various components types: indicators, segments, ranges, scales
    • Multiple scales with different ranges
    • Multiple indicators
    • Value animations
    • User interactions


  • Xamarin.Android - New control that allows users to select numeric values from within a predefined range.

Common for the whole suite

  • Xamarin.Forms
    • An issue where the size of some components is not set properly on high DPI devices (Android).
  • Xamarin.Forms
    • Added Common assemblies and changed the loading mechanism of the components. (Now requires TelerikForms.Init())​


  • Xamarin.Forms - New control.
  • Xamarin.iOS
    • Collapsible groups.
    • Customizable stack and grid layouts for editors and groups in TKDataForm.
    • didDeselectEditor event in TKDataFormDelegate.
    • Slide step to TKDataFormSliderEditor.
    • Validate method in TKEntity to validate all properties.
    • Phone, number, password, name/phone, email, and decimal editors.​
  • Xamarin.iOS
    • didSelectEditor method fires only when touching the label.
    • Date-time picker does not close when an editor read-only mode is changed.
    • TKDataForm does not recognize NSDate property type in Xamarin.
    • The originalValue is never set.
    • The Validate method does not call data form delegate validation methods.
    • If you set the sourceObject of the data source ​at a later moment (after viewDidAppear), the data form wont render.
  • Xamarin.iOS
    • Renamed TKDataFormCommitModeDelayed to TKDataFormCommitModeManual.
    • Renamed TKDataFormEntity and related objects to TKEntity.
    • Renamed TKDataFormHeaderView to TKEntityPropertyGroupTitleView.
    • Removed insets and separatorColor properties from TKEntityPropertyGroupTitleView. Use the style property instead.


  • Xamarin.Forms
    • Support for Windows Universal 8.1.
  • Xamarin.iOS
    • Range bar/column series.
    • Logarithmic axis.
    • Discontinuous date-time axis.
    • An option to customize chart axis rendering.
    • An option to show gaps in line/spline and area series.
  • Xamarin.iOS
    • An issue with PieSeries where TKChartDataPoint does not allow null values in the constructor if point name is not specified.
    • Axis labels are cut and misplaced when rotated.​
  • Xamarin.Android
    • An issue that caused the chart trackball to display at a small offset from the tracking finger.
    • An issue that caused the chart plot area to be clipped on pan.
    • An issue that caused DateTimeContinuousAxis.setMaximumTicks() not to work.
  • Xamarin.Forms
    • Removed GetValueFunc from PropertyNameDataBinding.
    • Removed DelegateDataBinding class.
  • Xamarin.iOS
    • initWithPoint method arguments of TKDataPointLabel.
    • labelForDataPoint method arguments of TKChartDelegate.​


  • Xamarin.Android
    • SlideLayoutManager - a new layout that arranges items in a gallery-like way where users can easily swipe to adjacent items
    • WrapLayoutManager - a new layout that arranges items consecutively on one line until it can and when there is not enough space on the current line, it creates a new line and continues the layout process there.
    • StickyHeadersBehavior - new behaviors that allows freezing the header of the top items to the top of the list so that it is always visible.
    • Programmatic selection in SelectionBehavior.
  • Xamarin.iOS
    • An option to reorder list view items without using the reorder handle.
  • Xamarin.Forms
    • An issue where the selection background disappears when user taps outside the control (Android).
    • An issue with incorrect binding context of the swipe content (iOS).
  • Xamarin.iOS
    • Pull-to-refresh does not work when the list view is empty.​


  • Xamarin.Forms
    • An issue where SideDrawer cannot be displayed without defining both Main and Side content.


  • Xamarin.Forms
    • Support for Windows Universal 8.1
  • Xamarin.iOS
    • Week number cell width is now sized automatically when weekNumberCellWidth property is set to -1.
  • Xamarin.Forms
    • NullReferenceException when navigating away from page in SelectionChanged (Android).
    • NullReferenceException when setting Min/Max date so that SelectedDate is outside of the range.
    • An issue where BackgroundColor is not applied (Android and iOS).
    • An issue where an exceptions is thrown when using the Default color as a background. Now Transparent color is used (Android).
  • Xamarin.iOS
    • TKCalendar shows wrong number of months when equalWeekNumber is set to NO and using non-English localization.
    • An exception is thrown when casting the presenter property to TKCalendarMonthPresente.
    • TKCalendar continues to scroll back to the min month every time you scroll left when minDate property is set.
    • A typo in TKCalendarMonthTitleCellLayoutMode enumeration.​

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