Customizing Badge


The following table lists the available variables for customization.

NameTypeDefault valueComputed value
Border width of the badge.
Font family of the badge.
Font weight of the badge.
$kendo-badge-sm-padding-xNumberk-map-get( $kendo-spacing, 0.5 )0.125rem
Horizontal padding of the badge.
$kendo-badge-sm-padding-yNumberk-map-get( $kendo-spacing, 0.5 )0.125rem
Vertical padding of the badge.
Font sizes of the badge.
Line heights of the badge.
$kendo-badge-sm-min-widthCalculationcalc( #{$kendo-badge-sm-line-height} * 1em + #{$kendo-badge-sm-padding-y} * 2 + #{$kendo-badge-border-width} * 2 )calc( * 1em + 0.125rem * 2 + 1px * 2)
Badge min width used for circle badge.
$kendo-badge-sizesMap( sm: ( padding-x: $kendo-badge-sm-padding-x, padding-y: $kendo-badge-sm-padding-y, font-size: $kendo-badge-sm-font-size, line-height: $kendo-badge-sm-line-height, min-width: $kendo-badge-sm-min-width ), md: ( padding-x: $kendo-badge-md-padding-x, padding-y: $kendo-badge-md-padding-y, font-size: $kendo-badge-md-font-size, line-height: $kendo-badge-md-line-height, min-width: $kendo-badge-md-min-width ), lg: ( padding-x: $kendo-badge-lg-padding-x, padding-y: $kendo-badge-lg-padding-y, font-size: $kendo-badge-lg-font-size, line-height: $kendo-badge-lg-line-height, min-width: $kendo-badge-lg-min-width ) )(sm: (padding-x: 0.125rem, padding-y: 0.125rem, font-size: 0.75rem, line-height: null, min-width: calc( * 1em + 0.125rem * 2 + 1px * 2)), md: (padding-x: 0.25rem, padding-y: 0.25rem, font-size: 0.875rem, line-height: null, min-width: calc( * 1em + 0.25rem * 2 + 1px * 2)), lg: (padding-x: 0.375rem, padding-y: 0.375rem, font-size: 1rem, line-height: null, min-width: calc( * 1em + 0.375rem * 2 + 1px * 2)))
Size map for the badge.
$kendo-badge-themeMapk-process-variant-matrices( $kendo-badge-theme-matrix, $kendo-badge-palette-matrix )(solid-neutral: (bg: #ededed, text: #494949, border: #ededed, gradient: null, shadow: null, outline: null), solid-inverse: (bg: #494949, text: #ffffff, border: #494949, gradient: null, shadow: null, outline: null), solid-primary: (bg: #622331, text: #ffffff, border: #622331, gradient: null, shadow: null, outline: null), solid-info: (bg: #0969da, text: #ffffff, border: #0969da, gradient: null, shadow: null, outline: null), solid-success: (bg: #1a7f37, text: #ffffff, border: #1a7f37, gradient: null, shadow: null, outline: null), solid-warning: (bg: #bc4c00, text: #ffffff, border: #bc4c00, gradient: null, shadow: null, outline: null), solid-error: (bg: #cf222e, text: #ffffff, border: #cf222e, gradient: null, shadow: null, outline: null), outline-neutral: (bg: transparent, text: #767676, border: #767676, gradient: null, shadow: null, outline: null), outline-inverse: (bg: transparent, text: #494949, border: #494949, gradient: null, shadow: null, outline: null), outline-primary: (bg: transparent, text: #622331, border: #622331, gradient: null, shadow: null, outline: null), outline-info: (bg: transparent, text: #0969da, border: #0969da, gradient: null, shadow: null, outline: null), outline-success: (bg: transparent, text: #1a7f37, border: #1a7f37, gradient: null, shadow: null, outline: null), outline-warning: (bg: transparent, text: #bc4c00, border: #bc4c00, gradient: null, shadow: null, outline: null), outline-error: (bg: transparent, text: #cf222e, border: #cf222e, gradient: null, shadow: null, outline: null))
Theme colors map of the badge.

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