
Telerik UI for Winforms

Release History

Q2 2011 (version 2011.2.11.712)

July 12, 2011


  • FIXED: Header is visible even when the ShowHeader property is set to false.


  • FIXED: An exception occurs while opening the RadChart Property Builder at design time.


  • ADDED: Support for nullable values.
  • FIXED: TextChanged, ValueChanging and ValueChanged events do not fire correctly.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Changed the internal element structure.


  • ADDED: Ability to add a tool window with tab text which differs from its Caption text.
  • ADDED: SelectedTabChanging / SelectedTabChanged events in RadDock.
  • ADDED: PageViewInstanceCreated event in RadDock.
  • ADDED. RadDock - add Scrolling DocumentTabs behavior
  • FIXED: Tab buttons are not aligned correctly in right-to-left mode.
  • FIXED: In some cases the number of serialized windows when using Save/Load layout is wrong.
  • FIXED: The DockState is not preserved correctly when using Save/Load layout.
  • FIXED: Closing a hidden tool window in ActiveWindowChanged event prevents you from docking another tool window.
  • FIXED: Selecting an item from RadDropDownList closes the tool window when it is in AutoHide mode.
  • FIXED: AutoHide and docking button in tool windows do not have localization strings.
  • FIXED: The tab title is not updated when changing the name of a child mdi form in its Load event.
  • FIXED: Canceling the ActiveWindowChanging event does not prevent changing the active window.
  • FIXED: RadDock does not show tooltips for certain buttons.
  • FIXED: RadDock prevents the items of a ContextMenu from getting their mouse events fired.
  • FIXED: When you try to reposition a tool window by a drag-and-drop operation, the designer closes unexpectedly.
  • FIXED: An exception occurs when using AutoScroll MDI forms.
  • FIXED: An exception occurs when using complex layouts with nested tool windows.
  • FIXED: Memory leak in RadDock when closing a document window from the context menu.
  • FIXED: Resizing RadForm containing an empty RadDock causes a memory leak.
  • FIXED: The SplitterWidth property is not taken into consideration.
  • FIXED: Clicking on RadDateTimePicker items closes the tool window when it is in auto size mode.
  • FIXED: TabSelecting event fires 5 times when selecting a tab.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Replaced RadTabStrip with RadPageView.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: AutoHideTabStripElement inherits RadPageViewStripElement instead of RadTabStripElement.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: GetAutoHideTabStrip method returns RadPageViewStripElement instance instead of RadTabStripElement.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Changed the internal elements structure.


  • ADDED: DataBindingComplete event.
  • FIXED: The focus state is wrong when RadDropDownList does not contain the focus.
  • FIXED: Adding items and changing their text at design time is not affected at design time.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Changed the sender argument in all events from RadDropDownListElement to the RadDropDownList (OnSelectedIndexChanged, OnSelectedIndexChanging, OnSelectedValueChanged, OnItemDataBinding, OnItemDataBound, OnCreatingVisualItem, OnVisualItemFormatting, and OnSortStyleChanged).


