
Telerik UI for Winforms

Release History

Q1 2010 SP1 (version 2010.1.10.409)

April 10, 2010


  • FIXED RadSplitContainer - loses ActionMenu options when in RadDock.

Full Visual Studio 2010 Support

Visual Studio 2010 will simplify the development process from design to deployment and Telerik products will also contribute to improving developers’ productivity when working in Visual Studio. Telerik WinForms products provide full support for Visual Studio 2010:

  • Full design-time support, including support for all design-time tools, such as property builders, item editors, etc.
  • Telerik WinForms Templates
  • Toolbox support
  • Visual Studio Extensions
  • Integrating WPF into WinForms applications
  • Client Profile support for .NET 3.5/4.0 (RadChart is not supported)

Image Primitive

  • FIXED: Image paint rectangle is now properly calculated.
  • FIXED: Painting rectangle of ImagePrimitive is calculated wrong in some scenarios.


  • FIXED: When the format is set to ‚Custom’ and the ‚CustomFormat’ property is set to string containing the ‚dd’ pattern for the day, the leading ‚0’ was not shown for single digit days.


  • ADDED: RedockTransactionReason to give more information about the origin of a re-dock transaction
  • ADDED. Method to host a form in a HostWindow in RadDock
  • FIXED: Save/Load layout would not properly save floating windows names
  • FIXED: Focusing a large document window would not make it loose its scroll position.
  • FIXED: CloseButton in TabStripItem is was not properly laid-out.


  • ADDED: Filtering row now supports Nullable<> types
  • ADDED: A Public constructor for ConditionalFormattingObject which contains an IFormatProvider parameter in its arguments
  • FIXED: Memory leak when rebinding RadGridView.
  • FIXED: Boolean column filter should apply when Equals filter is applied.
  • FIXED: Pinned rows are displayed twice and with wrong layout.
  • FIXED: Cell value is empty when using RadGridView in virtual mode.
  • FIXED: Text editor is not saving its value when using Ctrl+V to change it.
  • FIXED: Canceling RowValidating event does not prevent a new row from being added
  • FIXED: Child cell values are not updated when changing them in the underlying data source.
  • FIXED: The DataSource property for ComboBoxColumns in the Property Builder not visible in Advanced Settings;
  • FIXED: Properties for Pinned columns in the Property Builder were not visible.
  • FIXED: The Delete row in the grid when bound to an Entity Framework object as data source throws IndexOutOfRange exception
  • FIXED: The MouseWheel event of RadComboBoxEditor is not propagated to its parent if it is handled
  • FIXED: Empty data is committed when keyboard navigation is performed from the row located at the bottom to another row
  • FIXED: HTML formatting of cell text overlaps its bounds


  • ADDED: Ability to style RadComboBox depending on whether it is a “Null text state”, that is, if there is any text in the text box part or not.
  • FIXED: Memory leak when rebinding RadListBox
  • FIXED: RadListBox/RadComboBox now fire SelectedIndex changed when empty text is entered.
  • FIXED: RadListBox no longer crashes with the “Element already added” exception in some specific cases involving ORM databinding.


  • FIXED: Markup editor font size issue.


  • FIXED: RadMaskedEditBox adds an extra 0 when Mask is set to n0 and MaskType is Numeric.


  • FIXED: When the Ribbon is collapsed to popup and the RibbonForm is a MDI container, the MDI buttons did not appear when a MDI child is maximized.
  • FIXED: When moving a RibbonTab from one RibbonBar to another its content was not moved. It remained in the first RibbonBar.
  • FIXED: Disabled RadRibbonBar keytips


  • ADDED: Possibility to switch between day and month view in order to be able to style cells which are not visible initially
  • ADDED: Vertical Scrolling in TimelineView
  • ADDED Possibility to switch between month view and week view by using a new Month View rows header element.
  • FIXED: Appointment’s resource is not updated correctly when the resource of an occurrence is changed
  • FIXED: Various bugs in DataBinding
  • FIXED: A Layout problem of the appointments in DayView


  • FIXED: Item visibility issues


  • FIXED: Menu shortcut keys do not work on TabStrip.

Telerik Presentation Framework

  • ADDED: Support for .NET3.5/4.0 Client profile for all WinForms controls, but RadChart. If you use RadChart in your project, you need to target the full version of the framework.
  • ADDED: Brand new “Office 2010” theme
  • ADDED: Completely revamped Desert theme
  • ADDED: Brand new “Breeze Extended” theme to replace the previous Breeze one.
  • FIXED: Animations stopped working after the machine has been running for more than 25 days. The issue was related to the System.Environment.TickCountproperty which was returning negative values after a certain period of time after the start of the host machine.

Text Primitive

  • IMPROVED: Text rendering speed increased with 10%
  • FIXED: A problem with painting text in a multi-threading environment
  • FIXED: Missing html-like with font over 55pt


  • ADDED: Brand new “Office 2010” theme
  • ADDED: Completely revamped Desert theme
  • ADDED: Brand new “Breeze Extended” theme to replace the previous Breeze one.

Visual Style Builder

  • ADDED: History support (Undo/Redo) operations.
  • ADDED: Switching among different views of RadControl instance to allow different elements to be styled. For example RadScheduler has several different views – Month, Week, etc.
  • ADDED: Theme packages. All theme XML files are now stored in a single package where each XML content is zipped and thus is size is greatly reduced.
  • ADDED: Shortcuts for all commands.
  • ADDED: “Find Usages” for a repository item.
  • FIXED: Various bugs in the Gradient Editor
  • FIXED: Various bugs in the Repository Item Extractor

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