
Telerik UI for Winforms

Release History

UI for WinForms Q2 2014 (version 2014.2.617)

June 18, 2014


  • The ArrowButton gets overlapped when image is inserted to the ActionButton.

Document Processing Libraries

  • UI for WinForms now provides the APIs for working with the most common document formats: DOCX, RTF, XLSX, CSV, and PDF. With this release, you can embed, load, create, convert and print documents directly within your apps, without needing to have Microsoft Office, or any other external library, installed.


  • The CheckStateChangingEventArgs.Canceled property is removed. Please use the Cancel property instead.
  • The RadToggleButtonElement.IsCheckedChanged event is removed. Please use the ToggleStateChanged event instead.


  • The ZipPackage.Open(Stream stream, FileAccess access) method is removed. Please use the Open(Stream stream) method instead.
  • The ZipPackage.Add(string[] fileNames) is removed. Please use the Add(IEnumerable<string> fileNames) method instead.
  • The ZipPackage.AddStream(string fileNameInZip, Stream stream) method is removed. Please use the AddStream(Stream stream, string fileNameInZip) method instead.
  • The ZipPackage.AddStream(ZipCompression method, string fileNameInZip, Stream stream, DateTime dateTime) method is removed. Please use the AddStream(Stream stream, string fileNameInZip, ZipCompression method, DateTime dateTime) method instead.
  • The Telerik.Windows.Documents.Core.Fonts.FontProperties namespace is changed to Telerik.Windows.Pdf.Documents.Core.Fonts.FontProperties.
  • The Telerik.Windows.Documents.Fixed.FormatProviders.FormatProviderSettings namespace is changed to Telerik.Windows.Pdf.Documents.Fixed.FormatProviders.FormatProviderSettings.
  • The Telerik.Windows.Documents.Fixed.FormatProviders.Pdf.Filters.ColorSpace namespace is changed to Telerik.Windows.Pdf.Documents.Fixed.FormatProviders.Pdf.Filters.ColorSpace.
  • The Telerik.Windows.Documents.Fixed.FormatProviders.Pdf.Filters.DecodeParameters namespace is changed to Telerik.Windows.Pdf.Documents.Fixed.FormatProviders.Pdf.Filters.DecodeParameters.
  • The Telerik.Windows.Documents.Fixed.FormatProviders.Pdf.Filters.FiltersManager namespace is changed to Telerik.Windows.Pdf.Documents.Fixed.FormatProviders.Pdf.Filters.FiltersManager.
  • The Telerik.Windows.Documents.Fixed.FormatProviders.Pdf.Filters.PdfFilterNames namespace is changed to Telerik.Windows.Pdf.Documents.Fixed.FormatProviders.Pdf.Filters.PdfFilterNames
  • The Telerik.Windows.Documents.Fixed.FormatProviders.Pdf.Filters.PdfObject namespace is changed to Telerik.Windows.Pdf.Documents.Fixed.FormatProviders.Pdf.Filters.PdfObject.
  • The Telerik.Windows.Documents.Fixed.FormatProviders.Pdf.PdfFormatProvider namespace is changed to Telerik.Windows.Pdf.Documents.Fixed.FormatProviders.Pdf.PdfFormatProvider
  • The Telerik.Windows.Documents.Fixed.FormatProviders.Pdf.Utils.FormatProviderSettingsTypeConverter namespace is changed to Telerik.Windows.Pdf.Documents.Fixed.FormatProviders.Pdf.Utils.FormatProviderSettingsTypeConverter.
  • The Telerik.Windows.Documents.Fixed.FormatProviders.ReadingMode namespace is changed to Telerik.Windows.Pdf.Documents.Fixed.FormatProviders.ReadingMode.
  • The Telerik.Windows.Documents.Fixed.FormatProviders.Text.TextFormatProvider namespace is changed to Telerik.Windows.Pdf.Documents.Fixed.FormatProviders.Text.TextFormatProvider.
  • The Telerik.Windows.Documents.Fixed.FormatProviders.Text.TextFormatProviderSettings namespace is changed to Telerik.Windows.Pdf.Documents.Fixed.FormatProviders.Text.TextFormatProviderSettings.
  • The Telerik.Windows.Documents.Fixed.Model.Actions.Action namespace is changed to Telerik.Windows.Pdf.Documents.Fixed.Model.Actions.Action.
  • The Telerik.Windows.Documents.Fixed.Model.Actions.GoToAction namespace is changed to Telerik.Windows.Pdf.Documents.Fixed.Model.Actions.GoToAction.
  • The Telerik.Windows.Documents.Fixed.Model.Actions.UriAction namespace is changed to Telerik.Windows.Pdf.Documents.Fixed.Model.Actions.UriAction.
  • The Telerik.Windows.Documents.Fixed.Model.Annotations.Annotation namespace is changed to Telerik.Windows.Pdf.Documents.Fixed.Model.Annotations.Annotation
  • The Telerik.Windows.Documents.Fixed.Model.Annotations.AnnotationType namespace is changed to Telerik.Windows.Pdf.Documents.Fixed.Model.Annotations.AnnotationType.
  • The Telerik.Windows.Documents.Fixed.Model.Annotations.EventArgs.AnnotationEventArgs namespace is changed to Telerik.Windows.Pdf.Documents.Fixed.Model.Annotations.EventArgs.AnnotationEventArgs.
  • The Telerik.Windows.Documents.Fixed.Model.Annotations.Link namespace is changed to The Telerik.Windows.Pdf.Documents.Fixed.Model.Annotations.Link
  • Telerik.Windows.Documents.Fixed.Model.Collections.PagesCollection namespace is changed to Telerik.Windows.Pdf.Documents.Fixed.Model.Collections.PagesCollection.
  • The Telerik.Windows.Documents.Fixed.Model.Navigation.Destination namespace is changed to Telerik.Windows.Pdf.Documents.Fixed.Model.Navigation.Destination.
  • The Telerik.Windows.Documents.Fixed.Model.RadFixedDocument namespace is changed to Telerik.Windows.Pdf.Documents.Fixed.Model.RadFixedDocument.
  • The Telerik.Windows.Documents.Fixed.Model.RadFixedPage namespace is changed to Telerik.Windows.Pdf.Documents.Fixed.Model.RadFixedPage.
  • The Telerik.Windows.Documents.Fixed.Search.SearchResult namespace is changed to Telerik.Windows.Pdf.Documents.Fixed.Search.SearchResult.
  • The Telerik.Windows.Documents.Fixed.Search.TextSearchOptions namespace is changed to Telerik.Windows.Pdf.Documents.Fixed.Search.TextSearchOptions.
  • The Telerik.Windows.Documents.Fixed.Selection.TextSelection namespace is changed to Telerik.Windows.Pdf.Documents.Fixed.Selection.TextSelection.
  • The Telerik.Windows.Documents.Fixed.Text.TextPosition namespace is changed to Telerik.Windows.Pdf.Documents.Fixed.Text.TextPosition.
  • The Telerik.Windows.Documents.Fixed.Text.TextRange namespace is changed to Telerik.Windows.Pdf.Documents.Fixed.Text.TextRange.
  • The Telerik.Windows.Zip.CompressionType namespace is changed to Telerik.Windows.Pdf.Zip.CompressionType.
  • The Telerik.Windows.Zip.LZMA.LzmaEncoder namespace is changed to Telerik.Windows.Pdf.Zip.LZMA.LzmaEncoder.
  • The Telerik.Windows.Zip.ZipCompression namespace is changed to Telerik.Windows.Pdf.Zip.ZipCompression.
  • The Telerik.Windows.Zip.ZipInputStream namespace is changed to Telerik.Windows.Pdf.Zip.ZipInputStream.
  • The Telerik.Windows.Zip.ZipOutputStream namespace is changed to Telerik.Windows.Pdf.Zip.ZipOutputStream.
  • The Telerik.Windows.Zip.ZipPackage namespace is changed to Telerik.Windows.Pdf.Zip.ZipPackage.
  • The Telerik.Windows.Zip.ZipPackageEntry namespace is changed to Telerik.Windows.Pdf.Zip.ZipPackageEntry.