  • ADDED: Expression editor that allows you to build complex expressions involving columns’ values.
  • ADDED: Predefined and custom expression functions.
  • ADDED: Support for BestFitColumns method in column groups view.
  • ADDED: Support for dictionary data source in GridViewComboBoxColumn.
  • ADDED: Support for char type filtering operators (StartsWith, EndsWith, Contains, etc.)
  • ADDED: Users can change the context menu in Excel-like filtering.
  • ADDED: Users can change the context menu theme when handling ContextMenuOpening event.
  • ADDED: Option to change the DataSource in RadGridView when handling CellEndEdit event.
  • ADDED: Ceiling function as a column expression.
  • ADDED: DisplayMemberSort property in GridViewComboBoxColumn that determines the way the bound objects are sorted. The column can be sorted either by the DisplayMember field or by the ValueMember field.
  • ADDED: ImageAlignment property in GridViewImageColumn.
  • IMPROVED: The auto-generate columns mechanism should consider the DataTable columns Caption.
  • IMPROVED: The selected row should not be affected when conditional formatting is applied.
  • FIXED: Changes in child rows are not reflected when adding records through the binding source.
  • FIXED: GridViewComboBoxColumn does not display the value of DBNull.Value. The user is not capable of committing the DBNull.Value to a cell.
  • FIXED: Default sort in Excel filtering should consider the column type.
  • FIXED: The property change of a record in the ListChanged event of the BindingList causes an exception.
  • FIXED: Calling Column.Remove method breaks the object relational hierarchy binding.
  • FIXED: Selection is processed while scrolling the control.
  • FIXED: Wrong scrolling in hierarchy when using keyboard navigation.
  • FIXED: Scrolling issue when filtering is applied and while using the ExpandAll method.
  • FIXED: Incorrect editor size when using AutoSizeRows and Multiline features.
  • FIXED: BestFitColumns is not working properly when updates are suspended and AutoSizeColumnsMode is set to Fill.
  • FIXED: The size of the columns when AutoSizeColumnsMode is set to Fill is calculated differently with each rebinding of the control. This happens only to columns that do not have their size fixed.
  • FIXED: An exception occurs while resizing a column and AutoSizeColumnsMode is set to fill.
  • FIXED: An exception occurs when AutoSizeRows is true and you edit a cell that belongs to the third level in hierarchy view.
  • FIXED: Checkbox is not fully visible when using the AutoSizeRows feature.
  • FIXED: RowValidating does not fire when adding row and AddNewRowPosition is Bottom.
  • FIXED: Wrong layout when using a column group with hidden header in column group view.
  • FIXED: Combobox column does not show the correct display value when using enum values.
  • FIXED: Group items cannot be dropped on grid rows.
  • FIXED: Save/Load layout does not work correctly when filtering with between operator is applied to a date time column.
  • FIXED: Group row Height cannot be changed when using column groups or html view.
  • FIXED: Incorrect cell spacing when the row header column is hidden.
  • FIXED: The drag selection does not work when SelectionMode is CellSelect and RowSpacing is defined.
  • FIXED: CellDoubleClick does not fire for checkbox cells.
  • FIXED: Slow exporting to Excel when using custom visual settings and there are hidden columns.
  • FIXED: Wrong text alignment when exporting to PDF.
  • FIXED: Filtering is not working properly when using a wildcard symbol (%) with ‚like’ operators.
  • FIXED: DistinctValues collection is not refreshed when cell value changes.
  • FIXED: Custom filter dialog “Not” check box is not working correctly.
  • FIXED: Cell editor remains active when clicking in a different cell in hierarchical RadGridView.
  • FIXED: Expand icon is not visible when using a manually created object relational hierarchy.
  • FIXED: Sub-property initialization depends on the order in which the bound properties are set.
  • FIXED: An exception occurs when using properties of nullable type with sub-property binding.
  • FIXED: Two rows are added when you add just one row and use Open Access objects as a data source.
  • FIXED: Property Builder is not working under 32-bit OS.
  • FIXED: There is no way to adjust the popup size automatically when using GridViewMultiComboBoxColumn.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Changed the composite filter form header localization string.


  • ADDED: DataBindingComplete event.
  • FIXED: The item selection is wrong when adding an external item to data source.
  • FIXED: Adding items and changing their text at design time is not affected at design time.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Changed the sender argument in all events from RadListElement to the RadListControl (OnSelectedIndexChanged, OnSelectedIndexChanging, OnSelectedValueChanged, OnItemDataBinding, OnItemDataBound, OnCreatingVisualItem, OnVisualItemFormatting, and OnSortStyleChanged).

RadListView (New Control)

Ride the latest UI wave in data presentation with the Telerik RadListView for Windows Forms. Give your users slick and modern lists, kinetic scrolling, and hot tracking. Features at a glance:
  • Kinetic scrolling and hot tracking support (ready for touch-screen and Windows 8 applications)
  • Sorting, filtering, grouping, and editing support
  • Data binding (bound, unbound mode)
  • Predefined configurable views and layouts (ListView, IconView, DetailView)
  • Theme support


  • ADDED: Support for nullable values.
  • ADDED: IP mask.
  • ADDED: Email mask.
  • ADDED: Regular expression mask.
  • ADDED: AM/PM editing.
  • ADDED: Ability to input characters when using standard mask.
  • ADDED: Design time editor dialog for predefined masks.
  • ADDED: Continuous user input, i.e. no navigation keys is required when entering data.
  • ADDED: Option to disable the spin editor behavior.
  • FIXED: Keyboard events do not fire.
  • FIXED: TextChanged, ValueChanging and ValueChanged events do not fire correctly.
  • FIXED: The input behavior when using numeric mask and currency formatting.
  • FIXED: The "#" mask allows more than one digit, which is not correct.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: RadMaskedEditBox derives from RadControl instead of RadTextBoxBase.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Changed the internal element structure.


