
Telerik UI for Winforms

Release History

UI for WinForms 2008.31204

December 3, 2008



  • Context Menu localization, refactoring and several bug fixes
  • New Events added:
    • AppointmentViewChanging
    • AppointmentViewChanged
    • AppointmentSelecting
    • AppointmentSelected
    • AppointmentMouseDown
    • AppointmentMouseUp
    • CellClick
    • AppointmentEditDialogShowing



  • Loading time optimization


  • Fixed: an issue related to Save/Load layout when columns’ format string is specified
  • Fixed: RowsChanged event, ColumnsCollection, DataError event
  • Fixed: RadMultiColumnComboBox designtime data binding
  • Fixed: summary rows RTL layout
  • Fixed: an exception thrown when right clicking on a Filter cell in ReadOnly RadGridView
  • Fixed: when changing cell data, summary rows are not updated
  • Fixed: ScrollToRow doesn't scroll to the last line
  • Fixed: an error when the ValueMember and DisplayMember are different for a comboBox column and you try to add a new row
  • Fixed: BestFitColumns() would not apply if you have set ShowColumnHeaders = false
  • Fixed: columns with AllowResize = false did not keep their width
  • Fixed: column resizing issues in AutoSizeColumnMode = Fill
  • Fixed: wrong horizontal scrollbar size when the form containing the grid is maximized
  • Fixed: wrong behavior when MultiSelect = true and clicking the right mouse button
  • Fixed: filter cell shows the ValueMember instead of the DisplayMember
  • Fixed: setting RightToLeft is not applied correctly when expanding three level hierarchies
  • Fixed: grid refreshed too slow when MultiSelect is set to true and trying to delete rows
  • Fixed: when using the "Basic" theme for RadGridView it is not possible to see the row text when a row is selected
  • Fixed: DateTimeEditor does not save its value
  • Fixed: RadGridView does not refresh properly when the selection type and the selected rows are changed
  • Fixed: when opening a cell for editing navigation with the Up and Down arrows does not work
  • Fixed: SpinEditor or DateTimePicker editors were not in in Right To Left mode when the grid is in Right To Left mode
  • Fixed: cannot add a new row in RTL grid using Tab (which lead to an error)
  • Fixed: sorting when there are no rows in grid caused a crash
  • Fixed: grouping header text not showing when ungrouping by one column unsuccessfully, and then ungroup and group by the same column
  • Fixed: MasterGridViewTemplate.BestFitColumns() does no longer work when called between Begin/EndUpdate
  • Fixed: when setting RightToLeft the text of the first column hides behind the rows headers
  • Fixed: an irritating sound when navigating in RadGridView with the Tab key
  • Fixed: sorting a grid with a single column where the rest of the column are hidden made the row lines disappear
  • Fixed: When the Height of the grid is 260px and EnableFiltering = true an error occurs when opening a cell for editing



  • Fixed: context menus
  • Fixed: tabbed document container
  • Fixed: Quick Navigator shortcuts
  • Fixed: memory management
  • Fixed: disappearing controls



  • Performance improvements of RadTreeNodeCollection (adding, inserting, removing nodes)



  • Fixed: layout issues in RightToLeft mode
  • Fixed: DropDown is not closed when a cell in the calendar is selected



  • Fixed: OutlookStyle layout bug in design time - when resizing the panelbar in design time and select/unselect groups the size of the inner panel was not synchronized with the parent's one



  • Fixed: Trackbar thumb's orientation does not change when control's Orientation is changed
  • Fixed: Trackbar thumb's size is incorrect when the AngleTransform property is set
  • Fixed: Trackbar thumb is not moving in the right direction when the TrackBarElement is used in another control and the left mouse button is pressed

TPF UI Framework


  • Optimization in the theming framework - the result is faster loading time of applications that use any RadControl. This also speeds up VS designer loading time (with RadCotnrols)
  • RadCotnrols' ThemeChange handler is now thread safe
  • RadComboBoxElement cannot be added to any control in VS designer (e.g. in ribbonbar, toolstrip, etc)
  • HTML-like text formatting now supports spaces between words


  • RadControls for WinForms now uses MSI rather than EXE installation package
  • Important Note: For consistency among all product lines, we changed the way versions are displayed in the download section of our site with the release of Q3 2008. This was necessary, because in Q3 we introduced two new product lines, namely RadControls for Silverlight and Telerik OpenAccess ORM (bringing the number of our product lines to six) and we needed a better way of conveying the exact version that has been downloaded.

    The new file name convention is as follows:

    Downloaded file name: RadControls_for_WinForms_2008_3_1204_trial.msi

    "2008_3_1204" stand for Year.Release.Month.Date (YYYY.R.MDD), or the third release (Q3) in 2008, released on December 4th. Respectively, 2008_3_1105 means that this version was released on November 5th. Here is a quick reference table for your convenience:

    Release name File name DLL version
    Q3 2008 2008.3.1105
    Q3 2008 SP1 2008.3.1204

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