Added Scaffolding Pages and Screens for Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code.
[iOS] [MacCatalyst] AutoComplete is not respecting the initial IsEnabled=False setting.
[Android] Implemented ripple effect for TemplatedButton and ToggleButton.
Added HeaderTemplate and FooterTemplate part of the scrollable area of the control.
Added drag and drop functionality that can be used for items reordering.
Added Manual and Automatic load on demand functionality used for loading large data sets.
Added Grid ItemsLayout that can visualize the items into rows or columns.
Added item swipe functionality that provides the ability to perform specific actions on the item.
Items are duplicated when Add method is used for adding items in the ItemsSource.
Added filtering support and the option to customize the filter behavior.
Exposed ColumnReordering and ColumnReordered events.
Exposed a DataGrid property in the DataGridColumn class.
Introduced a RequestRender() method in the DataGridCellRenderer class that schedules a new render pass, which can be used to implement custom animations.
Introduced a MouseHoverCell property in the DataGridVisualStateService class which allows you to keep track of the currently hovered cell.
Added ColumnUserResizeCompleted event that fires when a column is resized by user interaction on MacCatalyst and WinUI.
[MacCatalyst] [WinUI] Exception occurs when control is placed in ColumnDefinition with Auto Width.
[WinUI] Exception when scrolling horizontally to the end and updating the ItemsSource.
ListenForNestedPropertyChange stops working when Clear of the ItemsSource gets invoked.
ArgumentException is thrown when subscribing to nested PropertyChanged of object shared between several rows.
Improper behavior when there is a DataGrid inside RowDetails template.
[WinUI] Row details data is not updated in the UI.
RowDetail can't be expanded or collapsed when all columns are frozen.
Localization for grouping panel of RadDataGrid does not apply.
[MacCatalyst] Control is not Visible when using Maui 7.0.92.
[WinUI] The text is not centered vertically.
Increase and Decrease buttons are not enabled when entering a number and the initial value is null.
Exception is thrown when path is measured with infinity.
Introduced support for annotations of type StrikeOut.
Introduced support for annotations of type Stamp.
Introduced support for annotations of type Popup.
Introduced support for annotations of type Text.
Introduced support for annotations of type Highlight.
Introduced SVG to FormSource conversion.
Introduced support for annotations of type Line.
Added SVG element in a RadFixedPage so that it can be exported to PDF via the RadPdfProcessing library.
Handle documents with mismatched font Subtype and FontFile type.
Introduced support for Strikethrough text property.
Introduced support for Dotted, Dashed, and DashSmallGap borders.
Added System.Formats.Asn1 to address CVE-2024-38095 (CVSS 7.5) in System.Security.Cryptography.Pcks.
An invalid annotation position leads to missing content.
SkiaImageFormatProvider: Text is exported with a wrong position.
SkiaImageFormatProvider: Darker and lower quality image export on macOS.
An InvalidCastException is thrown when importing a PDF document with embedded files.
The page content is broken when exporting a document and inversing a non-invertible concat matrix.
The text is not displayed when CFF Private DICT has leading zeroes.
Missing text content is caused by a handled OverflowException while parsing Type1 font file.
Added IsOpen property indicating whether the popup or dropdown is toggled.
[WinUI] Popup is not shown properly when IsModal property is set before PlacementTarget property.
[Android] There is flickering when MinimumHeightRequest is applied to the editor.
RichTextEditor Commands cannot be executed when navigating back to a page containing the control.
[Android] [iOS] Touch navigating to another item does not work as expected when SlideView is inside of a ScrollView.
[Android] Touch navigating to another item does not work when the pointer has touched down on a view in the content (for example a Button).
Introduced support for SVG images.
Handle importing and reading cached formula value when the formula contains external references.
An InvalidOperationException is thrown when importing a specific document.
Incorrect calculation of UsedCellRange when conditional formatting is applied to a large cell range.
A FormatException is thrown when getting the formatted cell value as a string using the H format.
CellValueFormat comes out incorrect on export when it contains a specific sequence.
An ArgumentNullException is thrown when importing documents containing comments with no DateTime.
Wrong sheet name appears in the exception message when adding sheet with an already existing name.
[WinUI] Content does not display when TabItem IsVisible is bound.
[Android] Cannot swipe a TabViewItem's Content when its topmost child is a ScrollView.
Highlighted time in the spinner is different than the picked time when Step is used.
IsEnabled doesn't work on items level when set through binding.
Introduced support for SVG images.
Introduced support for exporting text with a strikethrough to PDF.
A NullReferenceException is thrown when exporting a document with a field spanning multiple paragraphs inside a list to PDF.
PageField does not respect StartingPageNumber.
RtfFormatProvider: Indentation for bullets and numbering changes on export.
Inserting a Content Control in some cases is not added to the model.
Import from HTML doesn't apply style from class names in CSS.
A FileNotFoundException is thrown when using HtmlFormatProvider.Import.
DocFormatProvider: EndOfStreamException when importing a document with a specific image.
Replace doesn't match the text when it contains a BookmarkRangeStart/End objects.
The numbered list marker font is not properly exported to PDF.
List indent is not correct when exported to PDF.
Incorrect calculation of indentation occurs when a paragraph in the list has applied local indent, and the list style defines indent.
The hanging indent is not respected when exporting paragraphs with tabs to PDF.