The globalization process combines the translation of component messages with adapting them to specific locales.
For more information on how globalization practices are implemented in KendoReact, refer to the overview article. For more information on the globalization aspects which are available for each component, refer to the article on globalization support.
The following example demonstrates how the Chart component reacts to local
changes and visualize the currency data based on the selected locale.
The internationalization process applies specific culture formats to a web application.
For more information, refer to:
- KendoReact documentation on internationalization
- kendo-intl (the base Internationalization package on GitHub)
The Charts support the localization of their messages by utilizing the KendoReact Internationalization package.
The following table lists the built-in message keys and their default values.
Message Key | Default Value |
charts.nodata | No data available. |
Right-to-Left Support
The following example demonstrates how to utilize the RTL support for the Chart.