  • The Caption property is removed. Please use the Text property instead.
  • The RadTitleBarElement.Caption property is removed. Please use the Text property instead.


  • The UpButton property is removed. Please use the ButtonUp property instead.
  • The DownButton property is removed. Please use the ButtonDown property instead.


  • ShowTicks is removed. Please use TickStyle instead.
  • SliderAreaColor1 is removed. Please make the desired styling change in the theme instead.
  • TicksColor. Please make the desired styling change in the theme instead.
  • SliderAreaColor2 is removed. Please make the desired styling change in the theme instead.
  • SliderAreaGradientAngle is removed.
  • ThumbWidth is removed. Please use ThumbSize instead.
  • TickFrequency is removed. Please use SmallTickFrequency instead.
  • SlideAreaWidth is removed. Please make the desired styling change in the theme instead.

Visual Style Builder

  • The ability to have your theme changes saved automatically. By default, the changes are saved every one minute, but you can control that time frame from the Visual Style Builder properties.


  • RadListView with Office 2013 theme(s) does not give indication of multiple selected items.
  • TelerikMetroTouch - incorrect buttons height in RadRibbonBar, after the form has been maximized.

Telerik Presentation Framework

  • Text baseline alignment of RadControls. Now you can align your text-related RadControls (RadLabel, RadTextBox, RadMaskedEditBox, etc.) not only according to their dimentions, but according to their text as well.
  • When displayed at the end of the screen the tooltip is cut off.
  • LightVisualelement.UseHTMLRendering property is removed. Please use DisableHTMLRendering property instead.
  • AnimatedPropertySetting.RestoreValueAfterApply is removed.
  • AnimatedPropertySetting.SkipToEndValueOnReplace is removed.
  • The RadItemsControl.OnHandleSysChar is removed.
  • The RadElement.ApplyTheme method is removed.
  • The RadItem.StringAlignment property is removed. Please use the TextPrimitive.TextAlignment or LightVisualElement.TextAlignment instead.
  • The ImageAndTextLayoutPanel.SuppressChildrenAlignment property is removed.
  • The StackLayoutPanel.SuppressChildrenAlignment is removed. Alignment cannot be disabled anymore (use TopLeft to avoid alignment offset)
  • The ShadowSettings.ShadowSettings(Point depth, int thickness, Color shadowColor) method is removed. The Thickness parameter s no longer used. Use the contructor with two parameteres.
  • The ShadowSettings.Thickness property is removed. The value of this parameter is not used.
  • The RadioPrimitive.MinimalSize property is removed. Please use the MinSize property instead.
  • The TextPrimitive.TextFormatFlags property is removed.
  • The TextPrimitive.StringAlignment property is removed. Please use the TextAlignment property instead.
  • The EditorBaseElement.Initialize method is removed.
  • The StateChangingEventArgs.Canceled property is removed. Please use the Cancel property instead.


  • A Details section.


  • The text does not wrap correctly when RadLabel has an image and padding set.
  • HTML-like text rendering does not render the underlined text correctly.


  • Text wrapping is not correct when an image is included in the button.


