
Telerik UI for Winforms

Release History

Q1 2011 (version 2011.1.11.315)

March 15, 2011


  • ADDED: Functionality to apply custom formatting to the current date in the footer area.
  • FIXED: Exception when the focused date is set to a value out of the current view.
  • FIXED: Exception when setting the Culture property while RadCalendar shows multiple views.


  • ADDED: The possibility to host controls in the CommandBarHostItem.
  • FIXED: Selecting the default item for CommandBarSplitButton prevents the drop down from being opened.
  • FIXED: The PopupOpened event does not fire then the CommandBarDropDownList is created at run time.
  • FIXED: CommandBarToggleButton’s ToggleStateChanging event has the old value in its event args.


  • FIXED: Limitation in typing the date in RadDateTimePicker.
  • FIXED: Wrongly formatted date time.


  • ADDED: The ability to define a custom position of DesktopAlert.

  • FIXED: RadDesktopAlert stays focused even when you try to focus another control.


  • ADD. RadDock - Allow customizing the tool window animation
  • FIXED: Memory leak when resizing docked windows.
  • FIXED: Tool windows that have their DockState set to the AutoHide option do not hide immediately.
  • FIXED: MDI child forms 'hang' when you set their MDIParent property to null.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed the obsolete DockingManager implementation.


  • FIXED: The first letter of the selected item is cut off on the initial load.
  • FIXED: Setting the DataSource for a second time has no effect.
  • FIXED: RadDropDownList propagates the MouseWheel event to its parent.
  • FIXED: RadDropDownList shows the last part of the string instead of the beginning of it.
  • FIXED: The SelectedItems and SelectedIndex properties are not synchronized correctly in bound mode.


  • ADDED: Mixed hierarchy mode where self-reference and classic hierarchy modes can be used together.
  • ADDED: Automatic scrolling when selecting rows in multiple rows.
  • ADDED: ShowFiterCellOperatorText property that defines whether to show the filter description.
  • ADDED: Support for DBNull values in Excel-like filtering.
  • ADDED: Support for comma delimited values when using the ExportToExcelML feature.
  • ADDED: Support for GUID types when using the ExportToExcelML feature.
  • ADDED: Support for the DateTimeOffset types when exporting to Excel.
  • ADDED: Support for exporting of hierarchical data to Excel.
  • ADDED: Enabled customizing the textbox border when using a text editor.
  • ADDED: Substring function to the column expression's calculation mechanism.
  • FIXED: The CellValidating event does not fire when validating the new row and its position is at the bottom.
  • FIXED: The FormatString property is not used when formatting filter cells.
  • FIXED: Filtering by nullable and double types.
  • FIXED: ‚Not’ operator support in CustomFilteringForm.
  • FIXED: CellFormatting fires for cells of type GridFilterCellElement.
  • FIXED: Child rows are not displayed correctly when switching between child views.
  • FIXED: Editor changes its cell owner, when the form is resized.
  • FIXED: Hide the child view tab when all child rows are deleted.
  • FIXED: Slow performance when RadGridView is grouped by two or more columns.
  • FIXED: Incorrect arrow keys behavior when using right-to-left mode.
  • FIXED: The Expression property of GridViewColumn is not evaluated correctly when using hierarchy.
  • FIXED: Slow scrolling in column group view when using a large number of columns.
  • FIXED: The spin editor value is not reset when navigating to another cell.
  • FIXED: The DataType property of GridViewComboBoxColumn is not initialized correctly.
  • FIXED: EndEdit is not called when RadGridView loses focus.
  • FIXED: Wrong layout when EnableGrouping is false and group descriptors are defined.
  • FIXED: The ‚'’ special character is not escaped correctly when filtering is applied.
  • FIXED: Incorrect scrollbar value when setting the DataSource property and grouping is applied.
  • FIXED: Setting the DataTypeConvertor of GridViewColumn property has no effect.
  • FIXED: Setting the TextAllignment of GridViewColumn property has no effect.
  • FIXED: Setting the SelectLastAddedRow property does not ensure that the added row is visible.
  • FIXED: Wrong layout when AutoSizeColumnsMode is set to Fill and GridViewColumn MaxWidth and MinWidth properties contain the same value.
  • FIXED: The current column cannot be changed when handling the CurrentColumnChanged event.
  • FIXED: The MaximumSize property cannot be set when RadGridView is in AutoSize mode.
  • FIXED: When using textbox and grid is bound to the same data source, the grid should be updated automatically when the textbox loses focus.
  • FIXED: Child rows are not displayed correctly when switching between child views.
  • FIXED: Exception when setting the DataSource property to null and the form is minimized.
  • FIXED: Exception when grouping in column group view and there are summary rows.
  • FIXED: Exception when accessing the HeaderText property when handling the GroupSummaryEvaluate event.
  • FIXED: Exception when applying BestFitColumns and grouping is applied.
  • FIXED: In filter row of DateTime column, if “IsNull” is chosen and then immediately “Equals”, a parse exception is thrown.
  • FIXED: Excel-Like Filtering when values contain special characters.
  • FIXED.When a text box is bound to a GridViewTextBoxColumn value and the new row is selected, the text box value is not cleared
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Renamed GridCellElement.OnCellFormatting to OnViewCellFormatting.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed the AllowMultiColumnSorting obsolete property from RadSortExpressionCollection, use the AllowMultiColumnSorting property in GridViewTemplate instead.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed the AllowNaturalSort obsolete property from RasSortExpressionCollection.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Filter descriptors now use invariant culture.


