
Telerik UI for Winforms

Release History

Q1 2012 SP1 (version 2012.1.321)

March 21, 2012


  • FIXED: The Click event does not fire after pressing the Escape key when RadButton is the form’s CancelButton.
  • FIXED: Changes of the Font property of RadButton do not apply.


  • FIXED: There is an exception when opening the Rows collection editor at design time.
  • FIXED: Tooltips do not show when set to RadListVisualItem inside CommandBarDropDownList.
  • FIXED: The backstage view changes its location when it is opened on a RadRibbonForm and the form gets maximized.


  • FIXED: The Value property is not synchronized when the end-user chooses a date from the popup.
  • FIXED: It is not possible to select a date equal to MinDate or MaxDate from the popup.
  • FIXED: The NullText property is not synchronized with the NullDate property at design time.


  • ADDED: Hidden floating windows persistency.
  • FIXED: There is an exception when the last tabbed document is closed using mouse middle click.
  • FIXED: Nested documents within RadDock are not closing properly when using Ctrl+F4.
  • FIXED: The DockState property does not support simple binding.
  • FIXED: The advanced layout designer does not save its tool windows.
  • FIXED: Tabs text is cut off when using RadDock in Right-to-left mode.
  • FIXED: Memory leaks when using tabbed documents.


  • IMPROVED: Changed RadForm behavior when setting an icon to be consistent with the default Form.
  • FIXED: The Click event of the form’s CancelButton is not triggered when pressing the Escape key.
  • FIXED: The ampersand symbol does not appear correctly in RadForm’s title bar.
  • FIXED: RadForm is not rendered properly when it is in full screen mode.


  • ADDED: An option to turn off escaping of special characters when exporting to Excel.
  • ADDED: An option to continuously add new rows.
  • ADDED: An option to set the theme for all printing dialogs.
  • ADDED: Support for scrolling RadGridView while dragging when SelectionMode is set to CellSelect.
  • ADDED: Support for sorting GridViewComboBoxColumn by Display or Value member in unbound mode.
  • ADDED: Options to customize alternating row color and cell appearance in print settings dialog.
  • IMPROVED: Column Chooser to show invisible columns sorted.
  • IMPROVED: Enabled choosing which time part to be included (date, time, seconds) when filtering by date column.
  • FIXED: There is an exception when using a custom filter in Excel-like filtering.
  • FIXED: Cell layout is wrong after calling the PrintPreview method.
  • FIXED: Cancel button of the print settings dialog is not working properly at design time.
  • FIXED: Vertical scrollbar is not properly updated when using multiple child views and UseScrollbarsInHierarchy property is set to false.
  • FIXED: Context menu Copy item does not copy all selected cells when using CellSelectionMode.
  • FIXED: The AutoEllipsis property does not work when used in a Hyperlink column.
  • FIXED: When setting the IsExpanded property to true, the vertical scrollbar is not updated properly.
  • FIXED: When AlternatingRowColors is enabled and RadGridView is sorted, the colorized rows are wrong.
  • FIXED: Layout is wrong after calling the PrintPreview method.
  • FIXED: The RowsChanging event is not fired appropriately when multiple rows are deleted.
  • FIXED: There is an exception when scrolling with the mouse wheel when Microsoft IntelliPoint is installed.
  • FIXED: The last selected row does not get deselected on the second click when using multiple selection.
  • FIXED: GridViewImageColumn does not support custom TypeConverter.
  • FIXED: Tab navigation is wrong when Right-to-left mode is enabled.
  • FIXED: RadGridView is not updated properly when sorted and initialized programmatically.
  • FIXED: The ValueChanged event of RadGridView is not fired when selecting a new item from RadDropDownListEditor, and AutoCompleteMode is set to Append.
  • FIXED: Keyboard navigation skips the filter cell when it is on a read-only column.
  • FIXED: SortDescriptors do not apply when added to control with no DataSource defined and no rows added.
  • FIXED: GridSpinEditor should round its value on end edit considering the number of decimal places.
  • FIXED: It is not possible to change the current cell when handling the ValueChanged event.
  • FIXED: There is an exception when using different column types in parent and child columns in a self -reference hierarchy.
  • FIXED: There are layout issues when using ColumnGroupsViewDefinition and AutoSizeColumnsMode is set to Fill.
  • FIXED: The result is wrong when doing a copy/paste operation and using localized text.
  • FIXED: There is an exception when expanding a newly added row in hierarchy mode and ChildViewTabsPosition is set to Left or Right.
  • FIXED: There is an exception when setting the data source to null in a self-reference hierarchy.
  • FIXED: The conditional formatting is wrong in the CellFormating example of our Demo application.
  • FIXED: The Cancel button is not working properly in Print Settings dialog.
  • FIXED: The BestFitColumn method does not work properly when applied on the first column in a self-reference hierarchy.
  • FIXED: The EndEdit method is not called for the DataBoundObject and the underlying data source does not commit the change when changing the cell value through code.
  • FIXED: RadGridView is not updated when adding a column to the underlying data source.
  • FIXED: Custom filter descriptor dialog is not working properly at design time.
  • FIXED: RadDropDownListEditor has no items when inherited and used in the new row.
  • FIXED: Improved Windows Narrator support under Windows 7 and Windows Vista.
  • FIXED:​ When the UserDeletingRow and UserDeletedRow are fired in multi-cell selection mode, the event arguments should contain the selected rows.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed the CellInfo property from PrintCellFrormattingEventArgs. Use Row and Column properties instead.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed the CellInfo property from PrintCellPaintEventArgs. Use Row and Column properties instead.