  • Different reminder start time for different appointments in RadScheduler.
  • The StartNotification property is no longer a member of RadReminder. Use the Reminder property of IRemindObject(Appointment) to set different reminder times for different remind objects.


  • Export to Excel - changing the properties in the PivotExcelCellFormatting event does not take effect.


  • Item elements in the graphical view are not invalidated when adding/removing data items.
  • GanttViewGraphicalViewElement.WeekNumber(DateTime date) is moved to BaseGanttViewTimelineBehavior. To access it, use the TimelineBehavior property. The logic is extracted in a behavior class for easier customization.
  • GanttViewGraphicalViewElement.TimelineLowerItemFormat is moved to BaseGanttViewTimelineBehavior. To access it, use the TimelineBehavior property. The logic is extracted in a behavior class for easier customization.
  • GanttViewGraphicalViewElement.TimelineUpperItemFormat is moved to BaseGanttViewTimelineBehavior. To access it, use the TimelineBehavior property. The logic is extracted in a behavior class for easier customization.
  • GanttViewGraphicalViewElement.GetTimelineBottomElementText(GanttViewTimelineDataItem item, int index) method is moved to BaseGanttViewTimelineBehavior. To access it, use the TimelineBehavior property. The logic is extracted in a behavior class for easier customization.
  • GanttViewGraphicalViewElement.GetTimelineTopElementText(GanttViewTimelineDataItem item) is moved to BaseGanttViewTimelineBehavior. To access it, use the TimelineBehavior property. The logic is extracted in a behavior class for easier customization.


  • New navigation mode - now by clicking the header of RadCalendar you can zoom out to year view, then decades view and then centuries view, with animation being applied between each of these views, just like it is in the standard Windows calendar. You enable this navigation mode by the HeaderNavigationMode property to Zoom.
  • The AddRange method to allow for populating the CalendarSpecialDays collection easily.
  • A MonthStep property which defines what items will be shown in the popup that appears when clicking on the calendar header.
  • The ElementRender event is not fired when the control is loaded.


  • One can't enter in edit mode with left mouse click, only with the right one.


  • The content area height is not correct when when adding a HostWindow with more than one line of text.
  • When Minimazing and then maximazing the child controls size is wrong.
  • The control has incorrect layout when hosted in UserControl.
  • The DockWindowCancelEventArgs.DockWindow property is removed. Please use the NewWindow property instead.


  • When AutoScrollOnClick is set to false and a node is clicked with the right mouse button the view is auto scrolled while it should not be.
  • RadTreeNode.EnsureVisible and RadTreeView.BringIntoView methods do not work as expected when called in the NodeExpandedChanged event.
  • The Copy, Cut and Paste items cannot be removed from the default context menu.
  • DropHint is not rendered when the Form.TopMost property is set to true.
  • AllowIncrementalSearch is removed. You can define your own search behavior by setting the Find method.
  • The Sort() method is removed. Please use SortOrder property instead.
  • The DropFeedbackColor property is removed.
  • The LoadOnDemand property is removed. Please use the TreeNodeCollection providers instead.
  • The AllowMultiselect property is removed. Please use the MultiSelect property instead.
  • The AllowDragDropBetweenTreeViews property is removed. Please use the AllowDragDrop property instead.
  • The AllowAddNewInContextMenu property is removed. Please use the AllowAdd property instead.
  • The AllowDeleteInContextMenu property is removed. Please use the AllowRemove property instead.
  • The AllowSelectedPath property is removed.
  • The UseDefaultSelection property is removed.
  • The ShowFeedbackForm property is removed.
  • The RootRelationDisplayName is removed.
  • The ParentIDMember property is removed. Please use ParentMember instead.
  • The ExecuteScalarCommand(RadTreeNodeCollection nodes, int level, ICommand command, params object[] settings) method is removed. Please use the Execute method of RadTreeView or RadTreeNode instead.
  • The SetImagesInFill(bool value) is removed. Please use the Execute method of RadTreeView or RadTreeNode instead.
  • The SetCheckBoxesVisibilityOnLevel(bool value, int level) method is removed. Please use the Execute method of RadTreeView or RadTreeNode instead.
  • The RadTreeNode.NextSiblingNode property is removed. Please use the NextNode property instead.
  • The RadTreeNode.PrevSiblingNode property is removed. Please use the PrevNode property instead.
  • The RadTreeNode.ShowRadioButton property is removed. Please use the CheckType property instead.
  • The RadTreeNode.ShowCheckBox property is removed. Please use the CheckType property instead.
  • The RadTreeNode.ChildListType property is removed. Please use the CheckType property instead.
  • The RadTreeNode.LoadedOnDemand property is removed. Please use the TreeNodeCollection provider instead.
  • The RadTreeNode.Contains(RadTreeNode node) method is removed. Please use the TreeNodeCollection.Contains method instead.
  • The AllowArbitaryItemHeight property is removed. Please use the AllowArbitraryItemHeight property instead.
  • The RadTreeViewDragCancelEventArgs.Direction property is removed. Please use the DropPosition property instead.


  • Opening the dropdown on a second display where the display is not of the same height as the main display makes this drop-down appear in an incorrect position.
  • Shortcuts for sub items should not be processed when the form containing the menu is not active.
  • The RadMenuItemBase.HasTwoColumnDropDown property is removed. Please use the DropDown.IsTwoColumnMenu instead.
  • The RadMenuItemBase.MenuElement property is obsolete. Please use the Owner property instead.
  • The RadMenuItemBase.ParentItem property is obsolete. Please use the HierarchyParent property instead.