  • FIXED: Setting the DataSource for a second time has no effect.
  • FIXED: The SelectedItems and SelectedIndex properties are not synchronized correctly in bound mode.


  • ADDED: Support for hidden menu items.
  • FIXED: There is a scrollbar when opening the menu for the first time in MDI scenario.
  • FIXED: RadMenu does not align properly in Right-to-Left mode.
  • FIXED: Menu items must completely occlude the right panel in the Application Menu.


  • FIXED: Wrong item selection when the auto filtering functionality is enabled.
  • FIXED: Wrong formatting when setting the FormatString property to a numeric column.
  • FIXED: Selection is not cleared when typing text that is not present in the data source and the AutoFilter property is set to false.


  • ADDED: New Backstage mode following the style of RadRibbonBar’s Backstage View.
  • FIXED: RadPageView Localization provider is not working


  • IMPROVED: Customization and painting capabilities.
  • ADDED: Added second progress indicator of type LightVisualElement.
  • ADDED: ProgressBarTexElement of type LightVisualElement.
  • ADDED: SeparatorsElement of type BasePrimitive.
  • ADDED: IntegralDash property.
  • ADDED: IndicatorElement1 property.
  • ADDED: IndicatorElement2 property.
  • ADDED: TextElement property.
  • ADDED: SeparatorsElement property.
  • ADDED: SeparatorColor3 property.
  • ADDED: SeparatorColor 4 property.
  • ADDED: SeparatorGradientAngle property.
  • ADDED: SeparatorGradientPercentage1 property.
  • ADDED: SeparatorGradientPercentage2 property.
  • ADDED: SeparatorNumberOfColors property.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Changed the base type of RadProgressBarElement from RadProgressBarItem to LightVisualElement.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: ProgressbarPrimitive is removed.The painting logic is transferred from ProgressbarPrimitive to ProgressIndicatorElement, UpperProgressIndicatorElement and SeparatorsElement. The layout implementation of the ProgressbarPrimitive is now transferred to the RadProgressBarElement.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Renamed ShowProgressIndicator to ShowProgressIndicators.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Renamed Orientation to ProgressOrientation.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed DisplayStyle property.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed ProgressBorder property. Now the border is controlled by the properties of the ProgressInficatorElement and UpperProgressIndicatorElement.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed ProgressFill property. Now the fill is controlled by the properties of the ProgressInficatorElement and UpperProgressIndicatorElement.


