
Telerik UI for Winforms

Release History

UI for WinForms Q3 2015 (version 2015.3.930)

September 30, 2015

New Control - RadDataLayout

RadDataLayout is a data-bound version of its ancestor - the RadLayoutControl. The RadDataLayout control extends its ancestor's layout functionality and introduces new data-aware features:
- Automatic layout generation when binding to an object.
- Ability to arrange in-place editors into groups and tabbed groups, and name these groups via an attribute applied to an object's properties.


  • RadDiagram is now official.
  • ​Org chart ​​demo.
  • Localization
  • DataBinding
  • Text Tool
  • Information Tool
  • Settings Pane
  • Performance improvements
  • Incorrect diagram position of the zoomed RadDiagram when attempting to pan.
  • Setting the SelectedItem does not select the shape in the UI.


  • Pinned tabs support.
  • Preview tab support.
  • New docking guides for ToolWindow allowing to dock the ToolWindow as DocumentWindow.
  • The layout is not saved correctly when the windows are hidden before the layout is saved.
  • After dropping a HostWindow it is not positioned according to the Preview.
  • NullReferenceException when adding a DocumentWindow and AutoDetectMdiChildren is true.
  • ArgumentOutOfRangeException when a MDI child form is shown.
  • With Office2010 themes bottom dock guide not working properly.

New example

  • A new real world scenario demo application is added to the suite - MedicalApp. It can be started from our Demo Application.


  • New series - FastLineSeries.


  • Shamsi ​calendar support.
  • Hijri calendar support.
  • UmAlQura calendar support.


  • AutoSizeRows support in ColumnGroupsViewDefinition.
  • Support for ColumnGroupsViewDefinition and HtmlViewDefinition in Self-Referencing hierarchy.
  • Allow changing the header row height when using ColumnGroupsViewDefinition.
  • Add means for a virtual grid to go round the current sort, filter and grouping limitations.
  • Introduced GUI via the PropertyBuilder for creation of ColumnGroupsViewDefinition.
  • Wrapping text in ColumnsGroupViewDefinition does not affect the size of the cells.
  • Property Builder - when selecting the child templates from the tree in the left pane the preview is not updated.
  • The performance of excel-like filtering when you have more than 5000+ rows.
  • When AutoSizeRows = true the grid cuts off the first row after scrolling Top to Bottom and Bottom to Top.
  • When pasting in RadGridView, validation events should fire.
  • The CustomFiltering event does not fire for a RadGridView with Self-Referencing hierarchy.
  • Does not load the data-relation hierarchy when the columns for GridViewTemplate are added last.
  • Invalid filter results in object-relational mode.
  • RowValidating/RowValidated events does not get fired when a cell is in edit mode and RadGridView looses focus.
  • ColumnGroupsViewDefinition - columns are resizing when minimizing and then maximizing.
  • CustomGrouping event is not firing when you change some cell value and RadGridView is data bound.
  • The control gets in invalid state when editing a cell and changing the active child view tab at the same time.
  • Smart tag disappears when the control is modified at design-time with the property builder.
  • The RowFormatting event does not always fire when the grid data is changed.
  • When row value is changed the old value is not available neither in RowsChanging nor in RowsChanged events.
  • When the grid is grouped and one clears the summary rows collection the layout is not updated properly.
  • Editor is activated for the wrong cell when resizing the grid while editing.
  • The control should throw exception when the self reference data source has an object which has more than one parent
  • NullReferenceException when calling the SelectAll method in the HeaderCellToggleStateChanged event handler.
  • ColumnGroupsViewDefinition - GridViewColumn.MinWidth is not respected when AutoSizeColumnsMode is set to Fill.
  • ExternalException 'A Generic error occurred in GDI+' is thrown on a Windows 8 machine when a long string value is loaded in a grid cell.
  • Some rows are not printed when the row height is set to a value less than the default one.
  • When multiselection is enabled and several cells are quickly deselected, the selection is not correct.
  • RadDropDownListEditor/PropertyGridDropDownListEditor should move the caret position when pressing left/right arrow keys in RadDropDownStyle.DropDown.
  • The indent column is moved after the columns when the GroupIndent is set to 1.
  • Incorrect current row after changes in the underlying source, while the grid is sorted.
  • ColumnGroupsViewDefinition - TextWrapping does not work for header cells.
  • The HierarchyDataProvider property of the GridViewTemplate should be set after the GridViewTemplate is added to Templates Collection.
  • Changing the selected row with filtered GridViewComboBoxColumns scrolls to the bottom.
  • ColumnGroupsViewDefinition changes columns order in RightToLeft mode when one of the groups is pinned to left.
  • Columns get split when EnableKineticScrolling is set to true and you try to drag the horizontal scrollbar on the area between the thumb and the bottom summary row.
  • Custom columns added by using the PropertyBuilder are not serialized.
  • When you copy cells from different groups, some of the data is not stored in the clipboard.
  • The IsPinned property does not work when there is only one column in the grid.
  • SpreadExport - incorrect format with culture where the decimal separator is ','.
  • The summary rows in the child template are not updated when a value is changed.
  • RowsChanged/RowsChanging events should fire when changing a cell value from the child template in a load on demand hierarchy.
  • Rows disappear when custom filtering is applied and you have grouped by a column.
  • Cannot add nested templates passed the third level at design time.
  • The BestFitColumns functionality performance can be improved.
  • When DateTimePickerSpinMode is used with the Office2010Blue theme exception occurs.
  • RadMultiColumnComboBoxElement in the filter cell with enabled AutoFilter filters the main grid with one step behind.
  • ArgumentOutOfRangeException when multiple selection is enabled in hierarchical grid.
  • NullReferenceException after mouse down over the close button of a group item and the MultiSelect property is set to true.
  • "Cut" and "Paste" menu items should not be displayed in the context menu when the AllowEditRow property is set to false and you click over the header row cells.
  • When multiple selection is enabled incorrect cells remain selected.
  • ArgumentOutOfRangeException when multiple selection is enabled in Self-reference grid.
  • The selection is moved when the time is entered manually.
  • GridViewSpreadExport - when ChildViewExportMode is ExportAllViews and grid is grouped the application freezes.
  • ExportToExcelML trim the FileExtension starting dot.
  • Exception in GridViewEditManager when cell is not fully visible and edited.
  • The selection is lost after exporting with GridViewSpreadExport.
  • BestFitColumns method called on a grid without data, does not resize the columns although the headers do not fit in the header cells.
  • Scrolls to right when clicking on a pinned checkbox column in a child view.
  • The CommandCellClicked event arguments are changed from EventArgs to GridViewCellEventArgs. This should not raise any errors in the general case, unless inline delegates are used, where the event arguments type should be changed from EventArgs to GridViewCellEventArgs.
  • ColumnGroupRowLayout.GroupColumns property now returns a dictionary in which the key is the GridViewColumnGroup itself rather than its hash code.
  • Telerik.WinControls.Export.FileExportMode, Telerik.WinControls.UI.Export.ExcelMaxRows and Telerik.WinControls.UI.Export.HiddenOption are moved from the GridView project to WinControls project to be accessible from the new export providers.


