
Telerik UI for Winforms

Release History

Q2 2012 (version 2012.2.608)

June 11, 2012


  • FIXED. RadRadioButton - should take its parent BackColor (not the form color) when its BackColor property is set to Transparent.

Accessibility support

  • IMPROVED: Keyboard navigation and narration support of RadDropDownButton.
  • IMPROVED: Keyboard navigation for RadRibbonBar.
  • IMPROVED: Narration support of RadMessageBox, RadDropDownList, RadListControl, RadTreeView.
  • IMPROVED: Added narration support for RadGridView in hierarchy mode.

RadAutoCompleteBox (New Control)

RadAutoCompleteBox allows you to easily fill-in tokens of text in a textbox and the aid during writing comes from its auto-complete functionality. This behavior is similar to the “To” field of Outlook and Facebook where you are filling-in the recipients to which you are going to send a new message:
  • Auto-complete in bound and unbound mode
  • Clipboard support
  • Predefined layouts (single line, multi-line and word wrap)
  • Customizable and extendable document object model
  • Customizable auto-complete drop down
  • Localizable context menu
  • Theme support


  • ADDED: The month selector of RadCalendar fires Calendar.Navigated events.

RadChartView (New Control)

The new RadChartView control can be used to visualize data in a human-readable way through different representations. This control addresses some of the limitations and deficiencies that we have identified in the RadChart implementation over the years - it allows you to visualize interactive, rich, animated charts and enables the end users to analyze complex data.
  • Line, Area, Bar, Pie, Polar and Radar charts
  • Scroll and Zoom
  • Selection
  • Trackball
  • Tooltip
  • Bound and unbound mode
  • Can be inserted at any level of the element tree, for example in RadGridView cells.
  • Theme and palette support


  • FIXED: RadColorBox does not release the memory after its form is closed.
  • FIXED: RadColorDialog - setting the selected color is incorrect when reusing the created form.


  • FIXED: RadCommandBar can't be used with ContextMenuStrip.


  • FIXED: Keyboard Selection does not work correctly in RadDateTimePicker when the Culture is ar-SA.
  • FIXED: The Value property does not update the Text property if the value is NULL.


  • FIXED: The ActiveWindow changes when the document closing operation is cancelled.
  • FIXED: The Advanced Layout Designer does not save its content when used in a VB project.
  • FIXED. RadDock events sequence.
  • FIXED. RadDock - Layout not work properly for nested RadDock control.


  • FIXED: RadDropDownList cannot be bound to a DataSet.


  • FIXED: RadForm drawing issues when the form is a maximized MDI child.
  • FIXED: RadForm is not correctly resized when it is a maximized MDI child.
  • FIXED: RadRibbonForm appearance issue.


  • ADDED: Horizontal scrolling when multiple selections are performed by mouse.
  • IMPROVED: The custom filtering dialog of a decimal column should take into consideration the DataType of the column for its spin editors.
  • IMPROVED: The drag and drop operation of rows or columns scrolls the grid if the target item is not visible.
  • FIXED: Child Template with HTMLViewDefinition does not have proper layout when resizing.
  • FIXED: An exception in RadGridView when setting CurrentRow to null.
  • FIXED: An exception when editing a long column in RadGridView and using html view definition.
  • FIXED: An exception when editing a long column in RadGridView and using html view definition.
  • FIXED: CompositeFilterDescriptors do not work properly.
  • FIXED: An exception when filtering a date-time column which contains null values.
  • FIXED: Some of the strings on the Print Dialogs cannot be localized.
  • FIXED: When RightToLeft is enabled in RadGridView and you try to print it, the layout of the pages is messed up.
  • FIXED: The settings from the dialog opened by the Print button on the RadPrintPreviewDialog are not taken into consideration.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: The DragInstance for columns and rows of RadGridViewDragDropService is now of type SnapshotDragItem instead of GridRowElement and GridCellElement. The row and column can now be accessed via the GetDataContext method of the DragInstance.


