
Telerik UI for Winforms

Release History

Q3 2012 SP1 (version 2012.3.1211)

December 11, 2012


  • IMPROVED: Changed the order of items in the Items collection. Now items are not sorted alphabetically.
  • FIXED: Double-clicking on an item from the auto-complete drop-down appends the item twice in RadAutoCompleteBox.
  • FIXED: There is an exception when the form is closed and new items are added to its auto -complete data source.


  • ADDED: Added API to allow changing the file open dialog with file save dialog.


  • IMPROVED: Improved RadChartView property builder to show a real time preview of the data.
  • FIXED: The LabelsOffsetFromCenter property is not working.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed the following events: SelectedPointChanging, SelectedPointChanged and CreateRenderer from ChartArea class. Use the events of ChartView instead.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed the SelectedPointChanging and SelectedPointChanged events from ChartSelectionController. Use the events with the same name from ChartView class.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed the GapLength and PlotMode properties from CategoricalRadialAxis.

RadCheckBox and RadRadioButton

  • FIXED: The AutoSize property cannot be serialized when changed at design time.


  • FIXED: The control ignores some of the provided localization strings.
  • FIXED: The ActiveMode property does not take effect.


  • FIXED: Items that have AutoSize property set to false cannot be hidden by using the overflow button.
  • FIXED: There is an exception when setting the OverflowButton and Grip properties of CommandBarStripElement.


  • Fixed: There is an exception in RadDateTimePicker when dropping it on the design surface when using .Net 4.0 and Visual Studio 2012 is not installed.


  • FIXED: The control has a wrong size when it is placed inside a TableLayoutPanel.


  • FIXED: A memory leak.
  • FIXED: An exception when using RadDock nested inside another RadDock.
  • FIXED: RadDock does not handle properly the Alt+Tab key combination.
  • FIXED.When docking a control to fill a document tab container, the control does not fill the container properly.


  • FIXED: RadDropDownButton does not show focus cues until it is clicked for the first time.


  • FIXED: The control looks different than the rest of the editors.
  • FIXED: The binding is slow when AutoSizeItems property is set to true.
  • FIXED: The control size is wrong when it is placed inside a TableLayoutPanel.
  • FIXED: The popup closes unexpectedly when the control resides in a user control without a parent.


  • FIXED: The form changes its size when using screen tips.


  • ADDED: Customization options in the Conditional Formatting form.
  • ADDED: Added a Tag property in GridViewColumn.
  • ADDED: Added AllCells mode in BestFitColumnMode enum. It specifies best fit operation over all rows.
  • IMPROVED: Copy/Paste operations from grid to Excel include empty cells.
  • FIXED: Time span values are not exported properly when using ExportToExcel ML.
  • FIXED: ExportToExcel ML exports null values as empty strings.
  • FIXED: PrintCellFormatting event does not fire when changing the PrintStyle property.
  • FIXED: There is an exception when filtering enum values.
  • FIXED: The filtering is not working properly in self-reference mode.
  • FIXED: The RowIndex property of GridViewRowInfo contains wrong value in unbound mode.
  • FIXED: There are missing columns upon data source change.
  • FIXED: The control is put in invalid state when attempting to load an invalid XML file using the LoadLayout method.
  • FIXED: The Current item of the underlying BindingList is not updated initially when the grid is sorted.
  • FIXED: The sorting is wrong when it is added programmatically and there are no rows.
  • FIXED: The best-fit algorithm does not consider all cells when grouping is applied.
  • FIXED: The PinnedRows collection is not cleared when clearing all rows.
  • FIXED: The custom filtering is not working properly when the FilterDescriptors collection is empty.
  • FIXED: Narrator cannot read cell values.
  • FIXED: RadProgressBarElement is not clipped correctly, when it is used as a child element in a custom cell.
  • FIXED: Rows overlap each other when CellFormatting and rows on demand hierarchy are combined.
  • FIXED: The grid is put in invalid state when an editor is closed because of a scrolling operation and the validation fails.
  • FIXED: Self-reference expander cell is reused inappropriately when horizontal scrolling is performed.
  • FIXED: ValueChanged event does not fire when selecting a new item from a drop-down list in AutoCompleteMode set to Append.
  • FIXED: A row is expanded unexpectedly when using relational hierarchy.
  • FIXED: There is a visual glitch in the 'new row' when using self-reference hierarchy.
  • FIXED: Setting the CurrentRow property to a child row should make the control scroll to this row.
  • FIXED: RadGridView cannot display data when it is bound to a generic list filled with different implementations of the same interface.
  • FIXED: Self-reference refresh logic when expanding parent row is not working properly.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Corrected a typo: Changed GirdViewTimeFilteringMode enum name to GridViewTimeFilteringMode.


  • FIXED: The AutoSize property cannot be serialized when changed at design time.


  • FIXED: The item size is wrong when AutoSizeItems property is set to true.
  • FIXED: Keyboard navigation skips items.


