
Telerik UI for Winforms

Release History

Q3 2012 (version 2012.3.1017)

October 17, 2012


  • FIXED: The AutoSize property of the control does not work.


  • The button gets wrong location when anchored in an MDI child form starting maximized.


  • FIXED: The theme is missing when using RadAutoCompleBoxElement as an editor in RadGridView.


  • ADDED: Title and legends support.
  • ADDED: Added a Donut chart.
  • ADDED: Financial series support: Candlestick and OHLC.
  • ADDED: Chart indicators support, including 22 financial indicators.
  • ADDED: LabelFormatting event to allow customizing labels.
  • ADDED: CreatePoint, CreatePointElement and CreateRenderer events which allow better customization in RadChartView.
  • ADDED: Added DisplayMember property for label elements.
  • ADDED: Design-time property builder.
  • FIXED: Last chars of the axes titles are cut.
  • FIXED: Zooming out affects the vertical axis labels.
  • FIXED: RadChartView cannot read data from integer columns of a DataTable.
  • FIXED: RadChartView has no theme when setting the ApplicationThemeName property to something different than ControlDefault.


  • IMPROVED: One should be able to increase the size of the check box and the check mark.
  • FIXED: The control shows incorrect toggle/checked state when disabled.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed the CheckAligment property, use the CheckAlignment instead.


  • FIXED: Mnemonics do not function properly in RadCommandBar.
  • FIXED: Drop-down list popup location is not correct when using a shortcut to open the popup.
  • FIXED: The ItemClicked event of CommandBarStripElement does not fire when the strip is floating.


  • BREAKING CHANGE: Replaced RadRepeatButtonElement with RadRepeatArrowElement.


  • FIXED: Setting the TextBoxItem.ReadOnly property does not make the editable area read only.
  • FIXED: Setting the value to null, should clear the selection.
  • FIXED: ValueChanging event cannot be canceled.


  • ADDED: Multi-monitor support in RadDock.
  • FIXED: The layout is broken when using custom DPI settings.
  • FIXED: ToolTips in RadDock Advanced Layout Designer are not correctly aligned.
  • FIXED: There is an exception when the window state of a tool window is changed to AutoHide and using RadDock nested in another RadDock.
  • FIXED: The text alignment of DocumentTabs does not look good when the tabs are left aligned.


  • FIXED: The button does not stretch to fit its content when the AutoSize is set to true.


  • IMPROVED: Added support for the DataMember property.
  • FIXED: The performance is slow when adding items by using Add/AddRange methods.
  • FIXED: The performance is slow when using auto-complete mode.
  • FIXED: It is not possible to select the first item when using keyboard search and the DropDownStyle property is set to DropDownList.


  • ADDED: Added an option that allows for changing the default column and row delimiters.
  • ADDED: Added a property in GridSpinEditorElement to disable the value changing with mouse wheel.
  • IMPROVED: Improved the localization and extensibility support in ConditionalFormatting form.
  • IMPROVED: When conditional formatting is applied, the selected row should not be affected.
  • FIXED: Sub property binding is not working for child templates.
  • FIXED: Setting the FormatString property of a column in a child template is not working.
  • FIXED: Column groups can be hidden by drag & drop operation when AllowHide property is set to true.
  • FIXED: Date-time filter dialog is not displayed by default for date-time columns.
  • FIXED: Drop-down editor is not working properly when filtering is applied on the same column.
  • FIXED: Wrong value in masked edit box when using percentage mask.
  • FIXED: There is an exception when editing a decimal column and using accessibility.
  • FIXED: There is an exception when using filtering and updating cell values in the CellValueChanged event.
  • FIXED: FormatString default value is invalid.
  • FIXED: The filter expression is calculated wrong when using enum with GridViewComboBoxColumn.
  • FIXED: RadGridView is in invalid state when changing the DataSource property of GridViewComboBoxColumn.
  • FIXED: The expression editor should not show the invisible columns in its fields section.
  • FIXED: There is an exception when double clicking a column to best fit it while HideSelection is enabled.
  • FIXED: There is an exception when removing the DataBoundItem of a pinned row from the data source.
  • FIXED: RadGridView should not allow for losing focus while validating a cell.
  • FIXED: DisplayMember, ValueMember and DataSource properties of GridViewComboBoxColumn should be visible in the Property Builder.
  • FIXED: The TextAlignment property of GridViewHyperlinkColumn is not taken in consideration.
  • FIXED: It is not possible to set an image to the button in command cell when handling the CellFormatting event.
  • FIXED: Visited hyperlink cells are being incorrectly transferred to other cells when scrolling.
  • FIXED: The scrollbar is not visible when expanding a group in a child view.
  • FIXED: The SelectionChanged event does not fire when deselecting rows with the mouse.
  • FIXED: Summary rows in parent groups are not updated properly.
  • FIXED: Setting the MinWidth property of GridViewColumn does not take effect on the Width property.
  • FIXED: The Right cell border disappears when RadGridView is scrolled horizontally.
  • FIXED: Grouping does not work properly in unbound mode.
  • FIXED: The expression editor form should be accessible in order to allow customization of its appearance.
  • FIXED: The sorting is wrong when loading RadGridView if there is an image column.