  • The ability to remove the visual focus cues when the DropDownStyle is set to DropDownList.
  • Calling the Focus method when DropDownStyle = DropDown does not focus the inner text box
  • Opening the dropdown on a second display where the display is not of the same height as the main display makes this drop-down appear in an incorrect position.
  • RadDropDownMenu(RadElement ownerElement, RadDropDownMenu parentPanel) is removed.


  • A wrap mode that breaks the text per whole words.


  • Scrolling by clicking below or above the scroller thumb does not always scrolls the content area.


  • The ability to perform spell-ckecking on pressing the Space key.
  • The DocumentPositionLocationHelper.GetLayoutBoxByPositionObsolete(PointF position, LayoutBox root) method is removed. Please use the GetLayoutBoxByPosition method instead.
  • The DocumentPositionLocationHelper.GetNearestLeafBoxByPositionObsolete(PointF position, LayoutBox root, ref LayoutBox currentSolution) is removed. Please use the GetNearestLeafBoxByPosition method instead.
  • The DocumentLayoutBox.InvalidateContentFragmentation() method is removed.
  • The ImageInline.URL property is removed. Please use the HyperlinkRangeStart/HyperlinkRangeEnd inlines instead.
  • The ImageInline.Target is removed. Please use the HyperlinkRangeStart/HyperlinkRangeEnd inlines instead.
  • The RadDocument.InsertAtCaretPosition(string text, Span selectedSpanStyle) method is removed. Please use the Insert(string text, StyleDefinition style) method instead.
  • The RadDocument.DeleteAtDocumentPosition(DocumentPosition documentPosition, bool deletePrevious) is removed. Please use the Delete method instead.
  • The ZipPackage.Add(string[] fileNames) method is removed. Please use the Add(IEnumerable<string> fileNames) method instead.
  • The ZipPackage.AddStream(ZipCompression method, string fileNameInZip, Stream stream, DateTime dateTime) method is removed. Please use the AddStream(Stream stream, string fileNameInZip, ZipCompression method, DateTime dateTime) method instead.
  • The DocumentSpellChecker.RemoveCustomDictionary(ICustomWordDictionary customDictionary, CultureInfo culture) method is removed.
  • The RulerControl type is removed. Please use the Telerik.Windows.Controls.RichTextBoxUI.DocumentRuler type from the Telerik.Windows.Controls.RichTextBoxUI assembly instead.
  • The MarkersGenerationInfo type is removed. Please use the Telerik.Windows.Controls.RichTextBoxUI.MarkersGenerationInfo type from the Telerik.Windows.Controls.RichTextBoxUI assembly instead.
  • The MarkersGenerationInfos type is removed. Please use the Telerik.Windows.Controls.RichTextBoxUI.MarkersGenerationInfos type from the Telerik.Windows.Controls.RichTextBoxUI assembly instead.


  • A mode where the selection is moved automatically while typing - set the AutoSelectNextPart property to true in MaskDateTimeProvider (valid for RadDateTimePicker/RadTimePicker)
  • The ability to disable the automatic selection using the EnableKeyNavigation property (valid for RadMaskedEditBox/RadDateTimePicker/RadTimePicker).
  • Milliseconds should be editable (valid for RadMaskedEditBox/RadDateTimePicker/RadTimePicker).


  • RadRibbonForm prevents the Windows taskbar from showing when the taskbar is in auto-hide mode.
  • Setting the FormBorderStyle property does not take effect.


  • The ScreenTip does not hide when the ribbon bar is collapsed.
  • The CommandTabExpanded event is removed. Please use the ExpandedStateChanged event instead.
  • The CommandTabCollapsed event is removed. Please use the ExpandedStateChanged event instead.


  • The ability to arrange tabs in multiple rows.


  • The ability to filter by multiple columns by applying CompositeFilterDescriptors.
  • The ClearTextOnValidation does not work as expected when the focus is lost by clicking outside the control.
  • Setting the Text to null causes an exception when the control is opened.
  • Filtering by DateTime column does not work.


  • MinTime and MaxTime properties to define a time range in which the end-user can pick a time.
  • The type of RadTimePickerContent.Value property is changed from DateTime? to Object.


  • Interactive splitters that on double-click can cause the panels to collapse and expand - use the EnableCollapsing to control this behavior.
  • Splitter collapse and expand buttons for event better and predictable collapse/expand behavior.
  • There is no property Name in the Visual Studio designer.