  • ADDED: The control does not have states (i.e. Disabled state).
  • ADDED: Three-state checkboxes in RadListView's items.
  • IMPROVED: RadListView performance when updating the content of its items.
  • FIXED: An exception is thrown when adding ListViewDataItems to RadListView via the Insert method at runtime.
  • FIXED: An exception is thrown when you try to reset or change the DataSource of RadListView in DetailsView.
  • FIXED: Cannot delete an item in the ItemCheckedChanged event.


  • FIXED: RadMaskedEditBox throws an exception when using mask C2 and setting Value to Null.


  • IMPROVED: Delay closing of sub-menus with a timer.
  • FIXED: When you change the PopupDirection of a RadMenuItem, the drop-down menu alignment is not correct.
  • FIXED: The Click event of merged menu items is not fired the first time when you click on them.


  • FIXED: Setting the Font of the control or element in OutlookMode does not work.


  • FIXED: RadRibbonBar design time behavior - unexpected menu for adding items in a RadRibbonBar group appears.
  • FIXED: Metro theme for RadRibborBar has glitches for the application menu and quick access bar.
  • FIXED: RadApplicationMenu popup size is incorrectly calculated when RadMenuItems are collapsed.
  • FIXED: The application button in backstage mode is incorrectly placed on a RadRibbonForm with AllowAero set to true.


  • FIXED: Incorrectly importing a bold or italic word in RTF content.
  • FIXED: Pasting an image to RadRichTextBox does not work.
  • FIXED: Scaling text in RadRichTextBox does not work.
  • FIXED: Scrolling is not performed when the end-user is performing keyboard selection.
  • FIXED: Importing a document fragment from a saved docx file.


  • FIXED: Incorrect navigation behavior with Up/Down arrow keys when RightToLeft is enabled.
  • FIXED: Sometimes an exception is thrown when you try to drag and drop appointments in a grouped TimelineView.
  • FIXED: The AllowDelete property does not work when deleting an appointment with the Delete key.
  • FIXED: The cell scrollbar in MonthView is not aligned properly in RightToLeft.
  • FIXED: The CellClick event is not fired when you click on a cell in MonthView.
  • FIXED: The controls on the EditRecurrenceDialog are not arranged correctly when RightToLeft = Yes
  • FIXED: When a single custom child element is added to an AppointmentElement, it is being arranged incorrectly in DayView and WeekView.


  • FIXED: RadSpinEditor - TextChanged of the control is not fired. Should fire in the same cases as the TextChanged event of the element.
  • FIXED: RadSpinEditor's Text property should act the same way as the Text property of the element.

RadTextBoxControl (New Control)

The Telerik text box control provides text editing capabilities independed from Windows operating system. It also provides high-end integration with Telerik Presentation Framework.
  • Auto-complete in bound and unbound mode
  • Clipboard support
  • Predefined layouts (single line, multi-line and word wrap)
  • Customizable and extendable document object model
  • Customizable auto-complete drop down
  • Localizable context menu
  • Theme support


  • FIXED: Unable to localize the Close button Text.


  • FIXED: Adding a new node after filtering and resetting the filter not work properly.
  • FIXED: The checked state of the disabled nodes's check boxes is changed after scrolling.
  • FIXED: An exception is thrown when saving/loading from a stream.
  • FIXED: The text of disabled nodes is not aligned correctly.

