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External Form
The data of the KendoReact Grid can be edited by using the KendoReact Form component.
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The following example utilizes the KendoReact Dialog as a modal form for editing the data of the Grid.
When a record is in edit mode, show the container and pass the edited item to the
component.jsx{editItem ? <EditForm cancelEdit={handleCancelEdit} onSubmit={handleSubmit} item={editItem} /> : null}
we use the KendoReact Form component and set the edited item as initial values for the Form to populate it.jsx<Form initialValues={item} onSubmit={onSubmit} render={(renderProps) => ( <Dialog title={`Edit ${item.ProductName}`} onClose={cancelEdit} style={{ maxWidth: '650px' }}> <FormElement> <FieldWrapper> <Field name={'ProductName'} component={TextBoxField} label={'Product Name'} /> </FieldWrapper> <FieldWrapper> <Label editorId={'Category'} className={'k-form-label'}> {'Category'} </Label> <div className={'k-form-field-wrap'}> <Field id={'Category'} name={'Category'} component={DropDownList} data={categories} textField={'CategoryName'} /> </div> </FieldWrapper> <FieldWrapper> <Field name={'UnitPrice'} component={NonNegativeNumericInput} label={'Price'} validator={minValueValidator} /> </FieldWrapper> <FieldWrapper> <Field name={'UnitsInStock'} component={NonNegativeNumericInput} label={'In stock'} validator={minValueValidator} /> </FieldWrapper> </FormElement> <DialogActionsBar layout="start"> <Button type={'submit'} themeColor={'primary'} disabled={!renderProps.allowSubmit} onClick={renderProps.onSubmit} icon="save" svgIcon={saveIcon} > Update </Button> <Button onClick={cancelEdit} icon="cancel" svgIcon={cancelIcon}> Cancel </Button> </DialogActionsBar> </Dialog> )} {...other} />
Add validation using the built-it validation functionality of the Form.
jsx<Field name={'UnitPrice'} component={NonNegativeNumericInput} label={'Price'} validator={minValueValidator} />
Handle the onSubmit event of the Form to update the Grid value.
jsx<Form onSubmit={onSubmit}> ... const handleSubmit = (newDataItem) => { let newItem = true; let newData = => { if (newDataItem.ProductID === item.ProductID) { newItem = false; item = { ...newDataItem }; } return item; }); if (newItem) { newData.push(newDataItem); } setData(newData); setEdit({}); };