  • EnableExactTimeRendering property in RadScheduler that detemines if an appointment should appear exactly at the time it starts, for example 12:15 or 12:23.
  • A CellPaint event which is fired when SchedulerCellElement is painted. For the even to be fired, the EnableCustomCellDrawing property should be set to true.
  • Support for scrollbar in the AllDay appointments area.
  • Support for changing the timescale in Print/PrintPreview.
  • The ability to resize resource groups - added the SetResourceSize() method on SchedulerViewGroupedByResourceElementBase.
  • The ability to increase the height of the line showing the current time. Use the CurrentTimePointerWidth property of the RadScheduler ruler.
  • A Weekly Calendar Style for printing a week as it looks in the control.
  • The ability to change the default time interval that is displayed when changing the active view to month view. To change the default time interval, use the ShowFullMonth property.
  • The ability to set the working days in WorkWeekView of RadScheduler - use WorkWeekStart and WorkWeekEnd to control that behavior.
  • Copy & Paste support in RadScheduler.
  • Drag&drop and resize of recurring appointments.
  • The option to set minutes to the RulerStartScale and RulerEndScale properties. To set mintues, use the RulerStartScaleMinutes and RulerEndScaleMinutes properties.
  • The ability to allow RadScheduler to display the partial hours (with minutes) on its ruler in DayView and WeekView - use the RulerFormatStrings property to control that behavior.
  • The ability to modify resources' width/height in different views. To apply such modifications, use the SetResourceSize() method on SchedulerViewGroupedByResourceElementBase.
  • The ability to set vertical spacing between appointments. Use the AppointmentMargin property of the ViewElement.
  • Drag&Drop of appointments to the next/previous date range of the current view. To control this featurewor, use the AllowViewNavigationOnDrag property.
  • Property change notifications in day view grouped by resource.
  • An option to allow selecting multiple appointments. To control this feature, use the AllowAppointmentsMultiSelect property.
  • Functionality for custom working ranges - use WorkTimeExceptions property of Day or Week view.
  • A weekly print style to RadScheduler which allows the user to select the first day of the week - use FirstDayOfWeek property of SchedulerWeeklyPrintStyle.
  • Custom sorting for the appointments - use the AppointmentsComparer property.
  • Exception rules for working hours - use WorkTimeExceptions property of Day or Week view.
  • Printing support for appointments that last 0 seconds in RadScheduler.
  • Functionality that allows the end-users clients to define which time intervals should be visible in TimeLine view.
  • CellSelectionChanging/Changed events that are fired when a cell is selected.
  • Now the reminder for an appointment can be shown some time before the appointment ends.
  • Vertical scrollbar in MonthView.
  • A scrollbar to the all day area in the Day/Week/WorkWeek views.
  • The ability to change the AppointmentElement's TextOrientation.
  • The localization is not initially applied to the navigation elements (previous/next appointment).
  • SchedulerDayView does not display appointments which start outside the RulerEndScale.
  • AppointmentDropped event is not always fired.
  • The last row in day view has a different size than the others.
  • Showing the ContextMenu with one item in the ContextMenuShowing event causes an out of range exception.
  • The cell text overlaps the next cell.
  • Appointments.EndUpdate() does not refresh the Scheduler view element.
  • There is no way change the style of the dragged item.
  • If one sets the AppointmentHeigth property in Timeline view and navigates back or forth, an exception is thrown.
  • RadScheduler is slow when adding appointments with recurrence rule that affects a large period of time.
  • Adding intervals in a multi-day view is not possible when the time is 0:00.
  • ScrollToTime and ScrollToWorkHours do not work properly.
  • Mapping resources to appointments with ORM does not work.
  • RadScheduler Recurring event for the last weekday of June does not appear in 2013
  • There is an issue with YearlyRecurrence when using the "First Monday of January" rule.
  • Appointments are not aligned correctly - shifting to the left with 1 pixel.
  • RadScheduler freezes when scrolled if the value of the DisplayedCellsCount is greater then 8
  • The TimelineView throws an exception when the form is maximized and the resources per view are changed.
  • ScrollToWorkHours does not work in DayViewGroupedByResource.
  • The printing functionality does not take into consideration the Ruler scale.
  • Dragging an appointment with Right Mouse Click causes undesired behavior.
  • The monthly print style does not take into consideration the WeekCount in its End Range date calculation in the print settings dialog.
  • Setting ResourceId to an appointment and then editing that appointment with the SchedulerEditDialog fires the CollectionChangedEvent of the Appointments collection
  • An ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown when attempting to print a grouped by resource RadScheduler in two page per view mode using Weekly Style.
  • The EditorViewMode set to EditorDialog results in a not that responsive appointment editing.
  • Setting the ActiveViewType fires PropertyChanged for StartDate before the view is changed.
  • When the appointment resizing functionality is disabled the resizing handles are still visible.
  • After resizing a shared appointment with several resources, the appointment is not refreshed for all resources in the view.
  • Performance in Timeline view with a lot of resources.
  • The Width calculation of concurrent appointments in day view.
  • The appointments area in DayView or WeekView should be automatically scrolled when resizing appointments.
  • The reordering of weekdays in the recurrence dialog dropDownLists should be possible by setting the Culture property of RadScheduler.
  • Appointment html printing should be supported by setting the EnableHtmlTextRendering ptoperty to true in the AppointmentPrintElementFormatting event.
  • In the AppointmentResizingBehavior the following methods and properties were using AppointmentElement: ActiveAppointment, Resize(Point mousePosition, AppointmentElement appointment), EndResize(AppointmentElement appointment). Now they use the IEvent instead of AppointmentElement as AppointmentResizingBehavior now works with the logical IEvent object.
  • In the AppointmentResizingBehavior the following API has been removed: HandleAppointmentResizeUpToUp, HandleAppointmentResizeUpToDown, HandleAppointmentResizeDownToUp, HandleAppointmentResizeDownToDown methods The methods are not relevant anymore as the resize is now handled by the HandleAppointmentHorizontalResize and HandleAppointmentVerticalResize methods.
  • In the DayViewAppointmentsTable the OnAppointmentsRefreshing, OnAppointmentsRefreshed methods visibility is now changed to protected.
  • The DayViewAppointmentsTable .GetMaxAppointmentColumns method is removed - it is not used anymore as the arrange algorithm is changed.
  • The AppointmentLayout event of TimelineAppointmentsPresenter is removed. Please use the override of the OnAppointmentLayout method instead.
  • The methods Select[Right|Left|Up|Down]Cell of MonthViewAreaElement and TimelineAppointmentsPresenter are removed. The selection is now handled by the SchedulerSelectionBehavior - use its methods to manipulate selection.
  • The AppointmentDraggingBehavior Move(DateTime newDate) and Move(DateTime newDate, EventId newResource) method are removed. The Move method is now only one and has some new arguments - SchedulerCellElement and the new feedback owner.
  • The signature of the RecurrenceRule.GetOccurrenceStart(int index, DateTimeFormatInfo dateTimeFormat) method is changed - a new argument is added - startDate.
  • The signature of the RulerRenderer.RenderSubHour(IGraphics g, RectangleF bounds) method is changed - two new arguments are added - hour and sectionIndex.
  • The SchedulerDayViewBase.SnapAppointmentsToGrid property is removed. Please use the ExactTimeRendering property of RadScheduler instead.
  • The BeginUpdate, EndUpdate and IsUpdating methods of SchedulerNavigationElement are removed as they have no effect and are not needed.
  • The RequestResize(AppointmentElement appointment, SchedulerVisualElement newOwner, ResizeOptions resizeOptions) overload of AppointmentResizingBehavior is now removed and the parameters of the other overloads are changed. Now only the overload that does the actual work is virtual - public virtual bool RequestResize(AppointmentElement appointment, SchedulerVisualElement newOwner, Point cursorPosition, ResizeOptions resizeOptions, bool start)
  • The AppointmentResizingBehavior.SavePosition(System.Drawing.Point) method is removed. The position is now saved by the RequestResize method.
  • The setter of the Appointment property of the DragFeedbackElement is removed and. You can pass an appointment only in the DragFeedbackElement constructor.
  • The setter of the View property for RadSchedulerElement, SchedulerVisualElement is removed. Elements cannot change their view anymore - it stays the same as the one the elements were constructed with. This does not stand for the recycleable elements SchedulerCellElement and AppointmentElement which can change their view when they are being reused.
  • The RulerPrimitive.RulerTimeFormat is removed. Please use use the RulerFormatStrings property of the SchedulerDayViewBase.
  • The signature of MonthlyRecurrenceSettings.LoadWeekDaysInCombo is changed - there is an additional argument of type ISchedulerData so that the settings control can read the current culture from RadScheduler.
  • The type ISchedulerConverter is removed. Please use the ISchedulerImporter and ISchedulerExporter interfaces.
  • The type SchedulerConverterBase is removed. Please use the SchedulerICalendarImporter or SchedulerICalendarExporter types.
  • The AppointmentElement.ShowLine property is removed. To draw a custom line, please overwrite the PaintFill method or the PaintElement method.
  • The SchedulerDayViewBase.ShowDayHeaders property is removed. Please use the ShowHeader instead.
  • The SchedulerView.CurrentCalendar property is removed. Please use the CurrentCulture property instead.
  • The event arguments of the AppointmentSelected event are now of type SchedulerAppointmentSelectedEventArgs.


