Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC
As of R1 2020, we are shipping a great addition to the arsenal of components that help you achieve any Explorer-like scenario where you need to manage files and folders—the FileManager component. This powerful component gives you features like drag and drop, context menu, preview pane and built-in DataSource configuration. Besides the great layout that it offers, the ASP.NET MVC component helps you to seamlessly upload move or delete files or folders.
The newly released Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC Breadcrumb component gives developers a simple and intuitive interface for moving through various levels of hierarchy of navigation. The Breadcrumb component can be especially useful to users in cases where navigation through a hierarchy of web pages is needed such as documentations.
Never miss a message or notification again by using our new Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC Badge component. This new addition to the MVC suite gives you the ability to add badges to existing ASP.NET MVC components, their own UI elements, and even display the badge by itself to provide some additional contextual information to something on the page.
Now you can display an actual styled checkbox in your web app in any modern browser using the new Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC Checkbox component. It is ready for use right out of the box as the themes we provide for styling your app are fully compatible with this new control.
The Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC RadioButton component allows you to have a single selection from a range of mutually exclusive options. The component is fully integrated with our Telerik themes removing the need for additional iterations.
The new column virtualization feature for the ASP.NET MVC Grid component enables you to show large number of columns without sacrificing performance. With the new column virtualization, you can show hundreds of columns in the Grid and have essential features like filtering, sorting, column menu, row selection.
Merge Table Tool
As of R1 2020, the Editor component for ASP.NET MVC exposes the Merge Table Tool, untying your hands to perform complex operations with the tables in the component.
Table Headers
The Telerik UI forASP.NET MVC Editor component now provides the user with the possibility to configure the number of headers and the way and the header cells are associated with the data cells in its Table component.
FormatPainter Tool
The FormatPainter tool allows you to easily copy the formatting from a piece of text, and apply it to other content areas.
Custom Filter Function
Now you can have your own logic for applying filtering to your application depending on the user’s needs.
Custom Filter Operator per field
The custom Filter Operator for ASP.NET MVC gives you the ability to define a list with filter operators for a specific field.
Filter Expression Preview Formatting
Now you can customize the formatting of the filter expression preview.
The ASP.NET MVC TreeList component got a new Search Panel feature for R1 2020. The new addition to the component provides users with a quick way to filter the content of the TreeList using a single text input in the top toolbar of the TreeList.
As of R1 2020, the scheduler provides several new functionalities. Adaptive Slot Height, Event Auto-Hight and the Events Per Day helps you customize the component in a manner to define any layout that needs to be applied.
New features & Roadmap
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