Telerik Presentation Framework

  • ADDED: CSS like syntax to define themes.
  • IMPROVED: Improved the performance when loading themes.
  • IMPROVED: Lowered the application memory consumption.
  • IMPROVED: Decreased the size of RadControls.UI assembly from 8 to 2.8 Mb.
  • AnimatedPropertySetting
    • BREAKING CHANGE: AnimatedPropertySetting no longer inherits from PropertySettingBase.
    • BREAKING CHANGE: AnimatedPropertySetting does not implement ICloneable.
    • REMOVED: AnimationLoopType property. Currently only forward animation loop is available.
    • REMOVED: AnimationType property. Currently only animation by step is available.
    • REMOVED: AnimatorStyle property. Currently the animation is applyed at the time when calling the ApplyValue method.
    • REMOVED: ReverseStep property. Animations can be applyed only forward.
    • REMOVED: Calculator property. This property is no longer accessible.
    • REMOVED: UnapplyEasingType property. Animations can be applied only forward.
    • REMOVED: StartValueIsCurrentValue property. Using this property is no longer necessary.
    • REMOVED: GetAnimatedSetting method. Calling this method is no longer necessary.
    • REMOVED: RestoreValue method. Calling this method is no longer necessary.
    • REMOVED: SetParameters method. Use the respective properties instead.
    • REMOVED: UnapplyValue method. Animations can be applied only forward.
    • REMOVED: UnregisterValue method. Animations can be applied only forward.
  • AnimationValueCalculator
    • REMOVED: GetEndValue and GetStartValue methods. Calling these methods is not necessary.
  • AnimationValueCalculatorFactory
    • REMOVED: GetRegisteredStepForType, GetRegisteredTypeFromStepType, RegisterAnimationStep. Calling these methods is not necessary.
  • SelectorBase
    • REMOVED: GetRoutedEventBehaviors, SerializeProperties, Unregister methods. Calling these methods is not necessary.
  • Condition
    • REMOVED: CreateSerializableInstance, Serialize, and SerializeProperties methods. The Condition class is no longer Xml serializable.
  • ComponentThemableElementTree
    • CHANGED: Event arguments of ApplyThemeToElementTree method. Now it does not require a parameter.
    • REMOVED: ControlDefinesThemeForElement method. Implementing this method is no longer necessary.
    • REMOVED: CreateChildItems method. You should use RadControl's method with the same name.
    • REMOVED: EnsureThemeAppliedInitially method. Calling this method is no longer necessary.
    • REMOVED: ForceReapplyTheme method. Calling this method is no longer necessary.
    • REMOVED: IsThemeClassNameSet property. Check the ThemeClassName property instead.
    • REMOVED: OnThemeNameChanged method. Use the OnThemeNameChanged method of RadControl instead.
    • REMOVED: StyleManager property. The new theming system does not use style managers anymore.
  • ElementValuesAnimator
    • REMOVED: CachedEndValue, CachedStartValue, and Calculator properties.
    • REMOVED: GetCurrentValue, ReInitialize, ResetValue, SetCurrentValue, SettingRemoving, Start, StopAndReverse methods. Accessing these properties and methods is no longer necessary.
  • IComponentTreeHandler
    • REMOVED: CallGetPreferredSize, CallOnLayout, CallSetBoundsCore methods. Calling these methods is no longer necessary.
  • IElementSelector
    • REMOVED: GetRoutedEventBehaviors, Serialize, Unregister methods. Calling these methods is no longer necessary.
  • IPropertySetting
    • REMOVED: PropertySettingRemoving, Serialize, UnregisterValue methods. Calling these methods is no longer necessary.
  • PropertySetting
    • REMOVED: CleanValuesPerThread, GetValueProvider, UnapplyValue, UnregisterValue, Serialize methods. Calling these methods is no longer necessary.
  • PropertySettingGroup
    • CHANGED: class constructor now requires objects of type PropertySetting instead of IPropertySetting.
    • CHANGED: Selectors collection property with the Selector property. Now, only one condition can be set to a property setting group.