  • An auto-size columns feature - use the BestFit method.
  • There is a NullReferenceException when changing PropertyGridItem.Visible property.
  • Adding an empty RadPropertyStore and then adding items with RadSortOrder attributes do not order the items properly.
  • The CreateItem event is not fired for sub items.
  • The PropertyGridUITypeEditor calls TypeConvertor methods with null context.
  • One should be able to prevent inherited context menu from showing
  • There is a performance issue when the PropertySort = CategorizedAlphabetical.


  • If one sets the Scroller.ScrollState to ScrollState.AlwaysHide, the mouse wheel and the kinetic scrolling stop working.
  • A wrong selection when bound to a BindingList.
  • When using vertical IconsView with AllowArbitraryItemHeight set to true or horizontal IconsVIew with AllowArbitraryItemWidth set to true in some cases the last items are cut.
  • Setting FullRowSelect to false, ShowCheckBoxes to true and AllowArbitraryitemHeight to true in IconsView causes the text to be cut off in some items.


  • Embedded search functionality. Start typing in the search row and the text that matches the search criteria will be automatically highlighted. Further, use the Prev\Next buttons or Enter\Shift+Enter keys to navigate to the cells of interest.
  • The SelectionChanging event arguments now contain information about the current selection and the new selection.
  • Performance improvements when RadDropDownListEditor contains lots of items.
  • The ability to clear the column sorting using third click on column header.
  • The ability to set MinHeight to rows in ColumnGroupsViewDefinition.
  • In CellFomatting if one sets the e.CellElement.ImageKey property, the image is not shown right away.
  • Paste operation is processed when AllowEditRow is disabled.
  • There is a performance issue when sorting by GridViewComboBoxColumn with enabled DisplayMemberSort property.
  • Vertical scrollbar is not displayed correctly.
  • When a filter is applied in a specific template and a new row is added in a child template NullReferenceException occurs.
  • The image column cells are not showing alternating row color when printing.
  • The SelectionChanged event is fired when the mouse is moved outside of the rows area.
  • In an unbound grid where a column is filtered twice via the Excel-like an exception occurs.
  • Incorrect calculated column's values appear when containing another calculated column in its expression.
  • When there is paging and applied Excel-like filtering to the second page an exception occurs.
  • The data for invisible columns should not be copied when the SelectionMode is CellSelect.
  • There is an NullReferenceException when expanding rows in Self-reference hierarchy.
  • The copy functionality drops the opening/closing TABLE/TR tags when the first/last column is hidden.
  • RadGridView should allow setting of the FormatString property to individual cells.
  • Error "Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute." when loading layout.
  • GridViewColumnCollection.MoveItem(int oldIndex, int newIndex) method is removed. Please use Move(int oldIndex, int newIndex) instead.
  • GridViewTemplate.FilterExpression type is removed. Please use FilterDescriptor instead.
  • The GridViewColumn.CustomDataOperation is removed. Please use EnableCustomFiltering, EnableCustomSorting, EnableCustomGrouping properties of owner GridViewTemplate instead.
  • The GridViewColumn.GetActualWidth() method is removed. Please use the Width property instead.
  • The GridViewColumn.FieldAlias property is removed. It is no longer needed.
  • The GridViewColumn.UniqueName property is removed. Please use the GridViewColumn.Name instead.
  • The GridViewColumn.AdvanceSortOrder(bool multipleColumnSortingMode) method is removed. Please use the Sort(bool multiSortMode) method instead.
  • The GridViewColumnCollection.Move(GridViewDataColumn columnToMove, GridViewDataColumn targetColumn, InsertPosition insertPosition) method is removed. Please use the Move(int oldIndex, int newIndex) method instead.
  • The GridViewColumnCollection.FindByHeaderText(string headerText) method is removed. Please use the GetColumnByHeaderText(string headerText) method instead.
  • The GridViewColumnCollection.FindByFieldName method is removed. Please use the GetColumnByFieldName(string fieldName) method instead.
  • The GridViewColumnCollection.FindAllByDataField method is removed. Please use the GetColumnByFieldName(string fieldName) method instead.
  • The GridViewDataColumn.DataEditFormatString property is removed.
  • The GridViewDataColumn.Filter property is removed. Please use the FilterDescriptor property instead.
  • The type GridViewLookUpColumn is removed. Please use the theGridViewComboBoxColumn type instead for a drop-down column.
  • The GridViewCustomFilteringEventArgs.RowInfo property is removed. Please use the Row property instead.
  • The GridViewCustomFilteringEventArgs.GridViewTemplate property is removed. Please use the Template property instead.
  • The GridViewCustomFilteringEventArgs.CellValue1 property is removed.
  • The GridViewCustomFilteringEventArgs.CellValue2 property is removed.
  • The GridViewCustomFilteringEventArgs.Column property is removed.
  • The GridViewCustomFilteringEventArgs.RowIndex1 property is removed.
  • The GridViewCustomFilteringEventArgs.RowIndex2 property is removed.
  • The GridViewCustomFilteringEventArgs.GridViewTemplate is removed. Please use the Template property instead.
  • The GridViewCustomFilteringEventArgs.SortResult is removed.
  • The GridViewCustomSortingEventArgs.GridViewTemplate property is removed. Please use the Template property instead.
  • The GridViewCustomSortingEventArgs.CellValue1 is removed. Please use the Row1, and Row2 properties instead.
  • The GridViewCustomSortingEventArgs.CellValue2 is removed. Please use the Row1, and Row2 properties instead.
