

Release History

UI for ASP.NET MVC 2012.2710

July 10, 2012

Kendo UI Web

Framework Constructs

What’s New

  • Added: HierarchicalDataSource with deferred loading capabilities
  • Added: Kendo Web widgets are initialized in a mobile application based on data role (using kendo.all.js)
  • Added: Draggable supports container and axis (x | y) constraint option
  • Added: Transformation effects can be stacked
  • Added: kendo.init supports variable amount of suites to initialize from

What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: Cannot parse JSON data attribute values which start or end with a whitespace
  • Fixed: Popup closes with click on a Draggable inside it
Kendo UI DataSource Icon


What’s New

  • Added: Support for filtering on values not contained in a given string

What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: Inserting a new record in XML data source throws JavaScript error
  • Fixed: Group values are not converted to the field types when server grouping is enabled
  • Fixed: Filter expressions are not cleared if additional data is assigned through the transport's data
Kendo UI Web Globalization Icon


What’s New

  • Added: kendo.parseDate supports ISO8601 formatted date
  • Added: kendo.parseDate supports Date strings with timezone
  • Improved: kendo.parseDate returns null if no AM/PM specifier is provided
  • Improved: Support for single 't' specifier

What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: Currency formatted strings are not parsed correctly if "en-ZA" culture is used
Kendo UI MVVM Icon


What’s New

  • Added: ObservableObject's toJSON method should be recursive

What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: Changes in parent fields bound to a template are not reflected
  • Fixed: Value of the input with update on keyup is not updated in some cases
Kendo UI Web Validator Icon


What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: Pattern rule should be executed for input elements of type password
  • Fixed: Show decoded validation message text

New UI Widgets

Kendo UI Web DateTimePicker Icon


UI Widgets Features and Updates

Kendo UI Web AutoComplete Icon


What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: Prevent click events through widget's popup in mobile devices
  • Fixed: Do not raise select event when [ENTER] is pressed and no item is selected
  • Fixed: Popup based widgets can't be nested in other Popup based widgets
  • Fixed: AutoComplete placed in editable grid throws exception in IE9 while typing
  • Fixed: Placeholder is not shown in IE if the value is cleared using widget's API
Kendo UI Web ComboBox Icon


What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: ComboBox throws an exception when trying to search empty datasource
  • Fixed: (iOS) Styling on DropDown (combo) opening
  • Fixed: ConboBox does not show the loading icon when bound using MVVM
  • Fixed: Initializing from <select> element does not select the correct item after rebind
  • Fixed: Prevent click events through widget's popup in mobile devices
  • Fixed: Do not raise select event when [ENTER] is pressed and no item is selected
  • Fixed: ComboBox placed in editable grid throws exception in IE9 while typing
  • Fixed: Popup based widgets can't be nested in other Popup based widgets
Kendo UI Web Date/Time Pickers Icon

Date/Time Pickers

What’s New

  • Added: Ability to define the available times in the dropdown list
  • Added: Option to define multiple parsing formats
  • Improved: Restrict the entered value if its date part is equal to the min value

What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: Popup based widgets can't be nested in other Popup based widget
Kendo UI Web DropDownList Icon


What’s New

  • Added: Allow to set an object as optionLabel

What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: (iOS) Styling on DropDown (combo) opening
  • Fixed: ComboBox does not show the loading icon when bound using MVVM
  • Fixed: ComboBox does not select an item with 0 value
  • Fixed: Prevent click events through widget's popup in mobile devices
  • Fixed: Initializing from <select> does not copy the tabindex attribute properly
  • Fixed: Popup based widgets can't be nested in other Popup based widgets
Kendo UI Web Editor Icon


What’s New

  • Added: ViewHTML command that allows access to plain-text HTML editing
  • Added: Allow declarative item customization of the Editor's FontName, FontSize and FormatBlock tools
  • Added: Changed "Text" and "Value" fields used by Editor DropDowns to "text" and "value"

What’s Fixed

  • Added: Android and BlackBerry support regression
  • Added: IE8 injects invalid attributes in the editor's value for particular DOM elements (originalsrc for iframes and altHtml for objects)
  • Added: Unbreakable text shows horizontal scrollbar
Kendo UI Web Grid Icon


What’s New

  • Added: Ability to change the pager messages
  • Added: Allow the user to change the page size of the grid
  • Added: First, last, next and previous buttons in the pager
  • Added: Ability to change the current page by typing it in a textbox
  • Added: Show which items are currently displayed in the pager
  • Added: Show message in the pager when the grid is empty
  • Added: Refresh button for the grid pager
  • Added: Ability to set column header template
  • Added: Ability to attach click handler to custom commands
  • Added: Column menu
  • Added: ForeignKey column support
  • Added: Support for setting per column header, footer and cell html attributes
  • Improved: Aggregates are set to zero when grid is bound to empty data

What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: Last footer missing in grid with grouping and footer template
  • Fixed: Cannot enter edit mode when virtual scrolling is enabled
  • Fixed: Group header and toolbar are with switched positions
  • Fixed: Grid headers are misaligned when printed in Firefox and scrolling is enabled
  • Fixed: Grouping can be performed on group and hierarchy headers
  • Fixed: Calling editRow fails when the grid is in "incell" editing mode
  • Fixed: Group reordering does not work properly
  • Fixed: Destroy confirmation message is not displayed
  • Fixed: Multiple filter menus for a single column are created when bound through MVVM to a DataSource instance
Kendo UI Web Menu Icon


What’s New

  • Improvement: Close method without parameters should close all open root items

What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: Preventing Select event should stop navigation
  • Fixed: JavaScript error on init in frameset in IE9
  • Fixed: Popup based widgets can't be nested in other Popup based widget
  • Fixed: Document click handling is not needed
  • Fixed: Click event is handled inside a template
Kendo UI Web NumericTextBox Icon