  • BREAKING CHANGE: Renamed the RadAlarmFormShowingArgs class to RadAlarmFormShowingEventArgs.


  • ADDED: Office 2010 style Backstage View menu.


  • ADDED: Enabled adding an exception to the first date of an appointment.
  • ADDED: Enabled customizing the timeline view header height.
  • ADDED: Functionality to scroll grouped view to a given resource.
  • ADDED Functionality to customize Timeline view header height.
  • ADDED: Logical views.
  • ADDED: Inline editors.
  • ADDED: DataBindingComplete event which notifies the user when the data loading process is completed.
  • ADDED: A half hour time scale in Timeline view.
  • ADDED: Add functionality to customize statuses and backgrounds.
  • FIXED: Incorrect scrollbar values in Timeline view.
  • FIXED: Navigator updates incorrectly after the Binding Context is changed.
  • FIXED: Wrong layout in Timeline grouping view.
  • FIXED: Properties set in Appointments/Resource Mapping dialogs do not affect the design time.
  • FIXED: Scroll bar calculation in the timeline view.
  • FIXED: AppointmentFormatting event is not fired when RadScheduler is in TimelineView.

RadSeparator (New Control)

  • ADDED: RadSeparator control - it allows to separate your forms vertically and/or horizontally.


  • ADDED: Sorting and filtering support.
  • ADDED: Ability to bind to related data of custom objects which have member collections of related objects.
  • ADDED: Spin editor, drop-down list editor and date time editor support.
  • ADDED: Custom editors support.
  • ADDED: AllowAdd property to RadTreeView that allows adding a new node by the context menu.
  • ADDED: AllowRemove property to RadTreeVIew that allows removing a node by the context menu.
  • ADDED: HideSelection property to RadTreeView that hides the selection when the control loses its focus.
  • ADDED: HotTracking property to RadTreeView that enables hot tracking when node is hovered by the mouse cursor.
  • ADDED: ShowDragHint property to RadTreeView that alters the drag hint visibility.
  • ADDED: ShowDropHint property to RadTreeView that alters the drop hint visibility.
  • ADDED: CancelEdit method to RadTreeView that rejects the editor’s value changes.
  • ADDED: EndEdit method to RadTreeView that commits the editor’s value to the data source.
  • ADDED: ClearSelection method to RadTreeView that clears the selected nodes.
  • ADDED: DeferRefresh method that performs BeginUpdate and EndUpdate methods in a ‚using’ statement.
  • ADDED: Execute method to RadTreeView that executes an ICommand instance.
  • ADDED: Find method to RadTreeView that performs node search by specified predicate.
  • ADDED: GetNodeCount method to RadTreeView that calculates the total count of nodes.
  • ADDED: SelectAll method to RadTreeView that selects all nodes.
  • ADDED: ContextMenuOpening event to RadTreeView which is raised before the context menu is opened.
  • ADDED: CreateNode event to RadTreeView which is raised when RadTreeNode instance is created in bound mode.
  • ADDED: CreateNodeElement event to RadTreeView which is raised when TreeNodeElement is created.
  • ADDED: SortOrder property to RadTreeView that alters the sorting order.
  • ADDED: ChildMember property to RadTreeView that defines the relations in self-referencing and object-relation hierarchies.
  • ADDED: ParentMember property to RadTreeView used in self-referencing hierarchy mode.
  • ADDED: ShowNodeToolTips property to RadTreeView that alters tool tips visibility for a node.
  • ADDED: DropHintColor property to RadTreeView that sets the drop hint color.
  • ADDED: NodeFormatting event which enables customizing visual nodes.
  • ADDED: Support for auto-sized nodes.
  • ADDED: Alternating row color support.
  • ADDED: Current property to RadTreeNode that determines whether the node is current.
  • ADDED: HasStyle property to RadTreeNode that determines whether the node has style.
  • ADDED: IsEditing property to RadTreeNode that determines whether the node is in edit mode.
  • ADDED: Value property to RadTreeNode that gets or sets the node’s value.
  • ADDED: ImageIndex property to RadTreeView that applies the default image index to all nodes.
  • ADDED: ImageKey property to RadTreeView that applies the default image key to all nodes.
  • ADDED: VisibleCount property to RadTreeView that gets the total count of the visible nodes.
  • ADDED: Filter property to RadTreeView that performs filtering by specified value.
  • ADDED: ParentMember and ChildMember properties to RleationBinding class.
  • ADDED: EditorInitialized event to RadTreeView which occurs when editor is initialized.
  • ADDED: NodeFormatting event to RadTreeView that allows customizing the appearance of TreeNodeElement.
  • ADDED: NodesNeeded event to RadTreeView which is raised in load-on-demand hierarchy mode.
  • IMPROVED: Decreased the binding time and the memory usage twice.
  • IMPROVED: Synchronization between RadTreeView and the underlying data source.
  • FIXED: Properties set using the property builder at design time are not persisted.
  • FIXED: Tree node text is visible behind the vertical scrollbar.
  • FIXED: Some nodes do not auto-expand.
  • FIXED: Wrong background when using the Office2010 theme.
  • FIXED: Incorrect Drag and drop behavior when using multiple node selection.
  • FIXED: RadTreeView throws an exception when adding/removing objects from the underlying data source.