  • FIXED: Sorted RadListView is not updated correctly when a cell value is modified through code.
  • FIXED: The horizontal scroll bar does update correctly when AllowArbitraryItemWidth property is set to true.


  • FIXED: There is an exception when opening an MDI child window with MdiList containing RadMenuSeparatorItem.


  • ADDED: Added an option to change the size of the content panel in backstage mode at design time.


  • FIXED: The position of the first tile is different at design-time and at run-time.


  • ADDED: Added AdomdDataProvider and XmlaDataProvider classes to allow retrieving data from OLAP cubes.
  • FIXED: There is an exception when RadPivotGrid is used in compact layout mode and it is set as a data source for RadChartView.
  • FIXED: No Data is displayed when there are DBNull values in the grouped fields.


  • FIXED: The Click event of RadProgressBarElement does not fire.


  • FIXED: There is an exception at design time when opening RadRibbonForm with AllowAero property set to false.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Changed the internal control element structure to allow better theming support.


  • Fixed: Design-time exception in RadRibbonForm when AllowAero is set to false.


  • FIXED: RtfFormatProvider increases the size of the exported document.
  • FIXED: It is not possible to insert a page break at the last position in the document.
  • FIXED: Mnemonics steal the focus from RadRichTextBox.
  • FIXED: Tab Stops are lost when importing right-to-left text.


  • ADDED: Added an event that notifies when an appointment is added by the user.
  • FIXED: The Edit Appointment Dialog contains wrong end time values in certain cases.
  • FIXED: AppointmentSelecting/AppointmentSelected events are fired multiple times when dropping an appointment.
  • FIXED: There is an exception when clicking with the right mouse button on an appointment in grouped timeline view.
  • FIXED: There is an exception when trying to print appointments with invalid StatusId or BackgroundId properties.
  • FIXED: Deleted occurrences are not restored properly when using iCal file format.
  • FIXED: RadSchedulerNavigator changes the selected time zone when its binding context changes.
  • FIXED: There is no effect when changing the ShowHeader property when grouping is enabled.
  • FIXED: The AllDay property of appointments is not updated correctly.
  • FIXED: When the visible area is larger than the appointments table in DayView, a blank area is shown at the bottom.
  • FIXED: The sizing behavior is wrong in DayView and WeekView when the ShowAllDayHeader property is set to false.
  • FIXED. An exception when you right click an appointment in grouped Timeline view in month scale.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed the SchedulerTimezoneInformation class. Use TimeZoneInfo class instead.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed some SchedulerTimeZone constructors, use the default constructor instead.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Changed the type of the TimeZoneInformation property to TimeZoneInfo.


  • FIXED: The spell checker gives wrong suggestions for words that contain apostrophes.


  • FIXED: Theme settings are applied only to the first SplitterElement.
  • FIXED: The image set for the grip of the splitters is not shown for all splitters.


  • FIXED: There is an exception in RadTextBoxControl when the caret blink time is set to none.
  • FIXED: It is not possible to insert the “@” symbol when French culture is used.


  • BREAKING CHANGE: Changed the internal control element structure to allow better theming support.


  • ADDED: Reason for checking a checkbox in the event arguments of the NodeCheckedChanged event.
  • FIXED: Can't add nodes to a tree bound to a DataTable.
  • FIXED: Changes in the underlying data source of a node are not automatically reflected.
  • FIXED: Relational data-binding is not working properly when RadTreeView is placed inside RadDock.
  • FIXED: The rendering is not valid when using a custom node comparer.
  • FIXED: The vertical scrollbar is not valid when collapsing nodes in the NodeExpandChanged event.
  • FIXED: Node text is rendered in bold when RadTreeView is disabled.
  • FIXED: There is an exception when the AutoSize property is set to true.
  • FIXED: The SelectedNodes collection is not cleared when calling Nodes.Clear.
  • FIXED: The Find methods should not perform over the root tree node which is used internally.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Changed the signature of NodeCheckedChanged event to use TreeNodeCheckedEventArgs.

Telerik Presentation Framework

  • FIXED: Tooltips do not show when using AutoCAD plugins.
  • FIXED: There is an exception when compiling the application and there is a modified form open at design-time.
  • FIXED: Tooltips do show when the control resides in a user control without a parent.
  • FIXED: There is an exception when compiling the application and there is a modified form opened in design mode.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: The default value for RadControl EnableCodedUITests property is changed to False. In order to use the Coded UI Tests feature, please set the property to true.


  • ADDED: TelerikMetroTouch theme that improves the touch-centric user experience of all RadControls.
  • ADDED: Visual Studio2012Light theme inspired by Visual Studio 2012.
  • FIXED: The disabled state of RadCheckBox is wrong in Office2007Black theme.

Visual Style Builder

  • FIXED: The text and Image primitives in RadButton are not exposed in Visual Style Builder.
  • FIXED: There is an exception when trying to preview a theme in ThemeViewer.
  • FIXED: The Text and Image Primitives of RadButton are not exposed in VSB.

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