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Forms Support

The DateInput supports a native KendoReact implementation of HTML5 form validation.

The forms supports enables you to validate input values and prevent the submission of forms which are in an invalid state.

Functionality and Features

Setting Validation Requirements

The DateInput supports props for setting basic validation requirements—for example, the minimum and maximum date. The min, max, and required properties enable the user to pre-define minimum requirements which define the validity state of the component and allow a successful form submission.

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Setting Custom Validation Messages

You can implement custom error messages which will be displayed when the DateInput is in an invalid state and the user tries to submit the form. To render a custom validation message, set the validationMessage prop.

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Enforcing the Validity State

The DateInput enables you to set its validity state by utilizing its props. Setting the validity state allows for the implementation of complex validation scenarios that are based on multiple sources. To override the current validity state and apply the corresponding styles, use the valid prop.

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Disabling the Validation Styling

By default, to achieve a visual representation of its invalid state, the DateInput applies the k-invalid class name to the wrapping component. To disable the utilization of k-invalid, set the validityStyles property to false.

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