  • FIXED: RadTreeView does not update itself after adding a node on the second level.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: ActiveEditor property of RadTreeView is the IValueEditor type.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: HScrollBar and VScrollBar properties return scrollbar instances of type RadScrollBarElement.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: SelectedNodes property gets values of type SelectedTreeNodeCollection.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: NodeCheckedChanged event is not thrown anymore for parent nodes, unless a change in the child node changes the check state of the parent node.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Edited and Editing events of RadTreeView have delegate types TreeNodeEditedEventHandler and TreeNodeEditingEventHandler.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: ValueChanged event of RadTreeView has a delegate type TreeNodeValueChangedEventHandler.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: ValueChanging event of RadTreeView has a delegate type TreeNodeValueChangingEventHandler.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: ValueValidating event of RadTreeView has a delegate type TreeNodeValidatingEventHandler.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed the AutoScrollOnDragDrop property from RadTreeView.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed the CausesValidation property from RadTreeView.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed the CollapseLevel method from RadTreeView.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed the DefaultPathSeparator static property from RadTreeView.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed the DefaultRadTreeNodeComparer property from RadTreeView.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed the DraggedNode property from RadTreeView.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed the DrawNode event from RadTreeView.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed the EnsureVisible static method from RadTreeView.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed the ExapndLevel method from RadTreeView.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed the FirstVisibleNode property from RadTreeView.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed the HorizontalKeyboardScrollStep and VerticalKeyboardScrollStep properties from RadTreeView.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed the InBatchUpdate property from RadTreeView.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed the InvalidateLayout method from RadTreeView.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed the InvalidateNode method from RadTreeView.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed the LastVisibleNode property from RadTreeView.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed the RadTreeNodeComparer property from RadTreeView.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed the ScrollBy method from RadTreeView.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed the ScrollPosition property from RadTreeView.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed the ScrollToBottom method from RadTreeView.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed the ScrollToTop method from RadTreeView.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed the ScrollbarCornerBackColor method from RadTreeView.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed the VisibleNodes property from RadTreeView.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed the VirtualHeight and VirtualWidth properties from RadTreeView.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed the Sorted property from RadTreeView.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed the SetFocus property from RadTreeView .
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed the ShowRightImages property from RadTreeView.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: The Selected event of RadTreeView is replaced with SelectedNodeChanged event.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: The Selecting event of RadTreeView is replaced with SelectedNodeChanging event.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed the TreeViewStructure and TreeViewXml properties from RadTreeView.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed the AdditionalTextEndPosition property from RadTreeNode.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed the AdditionalTextStartPosition property from RadTreeNode.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed the Bounds property from RadTreeNode.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed the CollapseAll method from RadTreeNode.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed SetCheckBoxCommand, CompareNodesTagCommand and ExpandCollapseCommand static instaces from RadTreeNode.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed the ContainsSelected method from RadTreeNode.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed the EndEdit method from RadTreeNode.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed the Expand method from RadTreeNode.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed the FarImage, FarImageIndex and FarImageKey properties from RadTreeNode. You can customize the node content using the virtualization capabilities of RadTreeView.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed the SelectedFarImage, SelectedFarImageIndex, SelectedFarImageKey, SelectedImage, SelectedImageIndex, SelectedImageKey and ShowFarImage properties from RadTreeNode. You can set an image using the virtualization capabilities of RadTreeView.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed the StateFarImage, StateFarImageIndex, StateFarImageKey, StateImage, StateImageIndex and StateImageKey properties from RadTreeNode. You can customize the node content using the virtualization capabilities of RadTreeView.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed the GetParentByDepth method from RadTreeNode
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed the GetLastVisibleNode static method from RadTreeNode.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed the ForeColor2, ImageInFill and IsRootNode properties from RadTreeNode.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed the FarImageIndex, FarImageKey and HostedItem properties from RadTreeNode. You can customize the node content using the virtualization capabilities of RadTreeView.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed the RelationBinding’s constructors that contains DataMember argument.

