Represents the props of the KendoReact DateInput component. The generic argument is passed to the onChange
property and is used as a target in the DateInputChangeEvent
Name | Type | Default | Description |
allowCaretMode? |
Determines if the users should see a blinking caret inside the Date Input when possible. |
ariaControls? |
Identifies the element whose contents or presence are controlled by the current element. | |
ariaDescribedBy? |
Identifies the element(s) which will describe the component, similar to HTML aria-describedby attribute. For example these elements could contain error or hint message. | |
ariaExpanded? |
Indicates whether the element is currently expanded or collapsed. | |
ariaHasPopup? |
Indicates the availability of interactive popup element that can be triggered by an element. By default the property is set to |
ariaLabel? |
The accessible label of the component. | |
ariaLabelledBy? |
Identifies the element(s) which will label the component. | |
ariaRole? |
Specifies the role of the DateInput. | |
autoCorrectParts? |
Determines whether to autocorrect invalid segments automatically. |
autoFill? |
When enabled, the DateInput will autofill the rest of the date to the current date when the component loses focus. |
autoFocus? |
Represents the |
autoSwitchKeys? |
A string array representing custom keys, which will move the focus to the next date format segment. |
autoSwitchParts? |
Determines whether to automatically move to the next segment after the user completes the current one. |
className? |
Sets a class of the DateInput DOM element. | |
clearButton? |
If | |
defaultValue? |
Specifies the default value of the DateInput. If | |
dir? |
Represents the | |
disabled? |
Determines whether the DateInput is disabled (see example). | |
enableMouseWheel? |
Indicates whether the mouse scroll can be used to increase/decrease the date segments values. |
fillMode? |
Configures the The available options are:
format? |
Specifies the | |
formatPlaceholder? |
Specifies the descriptions of the format sections in the input field (more information and example). | |
id? |
Sets the | |
inputAttributes? |
Sets the HTML attributes of the inner focusable input element. Attributes which are essential for certain component functionalities cannot be changed. | |
label? |
Renders a floating label for the DateInput. | |
max? |
Specifies the greatest date that is valid (see example). | |
maxTime? |
Specifies the greatest time that is valid (see example). | |
min? |
Specifies the smallest date that is valid (see example). | |
minTime? |
Specifies the smallest time that is valid (see example). | |
name? |
Specifies the This property is part of the FormComponentProps interface. | |
onChange? |
Determines the event handler that will be fired when the user edits the value (see example). | |
placeholder? |
Specifies the hint the DateInput displays when its value is | |
readonly? |
Determines whether the DateInput is in its read-only state. | |
required? |
Specifies if This property is part of the FormComponentProps interface. | |
rounded? |
Configures the The available options are:
size? |
Configures the The available options are:
spinners? |
Specifies whether the Up and Down spin buttons will be rendered (see example). | |
steps? |
Specifies the incremental steps of the DateInput (see example). The available options are:
| |
tabIndex? |
Sets the | |
title? |
Sets the title of the | |
twoDigitYearMax? |
The maximum year to assume to be from the current century when typing two-digit year value (see example). The default value of 68, indicating that typing any value less than 69 will be assumed to be 20xx, while 69 and larger will be assumed to be 19xx. |
valid? |
Overrides the validity state of the component.
If This property is part of the FormComponentProps interface. | |
validationMessage? |
Controls the form error message of the component. If set to an empty string, no error will be thrown. This property is part of the FormComponentProps interface. | |
validityStyles? |
If set to This property is part of the FormComponentProps interface. | |
value? |
Specifies the value of the DateInput. | |
width? |
Specifies the width of the DateInput. |