  • FIXED: Drop-down size is increasing every time when opening the drop-down.


  • FIXED: Double-clicking on the dropdown button of the overflow menu doubles the items.
  • FIXED: Selected page does not correspond to the appropriate content.
  • FIXED: RadPageViewDragDropService has a reference to an image resource which breaks the ILMerge approach.

RadPropertyGrid (New Control)

    The Telerik Property Grid for Windows Forms displays the properties of a given object in a user-friendly way allowing the end-user to edit these properties. Features at a glance:
  • Search and filter with the built-in searching capabilities
  • Group and sort properties
  • Validate and reset property values
  • Add custom items, editors, elements and properties
  • Hide properties
  • Context menu
  • Style properties, which need to stand out
  • Add a custom toolbar and/or actions for sorting, filtering, and grouping
  • Resizable help bar with the property description at the bottom
  • Theme support


  • ADDED: AllowCollapsed property for RadRibbonBarGroup element.
  • FIXED: The FadeAnimationType property is not visible at design-time.
  • FIXED: The EnableKeyMap property is not serialized in the designer.
  • FIXED: RadRibbonBar designer is unresponsive after reopening it.
  • FIXED: An exception occurs when pressing Enter the first time a Backstage View is opened.
  • FIXED: Keymap screen tips are not working with the numeric keypad.
  • FIXED. NumPad keys does not call the click of an element in RadRibbonBar.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: RibbonTabStripElement inherits RadPageViewStripElement instead of RadTabStripElement.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: RibbonTab inherits RadPageViewStripItem instead of TabItem.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Tab property of RibbonTab is RadPageViewItem instead of RadItem.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Changed the internal element structure.

RadRichTextBox (Beta)

Are you in need of a Word-like content authoring environment in your Windows Forms application? The Telerik RichTextBox control offers broad editing and formatting capabilities with true Word-like experience:
  • Bold, Italic, Underline, Strike-through
  • Built-in fonts and font sizes
  • Text color and background
  • Bullet and numbered lists
  • Paragraph alignment and indentation
  • Show/Hide formatting symbols
  • Clear Formatting
  • Support for inline images
  • Line breaks, Page breaks
  • Predefined page sizes and margins and paragraph indents
  • Load DOCX, XAML, HTML, RTF, TXT documents
  • Save documents as PDF, DOCX, XAML, HTML, RTF, TXT
  • Spell checker


  • FIXED: Appointments in RadScheduler are not arranged correctly in Day View.
  • FIXED: Text is drawn outside the appointments in RadScheduler when they have larger ShadowWidth.
  • FIXED: The text of appointments with small height is clipped although there is space for it.
  • FIXED: Appointments are not saved correctly to the database when their start date is changed via a drag & drop operation.
  • FIXED: RadScheduler is not displaying appointments which end at 00:00:00 on Saturday when Show Weekend is unchecked.


  • BREAKING CHANGE: Changed TabStripPanel .TabStripElement property type from RadTabStripElement to RadPageViewStripElement.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: TabStripPanel.CreateTabStripElementInstance method returns RadPageViewTabStripElement instance instead of RadTabStripElement instance.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed the TabStripPanel .RefreshSelectedTab method.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: TabStripItem inherits RadPageViewStripItem instead of TabItem


  • ADDED: CheckedNodes collection to RadTreeView.
  • ADDED: ‚None’ option as a toggle mode for the ToggleMode property.
  • ADDED: NodeCheckedChanging event which is fired when a node check box is clicked.
  • IMPROVED: Make the editing behavior in RadTreeView similar to the one present in the windows explorer tree.
  • IMPROVED: Performance of sorted Nodes collection in bound mode.
  • FIXED: CRUD issues in self-reference mode.
  • FIXED: Drag and Drop operation can start by dragging any of the selected nodes in multi-selection.
  • FIXED: GetNodeByPath method is not working properly.
  • FIXED: Adding/Removing via context menu in self-reference hierarchy.
  • FIXED: An exception occurs when the node text is changed to an empty string in bound mode.
  • FIXED: When RadTreeView is not in full row select mode, the selected node crops its text.
  • FIXED: BringIntoView method does not work when MultiSelect property is set to true.
  • FIXED: TriStateMode property is not working properly.
  • FIXED: Prevent the horizontal auto-scrolling when longer nodes are clicked.
  • FIXED: Hidden tree nodes are not accessible in RadTreeView Property Builder.
  • FIXED: An exception occurs when using lazy mode and load-on-demand and there are BeginUpdate and EndUpdate statements.
  • FIXED: The CompareNodesTagCommand is not available.