  • The GridViewCustomSortingEventArgs.Column is removed. Please use the Row1, and Row2 values instead.
  • The GridViewCustomSortingEventArgs.RowIndex1 property is removed. Please use the Row1 property instead.
  • The GridViewCustomSortingEventArgs.RowIndex2 property is removed. Please use the Row2 property instead.
  • The FilterExpression.IsApplicable property is removed. Please use the IsValid property instead.
  • GridViewTemplate GridViewTemplate(RadGridView grid) RadGridView is no longer needed as an argument when creating a GridViewTemplate.
  • The GridViewTemplate.GroupByExpressions property is removed. Please use the GroupDescriptors property instead.
  • The GridViewTemplate.SortExpressions property is removed. Please use the SortDescriptors property instead..
  • The GridViewTemplate.FindDataGroup(GridViewRowInfo rowInfo) method is removed. Please use the Group property of GridViewRowInfo instead.
  • The GridViewTemplate.GetChildGroup(GridViewRowInfo parentRow) method is removed. Please use ChildRows property of GridViewRowInfo instead.
  • The GridViewTemplate.AllowNaturalSort property is removed.
  • The GridViewTemplate.Update(GridUINotifyAction action) method is removed. Please use the Refresh() method instead.
  • The GridViewTemplate.ChildGridViewTemplates property is removed. Please use the Templates property instead.
  • The GridViewTemplate.AllowColumnRemove property is removed. Please use the AllowColumnChooser property instead.
  • The GridViewTemplate.GetChildRows(GridViewRowInfo parentRow) is removed. Please use the parentRow.ChildRows property instead.
  • The DataGroup.HeaderRow property is removed. Please use the GroupRow property instead.
  • The DataGroup.Rows property is removed. Please use the Item property instead.
  • The DataGroup.RowCount property is removed. Please use the ItemCount property instead.
  • The DataGroup.GetRows(int startIndex, int count) method is removed. Please use the Item property instead.
  • The DataGroup.GetRow(int index) method is removed. Please use the Item property instead.
  • The GridGroupByException type is removed. Please use the FormatException type instead.
  • The GridGroupByExpressionCollection.InsertUnique(int index, GridGroupByExpression expression) method is removed. Please use the Insert(int index, GridGroupByExpression item) method instead.
  • The GridGroupByExpressionCollection.FieldsCount property is removed. Please use the Count property instead.
  • The GridGroupByExpressionCollection.RemoveByFieldName(string expression) method is removed. Please use the IndexOf(string expression) and RemoveAt(int index) methods instead.
  • The GridGroupByField.HeaderValueSeparator property is removed. Please use the FormatString instead.
  • The GridGroupByField.IsAliasSet property is removed. Please use the IsFieldAliasSet instead.
  • The GridGroupByField.AsGroupByString() method is removed. Please use the ToGroupByString method instead.
  • The GridGroupByField.AsSelectString() method is removed. Please use the ToSelectString method instead.
  • The GridViewRowInfo.ParentRow property is removed. Please use the GridViewRowInfo.Parent instead.
  • The GridSerializationInfo type is removed. Please use the ComponentXmlSerializationInfo instead.
  • The GridSortField.FieldAlias property is removed.
  • Removed GridSortField this[string fieldName] from RadSortExpressionCollection.
  • The GridViewSummaryItem.FieldName is removed. Please use the Name instead.
  • The RadGridView.GridElement property is removed. Please use the TableElement property instead.
  • The RadGridView.MasterGridViewTemplate property is removed. Please use the MasterTemplate property instead.
  • The RadGridView.MasterGridViewInfo property is removed. Please use the MasterView property instead.
  • The RadGridView.ColumnIndexChanged event is removed. Please use the CollectionChanged event of GridViewTemplate.Columns collection.
  • The RadGridView.ColumnIndexChanging event is removed. Please use the CollectionChanging event of the GridViewTemplate.Columns collection.
  • The RadGridView.ViewColumnsChanged event is removed. Please use the Columns.CollectionChanged event instead.
  • The BaseFormattingObject.EqualsByContent(BaseFormattingObject format) method is removed. Please use Equals instead.
  • The CompositeFilterForm.TextBoxLeftOperatorValue property is removed. The Editors are initialized dynamically now. Please use the LeftEditor property instead.
  • The CompositeFilterForm.TextBoxRightOperatorValue property is removed. The Editors are initialized dynamically now. Please use the RightEditor property instead.
  • The GridFilterCellElement.ParameterName is removed. Please use the IsFilterEditor property of the FilterDescriptor instead.
  • The GridFilterCellElement.ParameterName2 is removed. Please use the IsFilterEditor property of the FilterDescriptor instead.
  • The GridFilterCellElement.Parameters property is removed. Please use the IsDefault property of the FilterDescriptor instead.
  • The GridTableElement.GridViewInfo is removed. Please use the ViewInfo property instead.
  • The GridTableElement.RowWidth is removed. Please u these ViewElement.RowLayout.DesiredSize property instead.
  • The GridTableElement.RowElementsPerPage property is removed. Please use the VisualRows.Count property instead.
  • The GridTableElement.UpdateRowsHeight() method is removed. There is no need to call this method anymore. RadGridView updates row height automatically when using AutoSizeRows mode.
  • The GridTableElement.UpdateRowHeight(GridCellElement cell, bool measureRow) method is removed. There is no need to call this method anymore. RadGridView updates row height automatically when using AutoSizeRows mode.
  • The RadGridViewExcelExporter is removed. Please use the ExportToExcelML instead.