  • CHANGED: Now the HeaderAlignment property is not being changed when the RightToLeft property changes.
  • CHANGED: In RightToLeft mode, when the HeaderAlignment property is set to Near, the header is aligned to the right; when it is set to Far, the header is aligned to the left.


  • FIXED: The lasso selection cannot be enabled when EnableColumnSort is true.
  • FIXED: The state of the checkbox is not displayed correctly when RadListView is disabled.
  • FIXED: RadListView has incorrect layout when its width is smaller than the items' width in IconView.
  • FIXED: The sorting is not working properly when using custom grouping.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: The ToggleElement inside items now inherits from RadCheckBoxElement. This might affect the appearance of custom themes.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: The ListViewItemCheckBox is removed from Visual Style Builder and now the checkbox gets its theme from RadCheckBoxElement.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: The ToggleElement of BaseListViewGroupVisualItem is now of type ListViewGroupToggleButton.


  • FIXED: The formatting is not persisted when IE9 is installed.


  • FIXED: When changing the value, the ValueChanging and ValueChanged events fire twice.
  • FIXED: The ValueChanging and ValueChanged events are raised when the user presses the Backspace key.
  • CHANGED: Changed the TextMaskFormat default value to IncludePromtAndLiterals.


  • IMPROVED: There is no mechanism to determine to which StripItem you will drag your dragged item.
  • FIXED: The Image property of RadPageViewPage cannot be set in Visual Style Builder.
  • FIXED: BackColor of PageViewPage behaves differently at design-time and at run time.
  • FIXED: RadPageViewPage background is not updated when setting the BackColor property until the designer is refreshed.
  • FIXED: The designer of RadPageView gets broken when selecting a page.


  • ADDED: A possibility to auto arranges tiles in RadPanorama.
  • FIXED: There is an exception when adding a Tile and its ColSpan property is set to 2.


  • ADDED: Support for localization providers for printing dialogs.
  • FIXED: There is an exception when trying to print with a PDF Printer when it is not set as a default printer.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: CurrentPageNumber is renamed to PrintedPageNumber.


  • FIXED: Changes are not reflected when setting multiple INotifyPropertyChanged objects to the SelectedObjects property.


  • FIXED: Setting the Font property of the control is not taken into consideration.
  • FIXED: Application button remains in hovered state when hiding the backstage view.


  • FIXED: ApplicationButtonElement and QuickAccessToolBar are cut off when Aero if off and the form is maximized.


  • FIXED: Setting the SpellCheckingCulture property of RadRichTextBox's spell checker does not invalidate the correctness of the words.
  • FIXED: There is an exception when loading a docx file which contains specifically formatted table.
  • FIXED: There is an exception when importing html which contains an image source to an image on the web.


  • ADDED: Support for printing of appointments grouped by resource.
  • FIXED: There is an exception when clearing the Resources collection while RadScheduler is in grouped Month View.


  • FIXED: There is an exception when you try to check the value of a control inherited from RadTextBox.


  • ADD: RadTimePicker localization provider


  • ADDED: Support for windows context menu button in RadTreeView.
  • IMPROVED: FilterPredicate should allow passing a parameter as an argument to the predicate method.
  • FIXED: The DragEnded event is not working properly when the target is not RadTreeView control.
  • FIXED: The vertical scrollbar is not updated when calling the Collapse method of RadTreeNode.
  • FIXED: Cut, Copy and Paste menu items in the default context menu are not localizable.
  • FIXED: You cannot unsubscribe from the NodeCheckedChanging event.
  • FIXED: RadTreeView scrolls to its initial position when the Clear method of RadTreeNode is called.


  • FIXED: One cannot navigate through all controls when using the Tab key.

Telerik Presentation Framework

  • FIXED: Memory leak in all controls when tooltips are used.
  • FIXED: When there are several shortcuts with the same key combinations on different MDI child forms, only the shortcut on the first form is fired.
  • FIXED: Changing themes results in mixture of both the previous and the newly loaded theme.

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