The following list provides definitions of:
- Common terms in the documentation for the KendoReact library
- Specific terms in the documentation for the KendoReact Charts
Common Terms
- A KendoReact component , or
- An React Component.
A package contains one or more components which are stored in a single repository and distributed as a single NPM package.
Specific Terms
(*Plural axes*) A fixed reference line for the measuring coordinates.
Chart Area
A container for all Chart elements.
Lines which are perpendicular to the axes and enable the user to see the exact value at the current cursor position.
Error Bars
Indicate the variability of the Chart data.
Plot Area
A container for the data that is enclosed between the axes.
Plot Band
Highlight a specific range of an axis.
(*Plural series*) A list of data points with a set visualization type—for example, line
, column
, and others. The data points can be plain numbers, arrays (tuples), or objects.
A data structure which consists of multiple parts—for example, (1, 2)
, ('a', 'b', 4)
. In JavaScript, tuples are typically represented as arrays.