RadWizard (New Control)

  • ADDED: RadWizard control - it allows you to split a complex process into separate steps.

Telerik Presentation Framework

  • ADDED: Microsoft Active Accessibility support where applicable. This feature allows using coded UI tests in Visual Studio 2010 and other third automation tool providers.
  • ADDED: New Office 2010 Black theme.
  • ADDED: New Office 2010 Blue theme.
  • ADDED: The ability to customize the position of screen tips.
  • IMPROVED: All applicable controls that now support localization.
  • IMPROVED: All applicable controls have support for right-to-left languages.
  • IMPROVED: Improvements in ControlDefault, HighContrastBlack, Office 2010 Silver, Office 2007 Silver, Office2007 Black and Desert themes.
  • FIXED: An exception when using the Project Update Utility.
  • FIXED: The TextProperty of LightVisualElement cannot be set to null.
  • FIXED: Tool tips should be located close to the mouse cursor.
  • FIXED: RadScreenTip shows a button in the taskbar.
  • FIXED: The KeyUp event does not fire for RadCheckBox.
  • FIXED: Check boxes can be checked by using the right mouse button.
  • FIXED: Buttons can be clicked by using the right mouse button.
  • FIXED: The Visibility property of RadStatusStrip elements cannot be set to Hidden or Collapsed.
  • FIXED: Can’t type dates in RadDateTimePicker.
  • FIXED: Themes do not work at design-time with relative paths and are not loaded after the project is reopened.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Renamed the Office 2010 theme to Office 2010 Silver.

Theme Viewer (New Tool)

  • ADDED: Theme Viewer tool - allows for reviewing themes in action. It is integrated with Visual Style Builder for WinForms.

Visual Studio Extensions

  • ADDED: Installer prompts you to close Visual Studio when Visual Studio blocks the setup.
  • IMPROVED: Installer UI - installation wizard requires less clicks.
  • IMPROVED: Installers should not display the FatalError screen when a known error occurs.
  • IMPROVED: Progress text refresh happening too fast.
  • IMPROVED: Project Management wizards can not finish when no assemblies are selected.
  • IMPROVED: Visual Studio Templates setup - display informative message when the setup fails.
  • FIXED: WinForms Item Templates not appearing correctly in Visual Studio 2005.
  • FIXED: All VS template files are saved in the machine's default encoding instead in Unicode.
  • FIXED: Browsed custom distributions are not persisted.
  • FIXED: Upgrade log shows invalid warnings when upgrading a project with GAC references to other GAC references.
  • FIXED: References are not updated if the referenced assemblies are contained in the project.
  • FIXED: Uninstall/Upgrade failure when the Live Demos folder is deleted.

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