  • A ToggleStateChanged event for the check box.
  • The ability to behave like the default .NET control when the checkbox is shown.
  • A time picker in the drop-down. To enable it, set the ShowTimePicker property of RadDateTimePickerCalendar to true.
  • Allow the RadDateTimePicker editor of RadGridView to allow replacement of the months' popup
  • Date parsing of custom user input.
  • The ability to set a custom default time value (different than 12:00).
  • The ability to customize the validation of the days in the month.
  • The NullabeValue property is set to 1/1/0001 instead of Null when the user deletes the date.
  • Incorrect highlighting in the Calendar Pop-up.
  • Setting the date from the calendar part and from the textbox part leaves the calendar with two dates selected.
  • The DropDown is not resized according to the DPI settings.
  • The control is not scaled correctly with Windows8 theme and scale factor 125%
  • A memory leak when the ShowUpDown property is set to true.
  • GridViewDateTimeColumn editor does not allow the max value 31/12/9999.
  • The navigation buttons should be swapped when Control is in RTL mode.
  • The ReadOnly property should apply to the RadCheckBoxElement in the RadDateTimePicker.
  • Рўhe dates outside the allowed dates range should be disabled.
  • The milliseconds can be displayed, but can't be edited.
  • The RadDateTimePickerDropDown.ResizeGrip is removed. Please use the SizingGrip property instead.
  • The RadDateTimePickerElement.AutoUpdateDelay property is removed.


  • When the VisibleInStrip property on a CommandBarButton is false you can still click the button.
  • CommandBarDropDownList does not show its items when located in the overflow list.
  • The items in a vertical RadCommandBar do not keep their StretchHorizontally and StretchVertically properties at design time.
  • The images of the command bar items are not updated after changing the ImageList property.
  • The CommandBarDropDownList does not display its textbox grayed out, when the Enabled property is set to false.
  • The popup of a CommandBarDropDownList gets hidden behind the overflow button.
  • Since the IsChecked property is obsolete one cannot use simple data binding to bind the control - in this case the CheckState property should be used.
  • The CommandBarStripElement.AddOrRemoveButtonsString property is removed. Please use a CommandBarLocalizationProvider instead.
  • The CommandBarLabel.UseVerticalText property is reremoved. Please use the InheritsParentOrientation property instead.
  • The CommandBarToggleButton.UseVerticalText is removed. Please use the InheritsParentOrientation property instead.
  • The CommandBarToggleButton property IsChecked is removed. Please use the ToggleState property instead.


  • Setting the IsExpanded property at design time will result in the inner panel to hide the header.
  • Anchoring a control to Top and Right changes its location when the panel expands.


  • Null-value support.
  • ToolTip support for CategoricalDataPoints.
  • The DateTimeContinueAxis ignores the MaximumTicks property with some specific data points.
  • A memory leak occurs if one clears all series and axes and adds new ones.
  • Setting the BorderDashStyle of the Element of a LegendElement has no effect.
  • The LineSeries does not visually show correct values.
  • The ChartTooltipController does not always display the correct tooltip for ScatterDataPoints.
  • A memory leak occurs when clearing the Series collection and re-adding another Series.
  • The type of the ChartLegendElement.Items collection is changed from ObservableCollection<LegendItem> to LegendItemCollection.


  • When creating the control at runtime the click of the buttons is fired twice.
  • The CurrentNumberTextBox is not updated when the CurrentPosition of the BindingSource is changed from an external source.


  • AutoCompleteDropDown property is now exposed, so that its behavior can be customized.
  • The text goes a little lower with some themes after the autocomplete operation takes place.

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