What’s New

  • Added: Ability to set the min, max and step values using the widget's API
  • Improved: Use placeholder attribute of the input where it is supported

What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: Popup based widgets can't be nested in other Popup based widgets
  • Fixed: Widget with "c" format and "en-ZA" culture does not work correctly
  • Fixed: Cannot clear the value with defined min/max value
Kendo UI Web PanelBar Icon


What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: PanelBar clears embedded widget selected state
Kendo UI Web Slider Icon


What’s Changed

  • Breaking Change: Slider and RangeSlider should not have default value
Kendo UI Web Splitter Icon


What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: Collapsed Splitter pane has scrollbars in IE9
Kendo UI Web TreeView Icon


What’s New

  • Added: Allow disabled items to be expanded / collapsed through the API
Kendo UI Web Upload Icon


What’s New

  • Added: RemoveField to Async settings
  • Added: SaveUrl and RemoveUrl options to Async section
  • Added: Progress event
  • Improved: Alert dialog is no longer shown on upload/remove error
  • Improved: Error event is raised when the response code is not 2xx

What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: Drag and drop is not enabled in Chrome
  • Fixed: Unable to set data in upload event on retry
  • Fixed: Status icon should not be rendered in synchronous mode
Kendo UI Web Window Icon


What’s New

  • Improved: Infer visible configuration from content element visibility

What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: Resizing is broken in IE8
  • Fixed: Maximizing a window in Firefox resets the document scroll position
  • Fixed: Creating hidden modal windows hides the modal overlay

ASP.NET MVC Server Wrappers

What’s New

  • Added: Server wrapper for the ListView widget
  • Added: Ability to set request verb
  • Added: Shorthand overloads to set operation URLs
  • Added: (Grid) Support for virtual scrolling
  • Added: (Grid) Ability to change the filtering messages
  • Added: (Grid) Exposed column reorder and resize events
  • Added: (Grid) Support for setting html attributes to command buttons
  • Added: (Grid) Configuration option to prevent initial ajax binding

What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: Validation attributes are not rendered correctly
  • Fixed: Multiple nested filter descriptors are not correctly serialized
  • Fixed: (Grid) Setting initial filter on a date field does not work as expected when populated through Ajax binding
  • Fixed: (Grid) Configuration for popup editing window not serialized for Ajax binding
  • Fixed: (Grid) Destroy confirmation message is not displayed
  • Fixed: (Grid) Footer attributes are not serialized when client footer template is set
  • Fixed: (Grid) Footer does not scroll horizontally with the other data cells

Kendo UI DataViz

Framework Constructs

What’s New

  • Added: Dedicated DateAxis for displaying time-based series
  • Added: Transformation effects can be stacked
  • Added: plotAreaClick event
  • Added: Template for legend items
  • Added: Ability to bind the color of each bar/column using colorField
  • Improved: Refresh() should no longer invoke read() of the datasource

What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: Horizontal CategoryAxis without labels has box with one label height
  • Fixed: Error when hovering portions of a line chart with a tooltip in IE
  • Fixed: Reverse axis with stacked bar/column chart doesn't work correctly

What’s Changed

  • Breaking change: OnError event is removed, use DataSource Error event instead
  • Breaking change: Chart DataBinding configuration is replaced by DataSource configurator

New Chart Types

Kendo UI DataViz Bubble Chart Icon

Bubble Chart

Kendo UI DataViz Donut Chart Icon

Donut Chart

UI Widgets Features and Updates

Kendo UI DataViz Gauge Icon

Linear/Radial Gauge

What’s New

  • Added: Allow range size to be configured

What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: Major/minorTicks visible doesn't work
Kendo UI DataViz Line Chart Icon

Line Chart

What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: Error when hovering portions of a line chart with a tooltip in IE

ASP.NET MVC Server Wrappers

What’s New

  • Added: Server Wrapper for Bubble chart
  • Added: Server Wrapper for Donut chart

What’s Changed

  • Breaking Change: LinearGauge is no longer generic, all options accept double
  • Breaking Change: RadialGauge is no longer generic, all options accept double

Kendo UI Mobile

Framework Constructs

What’s New

  • Added: Transformation effects can be stacked
  • Added: Implemented " reverse" transition setting for mobile views
  • Improvement: Mobile view supports "stretch" configuration option (off by default)
  • Improvement: Mobile view init event handlers are executed when the view is visible
  • Improvement: Mobile view fires beforeShow event (can be prevented using preventDefault call)
  • Improvement: Preloading of icons in iOS PhoneGap and in non-iOS browsers

What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: Form input elements have wrong styling in final CSS
  • Fixed: Form input elements on Android are duplicated
  • Fixed: Scroller widget does not reset itself on orientation change
  • Fixed: DropDownList styling is broken in Mobile
  • Fixed: Slider does not work in Kendo UI Mobile

New UI Widgets

Kendo UI Mobile ModalView Icon


Kendo UI Mobile PopOver Icon


Kendo UI Mobile SplitView Icon


UI Widgets Features and Updates

Kendo UI Mobile Action Sheet Icon

Action Sheet

What’s New

  • Added: ActionSheet uses mobile popup when a tablet is detected
Kendo UI Mobile Application Sheet Icon


What’s New

  • Added: Implemented data-transition setting on navigational widgets
Kendo UI Mobile ListView Icon


What’s New

  • Added: ListView "autobind" option
  • Added: Fixed group headers feature

What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: ListView with enabled "endless scrolling" makes multiple requests
Kendo UI Mobile Scroller Icon


What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: Scroller widget does not reset itself on orientation change
Kendo UI Mobile ScrollView Icon


What’s New

  • Improvement: Improved scrollview page change when orientation changes


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