Customizing Switch


The following table lists the available variables for customization.

NameTypeDefault valueComputed value
Font family of the switch.
Border width of the switch track.
Border width of the switch thumb.
Text transform of the switch label.
Display of the switch label.
$kendo-switch-sizesMap( sm: ( font-size: $kendo-font-size-sm, track-width: 36px, track-height: 16px, thumb-width: 10px, thumb-height: 10px, thumb-offset: 3px, label-offset: 4px ), md: ( font-size: $kendo-font-size-sm, track-width: 40px, track-height: 20px, thumb-width: 12px, thumb-height: 12px, thumb-offset: 4px, label-offset: 5px ), lg: ( font-size: $kendo-font-size-sm, track-width: 44px, track-height: 24px, thumb-width: 14px, thumb-height: 14px, thumb-offset: 5px, label-offset: 6px ) )(sm: (font-size: 0.875rem, track-width: 36px, track-height: 16px, thumb-width: 10px, thumb-height: 10px, thumb-offset: 3px, label-offset: 4px), md: (font-size: 0.875rem, track-width: 40px, track-height: 20px, thumb-width: 12px, thumb-height: 12px, thumb-offset: 4px, label-offset: 5px), lg: (font-size: 0.875rem, track-width: 44px, track-height: 24px, thumb-width: 14px, thumb-height: 14px, thumb-offset: 5px, label-offset: 6px))
Map with the different switch sizes.

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