  • RadControl
    • REMOVED: GetCausesValidation method. Use the CausesValidation property instead.
    • REMOVED: GetInitialDesiredSize method. Calling this method is no longer necessary.
    • REMOVED: GetUseNewLayout method. Currently only one layout exists in RadControls for WinForms.
    • CHANGED: You should cast RadControl to IComponentTreeHandler when calling InvalidateElement method.
    • CHANGED: You should cast RadControl to IComponentTreeHandler when calling InvalidateIfNotSuspended method.
    • REMOVED: IsThemeClassNameSet property. Check the ThemeClassName property instead.
    • REMOVED: RadAccessibilityNotifyClients and RepaintElements methods. Calling these methods is no longer necessary.
    • REMOVED: Style property. Use the Style property of the RootElement instead.
  • RadElement
    • REMOVED: ComposeStyle method. Use the CreateStyleSheet method of StyleGroup class instead.
    • REMOVED: ForceReApplyStyle method. Calling this method is no longer necessary.
    • REMOVED: ParentStyle property. Use Parent.Style instead.
    • REMOVED: ReApplyStyle method. Use StyleSheet.Apply method instead.
  • RadElementTree
    • REMOVED: CreateChildItems, CreateRootElement, EnsureRootElement and InitializeRootElement methods. Use the respective methods of RadControl.
  • RadItem
    • REMOVED: IsInputKey method. Use RadControl.IsInputKey method instead.
  • RadThemeManager
    • REMOVED: LoadedThemeNames property. Use ThemeRepository.AvailableThemeNames property instead.
  • StyleSheet
    • BREAKING CHANGE: The StyleSheet class is no longer Component
    • REMOVED: constructor specifying theme location. StyleSheets are created automatically when some control requests a theme.
    • REMOVED: ApplyStyle method, use Apply method instead.
    • REMOVED: GetRepositoryItems, use Repositories collection of PropertySettingGroup class instead.
    • REMOVED: LoadStylesheet, use Theme.Read methods to load a theme.
    • REMOVED: ProcessGroupsInheritance, ProcessStyle, SaveStylesheet, Unapply methods. Calling these methods is no longer necessary.
    • REMOVED: ThemeLocation property. Currently the StyleSheet class does not store its theme location.
  • Theme
    • REMOVED: FindStyleSheetRegistration, GetPropertyValue, GetRegisteredStyleBuilders, HasBuildersFor, NotifyThemeChanged, SetPropertyValue methods. Calling these methods is no longer necessary.
    • REMOVED: AddColorBlend, ApplyColorBlendToGroups, ApplyColorBlendToStyleSheet, RemoveAllColorBlends, RemoveColorBlend methods. Currently the color blending feature is not supported.
    • REMOVED: Repository property, use the Repositories collection property instead.
    • REMOVED: ThemeName property, use the Name property instead.
    • REMOVED: ThemeProperties property. Accessing this property is no longer necessary.
  • ThemeResolutionService
    • REMOVED: GetRegisteredControlStyleBuilder, GetThemeRepository, RegisterControlStyleBuilder, RegisterElementTypeDefaultStyleBuilder, RegisterGlobalStyleBuilder, RegisterStyleBuilder, RegisterStyleBuilderByControlName,RegisterThemeFromAssembly, UnregisterStyleSheetBuilder methods. Style builders are no longer supported.
  • REMOVED: StyleManager, ElementHierarchyEnumerator, StyleMap, StylesheetTree, StylesheetTreeNode, ElementRepositoryOptions, RepositoryItemTypes, ThemePropertyCollection, UIProperties, VsbControlMetadata, VsbElementMetadata, VsbItemMetadata, VsbMetadataAction classes. These classes are no longer used.
  • CHANGED: Moved ExpanderItem.SignStyles from RadControlsUI to SignStyles in RadControl
  • CHANGED: Moved OfficeShape, TabIEShape, TabOffice12Shape, TabVsShape, TrackBarDThumbShape, TrackBarLThumbShape, TrackBarRThumbShape, TrackBarUThumbShape classes from RadControlsUI to RadControl.
  • REMOVED: Aqua theme.

Visual Style Builder for WinForms

  • FIXED: An exception is thrown when editing repository.

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