  • Export to excel functionality.
  • Performance improvements.
  • After a data bound node is edited and the data source is updated , two nodes are added to the control.


  • Export to excel functionality.


  • Export to excel functionality.
  • Having more than 10000 items with a SortDescriptor results in a NullReferenceException, because RadListView.CurrentItem is null.
  • Items overlap each other when the DataSource is repopulated.
  • ListViewItemValidatingEventArgs.OldValue property in the ItemValidating event does not store the correct value in DetailsView.


  • Exception when specific layout file is loaded.
  • PivotExportToExcelML does not keep the set font to all cells.
  • PivotExcelCellFormatting does not apply styling to visible cells, when PivotExportToExcelML.ExportVisualSettings is set to true.
  • Vertical scroll bar of PivotGroupFilterPopup is not present although needed.
  • Checkboxes of filter popup are cut off if form is resized.
  • Search box does not work in PivotGroupFilterPopup.


  • Exception is thrown when using undo/redo operations for RadMenuSeparatorItem at design time.


  • Clicked state is indicated with right/middle mouse click in TelerikMetroBlue theme


  • The items cannot be checked if the Text property is set in the handler of the ItemCheckedChanged event.


  • The control layout breaks when hosted in RadLayoutControl and the collapsible panel is collapsed.


  • The popup of the dropdown button not properly positioned when form is maximized.


  • ItemValidating event is not fired for controls added at design time.
  • Removed the dock/undock option from the smart tag of the PanelContainer.


  • The selected index cannot be changed in the SelectedIndexChanged event.
  • The SelectedValue/SelectedIndex properties are not updated when a value that is not in the list is entered.
  • Performance is decreased because the text is explicitly synchronized every time when the SelectedIndex is changed.
  • Cannot change the selected item in the SelectedIndexChanged event handler.


  • Elements provided in the TimelineItemElementCreating are not used.


  • Visual Studio crashes when one adds control to RadLayoutControl which is contained in a custom user control.


  • The SelectedValue is null when the column Name and the column FieldName are different.


  • Hover border is incorrect in StackMode, with Window8 theme, when the tabs are positioned left/right.


  • Changing the RowsCount leads to tiles' size decreasing.


