
Telerik UI for Winforms

Release History

Q1 2014 SP1 (version 2014.1.402)

April 1, 2014


  • Simple data binding is not working when binding to a nullable boolean.


  • Changing themes causes the text to shift its position.


  • EnableAnimationOnFormResize property which, when set to false, prevents items animation from occurring when the form is resized. This includes the case when the form is maximized/restored.


  • Clearing the data does not allow further panning.
  • When ChartAreaType is Pie, the hover effect of the pie elements is not showing when appropriate.


  • Pasting controls at design time causes exceptions.
  • Copying and pasting a control within the panel pastes the copied control with the very same name.


  • The CommandBarDropDownButton with items of type RadMenuButtonItem does not have a ClickedItem.


  • When the NullableValue is set to null and the control loses the focus the current date is filled automatically.


  • The ability to show an AutoHidden host window.
  • Dragging document tabs leaves RadDock in an invalid state.
  • A ToolWindow with DockState=AutoHide is not positioned correctly after calling the AutoHide() method.
  • An ObjectDisposedException is thrown when a layout is loaded.


  • The KeyDown event is not fired for Escape or Enter keys.
  • Setting AutoSizeItems to true causes each DescriptionTextListVisualItem's height to change after it is selected, setting it to false causes the items not to show completely, selecting an item causes further visual glitches.
  • The readonly functionality is not working when using double click to change the selection or when the first letter of an item is typed.
  • The Anchor property does not work.


  • GraphicalViewLinkItemFormatting event which allows for changing the appearance of the links 
  • GanttViewDragDropService is now more customizable.


  • ColumnChooserCreated event which is fired then the ColumnChooser is being opened and where one can access the column chooser itself.
  • The SelectedIndexChanged event is fired several times when RadGridView resides in RadMultiColumnComboBox.
  • The KeyDown event is not fired when the control key is pressed.
  • The cursor is not reset when no row to resize is available under the cursor.
  • The font of RadGridView with Office2010Blue theme changes when the parent controls is RadDock.
  • Closing a child template selects a different row.
  • The built-in copy functionality is not working for child templates.
  • RadGridView does not set correct columns width of the child template with BestFitColumns.
  • The best fitting algorith does not respect all cells in a column.
  • The self-referencing hierarchy with applied filter is not refreshed correcly after a data source update.
  • The vertical scroll-bar is not refreshed correctly.
  • A GridPdfExportException is thrown when exporting.
  • RadGridView does not manage correctly the cancellation of the CellValidating event.
  • Setting the Text property of a SummaryCell in the ViewCellFormatting event is not correctly reflected by the UI.
  • No hierarchy is generated when manually adding the columns and the FieldName of the column is set after the column is added.
  • A "Column does not belong to a table" exception is thrown when rebinding a grid with ConditionalFormattingObjects applied.
  • A NullReferenceException is thrown after ViewTemplate.Refresh call when deleting the last child row with load-on-demand hierarchical data.
  • When PrintGrouping and AutoSizeRows properties are set to true, an exception is trown.
  • A memory leak caused by PagingPanelElement.
  • Clearing relations causes a NullReferenceException.
  • A NullReferenceException is thrown when deleting a child row in the ChildViewExpanding event.
  • Рўhe ability to synchronize the grid filtering with the binding source filtering.
  • The UserAddingRow, EditorRequired and UserAddedRow events are fired in wrong order when the new row is pinned at the bottom and TAB key is processed.


  • When Office2010Blue theme is used there is unneeded space between the header cells and the items.
  • With some of the themes, a NullReferenceException is thrown when dragging items.
  • Items' images are incorrectly displayed when defining the ForeColor of the ListViewDataItem.


  • RadMenu does not show the whole menu and scrollbars on the second monitor.


  • When there are duplicate values in the grid, an incorrect value is set to selected.
  • When AutoFilter is set to true, the SelectedIndexChanged event is not always fired.
  • The control is slow when using animations and large data sets.


  • Functionality for resizing the tabs of RadPageView pages
  • When the theme applied is Office2010Black the content area is moving when one of the pages has longer text
  • ExplorerBarMode autoscroll does not work.


  • PrintOrientation property which determines if the document is in portrait or landscape mode when printing.
  • EnableThumbnails property which shows/hides the thumbnails element.


  • The header text is reverted despite that it is set in the GroupElementFormatting event handler.
  • Exporting to Excel of a string field with numeric value is exported as number.
  • When RadPivotGrid is bound to RadPivotFieldList and a LocalDataSourceProvider is used, there is a memory leak.


  • When the DefaultValue attribute is Color.Empty, the items are styled with bold font and "Modified" icon.
  • The PropertyValueChanging event fires twice when a MessageBox is shown in the event handler code.


  • Setting the ClickMode to Press of the RadioButtonElement does not work.


  • The BackStageButton is cut by 2 pixels.
  • RibbonTab's visibility is not synced with its content.
  • When collapsed, the control does not display the selected tab after clicking on it.
  • The ScreenTip does not close when the ribbon bar is collapsed.
  • A collapsed RadRibbonBar with a collapsed CommandTab makes the layout not update correctly.
  • Setting the Text property of RadRibbonBar is changing the Form`s title when the ControlBox property is false.
  • When the Windows 7 theme is applied, there is an issue regarding the spacing between ribbon tabs.
  • Selection of hidden/collapsed tab with keytips (press Alt and arrow keys) should not be allowed.


  • Setting the WindowState property to Maximized leads to the inability to resize the form afterwards at desing time.


  • An ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown when the AutoSize property is set to true.


  • The tooltip is shown only when buttons are hovered. It should be shown when the editable area is hovered too.


  • The scrollbars are not shown when the parent control is TableLayout.
  • The Anchor property does not work.


  • When the Image and ImageHovered properties of RadImageButtonElement are set through the 'Edit UI Elements', the hover image is not displayed on mouse over.


  • The SelectedNodeChanging event arguments now support selection reason.
  • When both scrollbars are shown automatically, the user cannot scroll to the last node.
  • When the TriState mode is set to true, the NodesNeeded event is fired for all levels of hierarchy instead of only for the next one.



  • The AcceptButton property of the form does not work with the wizard buttons.
  • Buttons cannot be accessed using Coded UI.

Telerik Presentation Framework

  • A Telerik.Analytics.dll assembly which wraps the EQATEC.Analytics.dll.
  • The Product Evaluation message appears when redistributing via OEMKEY.

Visual Studio Extensions

  • A crash when adding a Telerik item template inside a project folder.

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