  • FIXED: The default values of HeaderImageKey and FooterImageKey properties are wrong.


  • ADDED: Added an option that allows for choosing whether the newly added items should be automatically selected or not.
  • FIXED: There is no effect when calling the Clear method and using custom grouping.
  • FIXED: The process of adding a large number of items (>10000) in details view is very slow.
  • FIXED: There is an exception when modifying the width of a column in Visual Studio's designer.
  • FIXED: There is an exception when the form is minimized if it is placed in RadDock and has a Margin set to its virtualized view element.
  • FIXED: The VerticalScrollState property cannot be set at design time when the ViewType property is set.
  • FIXED: The cursor should not indicate a resize operation for a column that cannot be resized.


  • FIXED: The navigation between tabs in RadPageView is wrong when using backstage view mode.
  • FIXED: RadPageView looks broken when used with DPI settings different from the default settings.


  • ADDED: Design-time scrolling functionality.
  • FIXED: The layout of tiles added at design time is wrong when AutoArrangeNewTiles property is set to true.


  • ADDED: Printing support.
  • ADDED: Field list control.
  • ADDED: Design-time property builder.
  • ADDED: Binding support between RadPivotGrid and RadChartView.
  • ADDED: Row and column filtering support.
  • FIXED: MouseUp event does not fire for data cells.
  • FIXED: The selection behavior should stop when a message box is shown.


  • ADDED: Support for the PasswordPropertyText attribute.
  • IMPROVED: Allowed replacing all RadPropertyGrid elements.
  • FIXED: A text box editor is shown when editing a DateTime? property instead of calendar.
  • FIXED: When the help bar is resized all properties should not be invalidated.
  • FIXED: TypeConverter method arguments are wrong when using custom type converters.


  • FIXED: Contextual tab groups do not support HTML-like text formatting when aero is allowed.
  • FIXED: When aero is allowed, MaximizeBox and MinimizeBox properties have no effect.
  • FIXED: Adding items to the StartMenuBottomStrip collection in design time is not working.
  • FIXED: There is an exception when dragging groups at design time.
  • FIXED: Backstage view is not positioned correctly.


  • ADDED: Added theming support for RadRichTextBox through the Visual Style Builder.
  • IMPROVED: Allowed customizing Author, Creator, Keywords, Producer, Subject and Title properties when exporting in PDF.
  • FIXED: Html Export of RadRichTextBox exports all spans with empty font-style.
  • FIXED: Html import fails when the html content has font-style attribute with empty value.