  • ADDED: WaitingStyle property RadWaitingBar and RadWaitingBarElement in order to allow setting the style of RadWaitingBar. Currently, there are three styles supported: Indeterminate, Throbber, Dash.
  • ADDED: WaitingBarTextElement of base type LightVisualElement.
  • ADDED: WaitingBarSeparatorElement of base type LightVisualElement.
  • ADDED: ContentElement property to the RadWaitingBarElement.
  • ADDED: SeparatorElement property to the RadWaitingBarElement.
  • ADDED: Indicators property to the RadWaitingBarElement.
  • ADDED: StretchIndicatorsHorizontally and StretchIndicatorsVertically properties to RadWaitingBar and RadWaitingBarElement which indicate whether the waiting indicators are stretched horizontally or vertically.
  • ADDED: WaitingDirection property to RadWaitingBar and RadWaitingBarElement in order to indicate the direction of indicators’ movement.
  • ADDED: ShowText property to RadWaitingBar in order to display text.
  • ADDED: StartWaiting() method to RadWaitingBarElement.
  • ADDED: StopWaiting() method to RadWaitingBarElement.
  • ADDED: ResetWaiting() method to RadWaitingBar and RadWaitingBarElement. The method moves the indicators to their initial position.
  • ADDED: WaitingStarted and WaitingStopped events for RadWaitingBarElement.
  • FIXED: Wrong painting in waiting bar when using dash style.
  • FIXED: Wrong painting of the waiting indicator in Dash style.
  • IMPROVED: Customization and painting capabilities.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Changed the base type of RadWaitingBarElement from RadWaitingBarItem to LightVisualElement.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed the RadWaitingBarElement.FillPrimitive. The fill is now controlled by the properties of RadWaitingBarElement.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed the RadWaitingBarElement.BorderPrimitive. The border is now controlled by the properties of RadWaitingBarElement.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed the RadWaitingBarElement.ProgressBarPrimitive.ImagePrimitive. The waiting indicator’s image is now controlled by the WaitingBarIndicatorElement properties.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: The RadWaitingBarElement.ProgressBarPrimitive is removed. The painting logic is transferred to WaitingBarIndicatorElement and WaitingBarSeparatorElement, both of type base type LightVisualElement. The layout implementation of the ProgressBarPrimitive is now transferred to the WaitingBarContentElement.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Marked the EndWaiting() method obsolete. Use the StopWaiting() method instead.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Marked the WaitingIndicatorWidth property of RadWaitingBar obsolete. Use the WaitingIndicatorSize.Width property instead.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed Value property of RadWaitingBarElement.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed waitingTimer property of RadWaitingBarElement.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Renamed WaitingBarSpeed property of RadWaitingBarElement. Now the property is WaitingSpeed.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Renamed WaitingBarStep property of RadWaitingBarElement. Now the property is WaitingStep.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: The Image, ImageIndex and ImageKey properties of RadWaitingBarElement do not set the image of the waiting indicators. Now these properties refer to the image of the RadWaitingBarElement. To control the image of the waiting indicator use either the Image, ImageIndex and ImageKey properties of the RadWaitingBar, or the IndicatorImage, IndicatorImageIndex and IndicatorImageKey of the RadWaitingBarElement.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Renamed WaitingEnded event of RadWaitingBar to WaitingStopped.

Telerik Presentation Framework

  • ADDED: New theme - Telerik Metro.
  • FIXED: RadToolTips are not displayed correctly for pop-up controls.
  • FIXED: Small themes issues.
  • FIXED: The ToolTipText property is not serialized in the designer.
  • FIXED: An exception occurs when using large elements in Citrix environment.
  • FIXED: RadShortcut executes even if the associated control is disabled.
  • FIXED: RadColorDialog does not work when assemblies has been merged using ILMerge.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Changed the namespace for RadColorDialogForm from Telerik.WinControls to Telerik.WinControls.UI.

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