  • Introduced support for Cross Reference Stream.
  • Introduced API for exporting PDF documents to plain text.
  • Implemented option to invert colors when creating ImageSource using DecodeArray property.
  • Introduced support for importing Page Contents from PdfArray.
  • Introduced support for importing documents with multiple Cross Reference Tables.
  • Introduced support for import and export of IccBased, Indexed and CMYK color spaces.
  • Provided the ability to import TrueType font with FontFamily, when there is no available embedded FontFile.
  • Introduced support for "v" and "y" Bezier geometry operators.
  • Introduced support for import of "Close and stroke path" path-painting operator.
  • Exception is thrown when importing an image without filters.
  • Document Trailer cannot be imported when the trailer is written on a single row. Exception is thrown.
  • Import of cross reference table throws an exception if the document is created with Telerik Reporting.
  • PdfReader cannot read line ending with a single carriage return without any line feed.
  • TextMatrix operator takes its arguments in reverse order.
  • Path is not visualized when it is interrupted by insertion of a rectangle in the content stream.
  • When importing standard font with ANSI encoding the exported document contains invisible glyphs.
  • Clipping transformations are not imported correctly.


  • Out of memory exception when a document with large drawing is displayed.
  • Tiling patterns are rendered incorrectly when some transformation is applied.
  • Color Key Mask works only when the image is with RGB colors pace.
  • Some symbols are missing when opening a PDF file with embedded fonts.


  • RichTextEditorRibbonBar - allow typing and auto complete in font drop down.
  • RTF Format Provider: Implemented omitting of color definitions in the color table, if a color is set to "auto" or "transparent".
  • The text of the second tab of the FloatingBlockPropertiesDialog should be "TextWrapping".
  • Memory leak when the control is used with RichTextEditorRibbonBar.
  • The bold, italic, underline and strikethrough commands does not work properly from the RichTextEditorRibbonBar.
  • When creating a custom RichTextBoxLocalizationProvider all strings in RichTextEditorRibbonBar that are not explicitly specified are displayed with incorrect text.
  • When inserting annotation in a paragraph with large LineSpacing, the paragraph shifts down.
  • Merging vertically equal number of table cells in all columns removes the rows.
  • Text with MS PGothic font doesn't have a correct layout in certain font sizes.
  • Rectangular selection in a table does not clear previous selection.
  • Incorrect layout when there is only one character between 'No line break after' and 'No line break before' characters at the end of the line.
  • Prohibited Line breaking character is visualized across/over table border when LineBreakingRuleLanguage property is set to Japanese.
  • Full-width space is moved to the next line instead of flowing to the document margin.
  • When Insert Date&Time command is executed, the date is inserted as many times as the command is executed.
  • Performing Undo/Redo of update of a TOC field causes deleting part of the document.
  • Invalid document structure causes infinite cycle when editing a document with page break.
  • Removed wrongly exposed attributes affecting MEF extensibility.


  • Inability to delete yearly recurring all day appointment.
  • Consecutive appointments are rendered overlapped.
  • In EntityFramework when the appointment has no resources NullReferenceException is thrown.


  • The currency number format in Spanish culture (es-VE) cannot be parsed and an exception is thrown.
  • "INDEX" function is not updated when used in a complex formula.
  • Importing document containing data validation rule which argument is formula containing list separator in a culture where the list separator is not ',' causes a crash.
  • A document with ShowGridlines, ShowRowColHeaders and Locked properties set to "true" or "false" cannot be imported.
  • A date format containing '/' or ':' escaped using '\' or '"' is not interpreted correctly.


  • The user cannot enter the time when the entire text is selected and the AutoSelectNextPart is set to true.


  • RTF Format Provider: Implemented omitting of color definitions in the color table, if a color is set to "auto" or "transparent".
  • HTML Format Provider: Images with URI source are handled automatically, without using HtmlImportSettings.LoadFromUri event
  • Introduced API which allows merging documents at concrete position.
  • Introduced support for exporting Watermarks to PDF.
  • Merging table cells sets the same content to all merged table cells when exporting the document to DOCX.
  • Export to PDF: ArgumentException is thrown when table spans more that one page.
  • Export to PDF: Table column width is not calculated correctly if the cell has preferred width set and there is a child element which cannot be split with bigger width.

Telerik Presentation Framework

  • Introduced API for setting properties with style priority - see RadElement.SetThemeValueOverride
  • Do not serialize AccessibleDescription and AccessibleName properties for RadElements if they are not changed at design time.
  • In some cases when the control is not docked, the "Undock in parent container" link button appears in the SmartTag menu.

Visual Style Builder

  • The preview of RadScrollBar in TelerikMetroTouch is clipped.

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