  • IMPROVED: Allowed the customization of the Confirm Delete dialog.
  • FIXED: Context menu hover effect is not working for sub menus.
  • FIXED: Some items are deselected in multi-day view when selecting multiple cells and doing a right-click to open the context menu.
  • FIXED: AppointmentDeleted is fired even though the user cancelled the deletion (pressed Cancel on the dialog).
  • FIXED: There is an exception when changing the ruler scale to 5 min and using multi-day view.
  • FIXED: There is no effect when setting the AllowAppointmentResize property in multi-day view.
  • FIXED: The AppoitnemtSelected event does not fire in multi-day view.
  • FIXED: The NewResourceId property of AppointmentMoved/Moving event arguments is always equal to null.
  • FIXED: There is no way to force update for specific appointments.
  • FIXED: The current time line is not correct in QSF >> Scheduler >> Time Zones example.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed FeedbackDictionary property from AppointmentDraggingBehavior.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed the RequestMove method from AppointmentDraggingBehavior, use the BeginDrag method instead.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Renamed the Initialized event in AppointmentDraggingBehavior to FeedbackInitialized.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed MoveFeedback method in SchedulerMonthViewGroupedByResourceElement, use methods from AppointmentDraggingBehavior class instead.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed originalDraggingAppointment property from TimelineGroupedByResourceElement, use AppointmentDraggingBehavior.ActiveFeedback.AssociatedAppointment property instead.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed MoveFeedback method from TimelineGroupedByResourceElement, use methods from AppointmentDraggingBehavior instead.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed the following methods: ShowFeedbackInMonthView, ShowFeedbackInTimelineView, CreateFeedback, InitializeFeedback, ShowFeedbackInTable, and ShowFeedbackInHeader from SchedulerUIHelper.


  • FIXED: The spell checker gives wrong suggestions for words that contain apostrophe.
  • FIXED: The “Change To:” field in SpellCheckAllAtOnce form should be filled with the selected word in the suggestions box.


  • FIXED: Handling of KeyPress event does not suppress inserting a new character.
  • FIXED: Mouse wheel scrolling does not work.
  • FIXED: The control is not able to show strings longer than 6000 characters.
  • FIXED: The last caret position is not aligned to the end of the text due to wrong text measurement.
  • FIXED: When the AcceptReturn is enabled, the ENTER key is processed by the accept button of the form.


  • ADDED: “New node” and “Remove node” options in the context menu in self-reference hierarchy.
  • FIXED: Scrollbars are visible when adding nodes in the Form.Load event.
  • FIXED: There is an exception when setting the CheckType property of an unattached RadTreeNode.
  • FIXED: There is an exception when filtering a grid scrolled to the bottom.
  • FIXED: The tooltip is not disabled when setting the ShowNodeToolTips to false.
  • FIXED: There is an exception when adding nodes and using Begin/EndUpdate methods.
  • FIXED: The appearance of the vertical scroll bar is wrong when nodes are added programmatically.
  • FIXED: There is an exception when handling the ToggleStateChanging event.

Telerik Presentation Framework

  • ADDED: Full Coded UI Test support for Visual Studio 2010 and Visual Studio 2012.
  • IMPROVED: Improved the sizing behavior of RadTextBox, RadMaskedEditBox, RadSpinEditor, RadTimePicker, RadDateTimePicker, RadBrowseEditor and RadColorBox. Now these controls can be sized freely when their AutoSize property is set to false.
  • FIXED: Controls layout is broken when using custom DPI settings.
  • FIXED: HTML-like text rendering - Lists are rendered without the last list item.
  • FIXED: HTML-like text rendering - Exception when nesting <b>-tag in <a>-tag.
  • FIXED: HTML-like text rendering - the </a> tag is not rendered correctly when it is located in links.
  • FIXED: HTML-like text rendering – there is an exception when the html text is not valid.
  • FIXED: There is an exception during design-time when using complex layouts.
  • FIXED. RadHostItem does not return the correct size.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Changed the behavior of RadControl when AutoSize is set to true.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Changed the element hierarchy for the following editors by replacing BoxLayout and DockLayout with StackLayoutElement: RadDateTimePicker, RadTimePicker, RadDropDownList, RadSpinEditor, RadBrowseEditor, and RadColorBox.


  • FIXED: A message box appears when the application is deployed.
  • FIXED: The background color is wrong for RadDropDownList in TelerikMetro and TelerikMetroBlue themes.
  • FIXED: Office 2010 themes can't scroll Document tabs till the end of the row.
  • FIXED: VisualStudio2012 themes are shown in the ThemeName drop down at design-time.
  • FIXED: The application button in TelerikMetro and TelerikMetroBlue themes cannot be customized.

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